[Temp Check] Amendments to Working Group Rules

Amendment A - Single Working Group Nomination

Against. ENS should remain merit-based, allowing delegates to vote for the most qualified candidates. Creating artificial barriers through codification doesn’t serve our community’s interests.

Amendment B - Diversity in Stewardship

Against. This amendment undermines delegate authority by imposing arbitrary restrictions on their voting power. If delegates choose to re-elect the same stewards based on proven performance and continued trust, they should maintain that right. Our focus should remain on empowering delegates to make informed choices, not adding rules.

Amendment C - Role Exclusivity

Disclaimer: I currently serve as both Secretary and Ecosystem Steward.

Against. Let me first clarify the current structure and responsibilities:

The Secretary role, defined in the Working Group Rules, is appointed by majority vote of all stewards. The Secretary’s codified responsibilities include:

  • Managing the DAO-wide calendar
  • Coordinating and attending working group meetings, ensuring summary publication
  • Supporting Stewards with working group coordination
  • Serving as multi-sig keyholder for each working group

Additional non-codified contributions include:

The Scribe role, while not formally defined, focuses on documenting working group calls.

These appointments should remain merit-based. Stewards should retain the authority to select the most qualified candidates without additional bureaucratic constraints.

Amendment D - Conflict of Interest

Against. While I like the premise of this rule, I think the implementation has pervese outcomes.

This amendment could prevent token holders from supporting their chosen delegates in governance decisions. When a token holder delegates their voting power, it typically indicates trust and alignment with that delegate’s judgment. Restricting these delegates from voting on proposals due to potential conflicts effectively nullifies the token holder’s original intent and undermines the purpose of delegation.

This also doesn’t prevent people from moving their tokens to an anonomous wallet and voting for themselves, helping nefarious actors over honest ones.

Amendment E - DAO Confirmation of Compensation


I remain committed to discussing these proposals and finding solutions that enhance our governance effectiveness.