Hi Griff, here’s some data if it helps:
The largest single position of stables the DAO holds is in the DAO wallet and it’s currently at 3.4 million.
We had initially intended that the DAO hold 2 years expenses in stables. We had a discussion on that here. At the time, that two year runway required 16 million in stables.
That amount has been spent down to about 3.4 million now, and we’ve been in early talks to swap some of the 7k ETH in that wallet to ensure we maintain the runway. We also need to reevaluate the 16 million number because some scenarios that Labs has discussed would require more spend.
The other notable point to include is that the stream to ENS Labs is delivered in USDC. While that doesn’t make it undoable, it does mean that we need to contemplate that in any plans we make.