Web3 airdrop problem

web3 is awesome, stop suffocating people with such a primitive text. Share the text as a url. I agree and disagree links are enough. This is nonsense at this time. No need for a lot of statements. If you have a different idea, write it on the discord. You can also open a telegram channel. Twitter can also have events. Everyone has become an expert in web3. This is nonsense. If you are going to distribute airdrops, say it’s over. Nobody should be out of money for nothing. Stop torturing people and design realistic web3. Not to offend anyone. Just stop giving hope to this hierarchy and people. Coin is garbage, find a solution to it. I hope what I say will be taken into account. I wish everyone a good day.

Similar problem:
I cannot claim because I have a my ethereum wallet printed on paper. I have the private key, but not the 24 word pass phrase.

I can use the private key to see my wallet and transfer into or out of it but I cannot connect to the claiming page via a web3 wallet. The MEW app won’t accept the private key. The web extensions mew CX is not a choice on the claiming site. How can I claim the airdrop?

I had my air drop sent and it bounced right back to the company. I have the etherscan yet no one will respond. Doesn’t anyone work at ens. Does anyone have an idea on how to get anyone to correspond and help with individual cases. I don’t like going into the mob at discord support it is very dangerous and no one will look at the etherscan. Someone must be responsible. Ideas would be well recieved. Thank you.

You can use Metamask. Follow the steps:

  1. Download Metamask extension for Google Chrome and activate it
  2. Create a new account (you wont use it, we just need it to access to the correct import option within Metamask)
  3. Once the account is created, click on the top-right account icon
  4. From the popup select “Import account”
  5. Set “Type” as “Private Key” and paste your private key there
  6. Now head to https://claim.ens.domains/ and click on “Get Started”
  7. Finish the process and you’re done.

Thank you. It was a great help. I have claimed my ens.

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