Elected Stewards: @slobo.eth, @Ginge.eth, and @bobjiang
Every other Monday at 2pm EST // 7pm GMT
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/oaj-qrgv-var
A) Answer any questions on budget that went to snapshot
B) Highlight ecosystem projects
C) Start the discussion for who are the sub-group leads
D) ENS core updates, if any
I encourage folks to reply with other topics they would like to discuss.
A note call timing. In an effort to accommodate the global community, we will hold the weekly calls at alternating times. This week it is at 1am GMT (on Tuesday), the following week it will be at 7pm GMT on Monday. It will continue to alternate like so for the forceable future. Events section of the forum reflects this.
We will continue to post notes of the calls as a reply to each weeks agenda to reduce the clutter in the forum.
Date: 02/28/2022
Time: 1am GMT
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/oaj-qrgv-var
Attendees: Cereal-Sabre (eth.limo), Sydmead(eth.limo), Coltron.eth, Alisha.eth, Ginge, Bob Jiang, slobo.eth, Jeff Lau
A) Answer any questions on budget that went to snapshot
B) Highlight ecosystem projects & news
- Upcoming-Gitcoin- 4GF13- ENS is going to do a $69k ENS ecosystem side round- eligible projects around ENS. Ideally, this will fund 10-20 ENS centric projects. Details on this to follow in a post. If this works well, ENS ecosystem round can become a regular thing
- Depending on timing, we may have a twitter space call regarding Gitcoin grants – watch alisha.eth twitter for details
C) Start the discussion for who are the sub-group leads
Nothing of note to report
D) ENS core updates
Working on controller contracts, gas efficiencies, wrappings, and exponential price time rule deployed that was voted on. TNL recently hired a front end dev. We got a preview out for the manager. L2 is a key priority.
Thank you all for attending.
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