Agenda for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting, June 21, 2022 @ 1AM GMT

Elected Stewards : @slobo.eth, @Ginge.eth, and @bobjiang
Time : 1AM GMT
Google Meet link :

A) ENS Project highlight
B) ENS core updates, if any
C) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
D) Discuss potential goals for term #2


Attendees: Marcus, bobjiang, jefflua, slobo


A) ENS Project highlight

@bobjiang will source a couple of projects to highlight

B) ENS core updates, if any

  • Universal Resolver has been deployed
  • Update to front-end alpha should be ready by Friday

C) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

Eth NYC happening this week with $5k in prize pool coming from ENS DAO

D) Discuss potential goals for term #2

  1. smooth transition for sub-groups in community WG
  2. more autonomy for sub groups

Goals will be on the agenda next week as well.