DAO Wide Steward Call


It was requested to organize a DAO Wide Steward Call to discuss governance topics.

Meeting Time/Date

Time: 11am PST | 2PM EST | 7pm GMT
Date: Thursday, Feb 10th, 2022.**
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/bqc-nskn-rzu

Meeting time was chosen based on Calendly poll.


This meeting was requested by @alisha.eth to discuss sub-group formation and the use of new DAO tooling available to us.

Despite recent events, letโ€™s keep the focus of this meeting on subgroups, DAO tooling and organization where possible.

@Community_Stewards @Ecosystem_Stewards @Meta-Gov_Stewards @PublicGoods_Stewards


Thereโ€™s a meeting scheduled for today: ๐Ÿ“† Events - ENS DAO Governance Forum

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@Coltron.eth Is it possible to record this call?

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Yes, Iโ€™m going to record any calls that I host and post the audio in minutes or in the event thread.

@AvsA I missed this call. Did we have attendees? the 0600 and 0000 PST times are not the best for me.

There was no quorum. I am trying to set up a different time every week to accommodate for different timezones requirements.

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I think it might be helpful to @ping the delegates, and newly created stewards roles in the posts so there is increased visibility.


Meeting Recap

Full Meeting Recording

Orca Protocol

  • @julz Introduced Orca Protocol and how it can help our DAO increase organizational visibility and provide a framework for distributing power with checks and balances.

  • Community discussion about the mechanics of Orca Protocol.

DAO Budgets

  • Budgets for working groups will be pushed until after ETHDenver. Snapshot for budget proposals will go live on Thursday 03/03 instead of next week.