[Draft] ENSIP-##: Wildcard writing

A standard for write operations on off-chain domains.


Link to github PR


This ENSIP proposes a standardized Off-chain Resolver interface for managing off-chain domains within the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) ecosystem. It addresses the growing trend of storing domains off the Ethereum blockchain to reduce transaction fees while maintaining compatibility with existing ENS components. The proposal outlines methods for domain registration, transferring, and setting records, ensuring a consistent approach to off-chain domain management.


With the acceptance of CCIP-Read by the Ethereum community, there has been a notable shift towards storing domains in locations other than the Ethereum blockchain to avoid high transaction fees. This shift has revealed a significant gap: the lack of standardized methods for managing off-chain domains. By establishing a standardized off-chain resolver implementation and user flow, we can ensure a consistent approach to off-chain domain management, enabling applications that support this EIP flow to integrate this feature and enhance user experience seamlessly, increasing scalability and providing cost-effective solutions.


The standardization is made by using the Resolver that lives on Ethereum as an entry point for the off-chain calls. This means that the transactions for registering, transferring and managing a domain should first be made to the domain’s resolver that will be responsible for redirecting these calls to the respective destination.

Database Implementation Considerations

All supported offchain writing calls MUST rely on EIP-5559, specifying the custom error StorageHandledByOffChainDatabase. This error MUST return all required values to implement the EIP-712 signature, ensuring domain ownership.

L2 Implementation Considerations

Following EIP-5559, this specification MUST support implementation on L2 solutions. The specification describes the writing strategy for L2 relying on the custom error StorageHandledByL2 with the following arguments:

  1. Chain ID: the chain ID of the L2 network where the contract is deployed.
  2. Contract Address: the address of the contract on the L2 network.

Subdomain registering

Register parameters

As the initial step in registering an offchain subdomain, the registerParams function has been implemented to support a wide variety of use cases. This function plays a crucial role in creating a flexible and extensible offchain subdomain registration system.

Given that this step relies on the CCIP-Read standard, this interface SHALL only be implemented by the resolver deployed to Ethereum since it won’t be gathering the data through the function call on L2, but by directly accessing the storage layout of the given contract.

The function has the following signature:

function registerParams(
    bytes calldata name,
    uint256 duration
    returns (uint256 price, uint256 commitTime, bytes extraData);


  • name: DNS-encoded name to be registered
  • duration: The duration in seconds for the registration


  • price: the amount of ETH charger per second
  • commitTime: the amount of time the commit should wait before being revealed
  • extraData: any given structure in an ABI encoded format

Since that CCIP-Read relies on storage direct access, the L2 contract is unable to run any function before sending the data. Therefore, any required logic MUST to be run on the function callback using the data gathered from the L2.

Sample of callback function used to validate and handle the response returned by the L2 contract:

function registerParamsCallback(
    bytes[] memory values,
    bytes memory extraData
    returns (uint256, uint256, bytes)
    return abi.decode(values, (uint256, uint256, bytes));

The registerParams logic can be applied to the Database Domains where the pricing, commiting strategy or any other functionality SHOULD be handled by the Gateway.

Register subdomain

Aiming to integrate with the already existing interface of domain registration, the register function MUST have the following signature:

function register(
    bytes calldata name,
    address owner,
    uint256 duration,
    bytes32 secret,
    address resolver,
    bytes[] calldata data,
    bool reverseRecord,
    uint16 fuses,
    bytes memory extraData
) external payable;


  • name: DNS-encoded name to be registered
  • owner: subdomain owner’s address
  • duration: the duration in miliseconds of the registration
  • secret: random seed to be used for commit/reveal
  • resolver: the address of the resolver to set for this name.
  • data: multicallable data bytes for setting records in the associated resolver upon registration
  • fuses: the nameWrapper fuses to set for this name
  • extraData: any additional data (e.g. signatures from an external source)


  • When implemented by the resolver deployed to the Ethereum network it MUST revert with the respective error, providing necessary data for offchain processing.
  • When implemented by the contract responsible for issuing subdomains on the given L2 or on the database it MUST register the subdomain.
  • Both implementations should include appropriate access controls and emit events for transparency.

Transfer Domain

The interface for enabling domain transfers MUST be implemented by both the resolver deployed to Ethereum and the contract responsible for managing domains deployed on the L2 or the Gateway. The implementation differs as follows:

  1. L1 Resolver: MUST revert with the respective error described by EIP-5559, indicating that the actual transfer should occur elsewhere.
  2. L2 Contract or Gateway: MUST handle the actual domain transfer operation.

The transfer function MUST have the following signature:

function transfer(bytes32 node, address to) external;

With the arguments being:

  1. node: a valid ENS node (namehash)
  2. to: the Ethereum address to receive the domain

Security Considerations

  • The function SHOULD include appropriate access controls to ensure only authorized parties (e.g., the current owner) can initiate transfers.
  • Implementations should consider emitting events to log transfer operations for transparency and offchain tracking.

Set records multicall

This function MUST be implemented to support batch operations on ENS records, providing a gas-efficient and convenient way to update multiple aspects of a domain or subdomain simultaneously.

The multicall function MUST have the following signature:

function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) external returns (bytes[] memory);


  • data: An array of bytes, where each element represents an encoded function call.


  • The L1 contract should use EIP-5559 to redirect the multicall operation to the appropriate offchain or L2 system by reverting with the entire transaction calldata.
  • The offchain or L2 implementation should process the batch operations and update the records accordingly.
  • Events should be emitted to allow offchain indexers to track changes and maintain consistency with on-chain state.


The proposed Offchain Resolver standardizes the management of offchain domains within the ENS ecosystem. By leveraging EIP-5559 for offchain writing and maintaining compatibility with existing ENS components, this proposal ensures a seamless integration of offchain domain management into current ENS workflows.

The use of reverts with custom errors allows for a consistent handling of offchain requests, while the implementation of standard ENS resolver functions ensures compatibility with existing ENS tools and interfaces.


The proposed flow is designed to make the Resolver deployed on the L1 responsible for redirecting the requests to the given offchain storage, enabling the communication of any dapps (e.g. ENS dapp) in a standard way.

L2 subdomain registering

Database subdomain registering

Backwards Compatibility

This ENSIP introduces new functionality relying on an mechanism similar to what is being used on the CCIP-Read standard. However, it requires the EIP-5559 to change its behavior from having a intermediary structure to revert with the full msg.data provided by the client. This change is described on Appendix 1 and it’s being discussed in the following issue.

Reference Implementation

A reference implementation of the Offchain Resolver is provided in Appendix 1 and for the L2 Resolver in Appendix 2. These implementations include the core functions registerParams, register, transfer, and multicall, along with the necessary error handling for offchain storage.

Security Considerations


  1. The authentication logic for domain ownership is shifted entirely to the signing step performed by the Client. Implementations MUST ensure robust signature verification to prevent unauthorized access or modifications.
  2. The Gateway that receives redirected calls is responsible for ownership validation. Proper security measures MUST be implemented in the Gateway to prevent unauthorized actions.
  3. The use of EIP-712 signatures for authentication provides a secure method for verifying domain ownership. However, implementers SHOULD be aware of potential signature replay attacks and implement appropriate mitigations.
  4. The offchain storage of domain information introduces potential risks related to data availability and integrity. Implementers SHOULD consider redundancy and data verification mechanisms to mitigate these risks.
  5. The multicall function allows for batch operations, which could potentially be used for denial-of-service attacks if not properly rate-limited or gas-optimized. Implementations SHOULD include appropriate safeguards against such attacks.


  1. L2 Security Model: Implementations on L2 MUST consider the security model of the chosen L2 solution. This includes understanding the dispute resolution mechanisms, data availability guarantees, and potential vulnerabilities specific to the L2 platform.
  2. Cross-layer Attacks: Implementers MUST be aware of potential attack vectors that could arise from cross-layer interactions. Proper validation and synchronization mechanisms SHOULD be implemented to prevent exploitation of differences between L1 and L2 states.
  3. L2 Exits: For L2 implementations, secure exit mechanisms MUST be provided to allow users to withdraw their domain ownership and data back to L1 in case of L2 failure or other emergencies.
  4. Data Availability Challenges: L2 implementations MUST have robust mechanisms to ensure that crucial ENS data remains available and verifiable on L1, even in scenarios where the L2 network faces challenges or downtime.

Further security analysis and auditing are RECOMMENDED before deploying this system in a production environment, with special attention given to the unique security considerations of both database and L2 implementations.


Appendix 1: Offchain Storage Implementation with EIP-5559 changes

Although EIP-5559 is still under community discussion, it would be a huge improvement if the parameters were encoded as native bytes format, changing the parameters struct to the encoded calldata in bytes format and removing the type cast library from the contract. The StorageHandledByOffChainDatabase revert implementation as specified by EIP-5559:

// current IWriteDeferral implementation
struct messageData {
  bytes4 functionSelector;
  address sender;
  parameter[] parameters;
  uint256 expirationTimestamp;

// proposed IWriteDeferral implementation
struct messageData {
  bytes callData; // encoded version of function signature and its arguments
  address sender;
  uint256 expirationTimestamp;
 * @notice Builds a StorageHandledByOffChainDatabase error.
 * @param params The offChainDatabaseParamters used to build the corresponding mutation action.
function _offChainStorage(IWriteDeferral.parameter[] memory params)
    revert StorageHandledByOffChainDatabase(
            name: _WRITE_DEFERRAL_DOMAIN_NAME,
            version: _WRITE_DEFERRAL_DOMAIN_VERSION,
            chainId: _CHAIN_ID,
            verifyingContract: address(this)
            callData: msg.data,
            sender: msg.sender,
            expirationTimestamp: block.timestamp
                + gatewayDatabaseTimeoutDuration

Appendix 2: L2 Resolver

contract L1Resolver is
    //////// CONTRACT IMMUTABLE STATE ////////

    // id of chain that is storing the domains
    uint256 immutable chainId;

    //////// CONSTANTS ////////

    /// Universal constant for the ETH coin type.
    uint256 constant COIN_TYPE_ETH = 60;
    uint256 constant RECORD_VERSIONS_SLOT = 0;
    uint256 constant VERSIONABLE_ADDRESSES_SLOT = 2;
    uint256 constant VERSIONABLE_HASHES_SLOT = 3;
    uint256 constant VERSIONABLE_TEXTS_SLOT = 10;
    uint256 constant PRICE_SLOT = 0;
    uint256 constant COMMIT_SLOT = 1;
    uint256 constant EXTRA_DATA_SLOT = 2;

    /// Contract targets
    address public target_resolver;
    bytes32 public target_registrar;


     * Forwards the registering of a subdomain to the L2 contracts
     * @param -name The DNS-encoded name to be registered.
     * @param -owner Owner of the domain
     * @param -duration duration The duration in seconds of the registration.
     * @param -secret The secret to be used for the registration based on commit/reveal
     * @param -resolver The address of the resolver to set for this name.
     * @param -data Multicallable data bytes for setting records in the associated resolver upon reigstration.
     * @param -reverseRecord Whether this name is the primary name
     * @param -fuses The fuses to set for this name.
     * @param -extraData any encoded additional data
    function register(
        bytes calldata, /* name */
        address, /* owner */
        uint256, /* duration */
        bytes32, /* secret */
        address, /* resolver */
        bytes[] calldata, /* data */
        bool, /* reverseRecord */
        uint16, /* fuses */
        bytes memory /* extraData */

     * @notice Returns the registration parameters for a given name and duration
     * @param -name The DNS-encoded name to query
     * @param -duration The duration in seconds for the registration
     * @return price The price of the registration in wei per second
     * @return commitTime the amount of time the commit should wait before being revealed
     * @return extraData any given structure in an ABI encoded format
    function registerParams(
        bytes calldata, /* name */
        uint256 /* duration */
        returns (
            uint256, /* price */
            uint256, /* commitTime */
            bytes memory /* extraData */
        EVMFetcher.newFetchRequest(verifier, target_registrar).getStatic(
        ).getStatic(COMMIT_SLOT).fetch(this.registerParamsCallback.selector, "");

    function registerParamsCallback(
        bytes[] memory values,
        bytes memory
        returns (uint256 price, uint256 commitTime, bytes memory extraData)
        price = abi.decode(values[0], (uint256));
        commitTime = abi.decode(values[1], (uint256));
        return (price, commitTime, abi.encode(""));

     * @notice Executes multiple calls in a single transaction.
     * @param -data An array of encoded function call data.
    function multicall(bytes[] calldata /* data */ )
        returns (bytes[] memory)
    //////// ENS WRITE DEFERRAL RESOLVER (EIP-5559) ////////

     * @notice Builds an StorageHandledByL2 error.
    function _offChainStorage(address target) internal view {
        revert StorageHandledByL2(chainId, target);

Appendix 3: CCIP-Store

Even though the recently proposed offchain writing strategy specified in EIP-7700 handles the signature step differently, the current register signature is still a fully compliant way of registering a new domain.

Appendix 4: IOffchainResolver interface

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

interface OffchainRegister {

     * Forwards the registering of a domain to the L2 contracts
     * @param name The DNS-encoded name to be registered.
     * @param owner Owner of the domain
     * @param duration duration The duration in seconds of the registration.
     * @param resolver The address of the resolver to set for this name.
     * @param data Multicallable data bytes for setting records in the associated resolver upon reigstration.
     * @param fuses The fuses to set for this name.
     * @param extraData any encoded additional data
    function register(
        bytes calldata name,
        address owner,
        uint256 duration,
        bytes32 secret,
        address resolver,
        bytes[] calldata data,
        bool reverseRecord,
        uint16 fuses,
        bytes memory extraData


interface OffchainRegisterParams {

     * @notice Returns the registration parameters for a given name and duration
     * @param name The DNS-encoded name to query
     * @param duration The duration in seconds for the registration
     * @return price The price of the registration in wei per second
     * @return commitTime the amount of time the commit should wait before being revealed
     * @return extraData any given structure in an ABI encoded format
    function registerParams(
        bytes memory name,
        uint256 duration
        returns (uint256 price, uint256 commitTime, bytes memory extraData);


interface OffchainMulticallable {

     * @notice Executes multiple calls in a single transaction.
     * @param data An array of encoded function call data.
    function multicall(bytes[] calldata data)
        returns (bytes[] memory);


interface OffchainCommitable {

    * @notice produces the commit hash from the register calldata
    * @returns the hash of the commit to be used
    function makeCommitment(
        string calldata name,
        address owner,
        uint256 duration,
        bytes32 secret,
        address resolver,
        bytes[] calldata data,
        bool reverseRecord,
        uint16 fuses,
        bytes memory extraData
    ) external pure returns (bytes32);
     * @notice Commits the register callData to prevent frontrunning.
     * @param commitment hash of the register callData
    function commit(bytes32 commitment) external;


This work was developed by Blockful under the scope of the service provider stream.


Great work, guys! Looking forward to seeing this get mainstream adoption, and we’ll help get it there. We’ll implement this as soon as it goes live. This is a huge step for standardizing offchain subs, as we’re seeing lots of new interest for them and they are leading in number thanks to Coinbase, Uniswap, and others, using them. Thanks again for including us in your research phase to make sure this is compatible and covers everything we (Namespace) offer. :saluting_face:


Thanks for working on this!

My first thought is that if we’re adding methods to the resolver to fetch information about offchain name registration and other operations, it may as well return all the information required - including chain ID etc. Requiring the caller to first fetch information from a read method, then make a call it knows will revert in order to get other information about where to send the request, seems unnecessarily byzantine. I think returning everything, and obsoleting 5559, would be the better option here.

Another observation is that L2s are more likely to support smart accounts or transaction bundling; with that in mind we should probably move away from do-it-all interfaces that try and bundle multiple operations such as registering, setting records, and setting primary names, in favor of making these separate operations; this simplifies the interface substantially, and is the approach we’re likely to take with ENSv2.

Finally, the spec should provide interfaces and interface IDs for EIP-165, and require that they be implemented.


Some non-extensive thoughts

I think that for semantic correctness a Resolver should only have write functions in the context of ENSIP-10 whereby that resolver is resolving subnames. As such I think a write specification should necessitate clients ERC-165 checking implementation of an interface that extends from IExtendedResolver e.g. IExtendedResolverWithWrite.

Noting that Nick (who co-authored 5559) is amenable to obsoleting 5559 if appropriate to reach a better end result we shouldn’t be too rigid in fitting around it.

I think that these interfaces should be more generic. Whilst the commit-reveal process served a purpose it is an implementation of a registration process, and I don’t think it should be forced upon subname offerors.

Servers (apart from Man in the Middle attacks) have a low surface area for front running. L2s
 the technical landscape is different nowadays - many L2s have centralized sequencers so in principle frontrunning should not be possible whilst decentralized sequencing providers like Espresso offer private mempools. I think we should expect further developments in these areas, and should prioritise simplicity in defining the specification with single step writes. This reduces flexibility, but I think will increase clients likelihood of actually implementing the spec. Noting this, perhaps an IWriteArgumentsBuilder could define getArgs(bytes calldata) that just returns encoded arguments to send to the L2/server based on the write operation calldata.

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Thank you all for the valuable feedback. We’ve been understanding the effects of the proposed changes to the standard.

EIP-5559 deprecation

From what we could gather from the feedbacks and from our previous conversations, the standard would look something like this:

The key changes are:

  • addition of the writeParams (name TBD) function that provides all necessary information for the offchain call for both the L2 and DB implementation
  • Obsoletes EIP-5559 dependency

However, the main benefit of the EIP-5559 was to have different returns on the same function. Not relying on the revert would then lead to two different interfaces, unless we make them more generic and rely on the client to parse it the right way:

interface DBWildcardWriting {

    struct domainData {
        string name;
        string version;
        uint64 chainId;
        address verifyingContract;
    struct messageData {
        bytes callData;
        address sender;
        uint256 expirationTimestamp;

    struct OffchainMetadata {
        domainData sender;
        string url;
        messageData data;
        uint256 value;
        bytes extraData;

    function writeParams(
        bytes calldata name,
        bytes calldata data
        returns (OffchainMetadata memory);


interface L2WildcardWriting {
    struct OffchainMetadata {
        uint256 chainId;
        address contractAddress;
        uint256 value;
        bytes extraData;

    function writeParams(
        bytes calldata name,
        bytes calldata data
        returns (OffchainMetadata memory);


We much appreciate if the feedback can be further explained, specially if the proposed changes aren’t reflecting the expected flow.

Regarding the interfaces, we can surely break them down to a more granular version if that is the direction ENSv2 is going towards.

What might not have been well described is that none of the proposed interfaces are mandatory, we made them separately so the contracts can inherit from specific ones and the clients can know whether the contract supports the specific feature through the EIP-165.

Yo @alextnetto.eth and @pikonha thanks for putting this together. At a high level, I’m excited to see where this initiative goes and am interested in exploring what it would look like to integrate with this in Basenames.

More directly, I have some feedback.

I think that this method signature needs some rework.

  • The name param needs some more specification. Is this the bytes-encoded string of the subdomain handle? i.e. pub in pub.alexnetto.eth?
  • We are missing another parameter to describe which token the price is denominated in. Compliance with EIP-7528 should be enforced. Requiring all names be paid/denominated in ETH is too restrictive.
  • The commitTime should not be included in this pattern. I unpack this a little more below w.r.t. the commit/reveal pattern. In short, I think this is too restrictive for CCIP-enabled systems.
  • There should be a specified mechanism for signaling that the name is not available.

There are some typos in this section. It’s not really clear to me what you’re trying to say here.

I think that we can make this more ergonomic for developers by packing this data in some standardized struct. This should help alleviate inevitable “stack too deep” errors.

I don’t think that the “commit/reveal/secret” schema employed by the L1 ENS registrar controller should be enshrined in a CCIP-enabled registration flow. If this data is required for registration, it can be included in the extraData bytes. Thus, I think we should remove the secret param from the registration args.

It’s not clear to me whether this means:

  1. Transferring ownership in the Registry
  2. Transferring the tokenized name (ERC721 Base Registrar / NameWrapper ERC1155)?
  3. Both?

I would prefer the enshrined method leverage the multicallWithNodeCheck signature. The additional safety seems good to strictly enforce and easy for integrators to include.

I think this spec is missing handling and standardizing name renewal. Implicit to adding this functionality is some standardized way for fetching name expiry.


Thanks for all the valuable feedback.

Feedback comments

The expected argument is the DNS-Encoded name (e.g. pub.alexnetto.eth) because this is needed for extracting the parent and the label for registering. Interface docs updated.

This can definitely be done, we’ve added the token property to the interface.

We’re trying to handle the future scenario with L2 having a decentralized sequencers, which would enable the front running of domain registering. But agreeing that it could lead to a restrictive interface we’ve made it optional.

For sure it would be useful, we’ve added them to the interface. However, we’re still figuring out how to implement the CCIP-Read for fetching such properties from different contracts.

Another property the could be useful to have would be the isApprovedForAll to let the client know whether anyone can register a subdomain of a given 2LD.

What we’re trying to say here is that the CCIP-Read flow requires the specific storage slot to fetch a given property from a contract, not allowing a function to be run.
Example: we need to fetch the availability of a subdomain which can be gathered from the NameWrapper contract. The logic to know whether it is a zero address or not needs to be done on the callback of the given function.

It changes the NameWrapper ownership which follows the ERC-1155.

We’ve removed the OffchainMulticallable interface in favor of the IMulticallable interface provided by ENS since it has both functions.

This will require a bit more research to understand what is the current behavior of the ENS contracts and how can it be standardized. I’ll update the interface as soon as the research ends.

Updated Interface

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

/// @notice The details of a registration request.
/// @param name The DNS-encoded name being registered (e.g. "alice.eth", "alice.bob.eth")
/// @param owner The address that will own the registered name
/// @param duration The length of time in seconds to register the name for
/// @param secret The secret to be used for the registration based on commit/reveal
/// @param resolver The address of the resolver contract that will store the name's records
/// @param data Array of encoded function calls to set records in the resolver after registration
/// @param reverseRecord Whether to set this name as the primary name for the owner address
/// @param fuses Permissions to set on the name that control how it can be managed
/// @param extraData Additional registration data encoded as bytes
struct RegisterRequest {
    bytes name;
    address owner;
    uint256 duration;
    bytes32 secret;
    address resolver;
    bytes[] data;
    bool reverseRecord;
    uint16 fuses;
    bytes extraData;

interface OffchainRegister {

    /// @notice Registers a domain name
    /// @param request The registration request details
    /// @dev Forwards the registration request to the L2 contracts for processing
    function register(RegisterRequest calldata request) external payable;


interface OffchainRegisterParams {

    /// @notice Struct containing registration parameters for a name
    /// @param price The total price in wei required to register the name
    /// @param available Whether the name is available for registration
    /// @param token Token address (ERC-7528 ether address or ERC-20 contract)
    /// @param commitTime The commit duration in seconds
    /// @param extraData Additional registration data encoded as bytes
    struct RegisterParams {
        uint256 price;
        bool available;
        address token;
        uint256 commitTime;
        bytes extraData;

    /// @notice Returns the registration parameters for a given name and duration
    /// @dev This function calculates and returns the registration parameters needed to register a name
    /// @param name The DNS-encoded name to query for registration parameters (e.g. "alice.eth", "alice.bob.eth")
    /// @param duration The duration in seconds for which the name should be registered
    /// @return A struct containing the registration parameters
    function registerParams(
        bytes calldata name,
        uint256 duration
        returns (RegisterParams memory);


interface OffchainCommitable {

    /// @notice Produces the commit hash from the register request
    /// @param request The registration request details
    /// @return commitHash The hash that should be committed before registration
    function makeCommitment(RegisterRequest calldata request)
        returns (bytes32 commitHash);

    /// @notice Commits a hash of registration data to prevent frontrunning
    /// @param commitment The hash of the registration request data that will be used in a future register call
    /// @dev The commitment must be revealed after the minimum commit age and before the maximum commit age
    function commit(bytes32 commitment) external;


interface OffchainTransferrable {

    /// @notice Transfers ownership of a name to a new address
    /// @param name The DNS-encoded name to transfer (e.g. "alice.eth", "alice.bob.eth")
    /// @param owner The current owner of the name
    /// @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to
    function transferFrom(
        bytes calldata name,
        address owner,
        address newOwner


We’re working on a fully functional version of the proposed standard that can be found in this repo.

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The latest version of the Wildcard Writing ENSIP has been posted on the ENSIPs github repo. This version relies on an EIP named Operation Router which we’ve created as an improvement to the existing ERC-5559, modifying the two transations flow by a view call and a transaction. It’s being discussed on the Ethereum Magicians forum.

The flow looks like the following:

a. Onchain call:

b. Offchain call:

Feedbacks are appreciated so we can proceed with the ENSIP flow.

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I’ve played with various related ideas and I’m not sure if there is a clean design for a framework-level implementation (ethers/viem) so I generally agree with application-level solutions (ENS Manager, eg. Operation Router-like logic).

IMO, at the framework-level, OffchainSign is essentially a contract-induced eth_signTypedData + callback flow and OffchainWrite is a view call that promotes itself to a signed transaction that may use a different chain. Both of these might be preceded with an OffchainLookup to acquire additional information like a nonce, storage information, or chain/rpc details.

From the perspective of the ENS Manager, I imagine something like the following:

interface IExtendedManager {
    // NOTE: may revert OffchainLookup
    function canManageName(address account, bytes dns) external view returns (bool);
    // think resolve() but for multicall of setText(), setAddr(), etc.
    function applyChanges(bytes dns, bytes[] memory calls) external view;

For example, when displaying raffy.eth with a connected signer, if the resolver implements IExtendedManager, then resolver.canManageName(signer.address, "raffy.eth', {enableCcipRead: true}) returns true if the name can be managed by the signer instead of using the traditional registry or wrapper logic.

It’s less clear how applyChanges() should work. Either it’s a view call that reverts with application-specific errors (like suggested in this thread), or it simply returns some application-specific structure which describes the same thing. IMO, using this mechanism, it should be possible to induce a transaction on same chain (eg. onchain wildcard management.)