When the ENS DAO voted on Treasury Governance,
many were weary, because the recent FTX/FTT situation showed us that “stablecoins are a risk”, from both:
What does this mean for ENS Treasury,
and can we (should we) convert some back to:
Is this an accurate link with balance data:
I don’t know a lot about this stuff,
but I trust bearer assets, like ETH & ENS (not USDC,
…as they are able to freeze funds, and risk assets, as they have).
This seems urgent, like action should already be in the middle of discussion.
What do we think about this?
Who controls the decision making?
What decisions would need to go to a DAO vote?
What is the analysis, and what are the options that we should think about early?
Where are the lines of communication for an urgent situation like this, which is happening on a Friday Night, (the known day/night for black swan events).
There is no managing entity. The USDC from the recent swap is sitting in wallet.ensdao.eth, which is controlled by the ENS DAO. If there is a plan to do something with that USDC, it will take ~9 days to execute — 7 days for the vote once on-chain and 2 days for the time-lock.
The ENS Governor contract was launched with a 2 day timelock. You can find more info on the timelock function generally in the Open Zepplin Governor docs. If the ENS Governor contract is upgraded in the future, it is likely that the period of the timelock will be discussed further.
There was no proposal. The Governor contract was created to launch the DAO. It wasn’t voted on because the DAO didn’t exist until the contract was deployed.
Has anybody ever considered or put thought to investing some of the funds into IRL Land, real estate ?
Obviously not something that can happen overnight, but in my opinion - if done correctly could be a much much safer long term investment along with providing actual utility.
Good luck on figuring out what to do with the treasury though guys!
Perhaps it’s during testing and chaotic times like these that there needs to be some “Code Red” automated action plan that gets initiated…
Protocols that may initiate important life and death type decisions being able to take place by an appointment/elected head of the DAO and or community. Perhaps not even a member of the DAO…