tags: Ecosystem
Ecosystem Meeting, May 9, 2024
Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi
Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile
Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call
- ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
- The Graph Migration @matoken.eth
- Project Highlights
- Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
- Open space for service providers
- Weekly Review of Canny
- Open space for additional topics
26 Participants in Call
1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
ENS Brunch at Farcon very successful
ENS 7th Anniversary NFT Mint: https://twitter.com/sadaf_eth/status/1787530009361752436
Feature: Extend names based on a date as opposed to number of years!
Join Chat if interested in ENS Dev community: Telegram: Join Group Chat
2. The Graph Migration @matoken.eth
Graph Protocol moving to decentralized version
- About a month from now sunsetting current version
- Apps using old ENS subgraph will need to change end point
Proposal to migrate ENS indexing to decentralized version will be posted to the forum soon
New ENS Subgraph query link: https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraphs/5XqPmWe6gjyrJtFn9cLy237i4cWw2j9HcUJEXsP5qGtH?view=Overview&chain=arbitrum-one
Docs will be updated in the next day or so at this link: Subgraph | ENS Docs
@slobo: Want to keep dev UX as clean as possible
Docs from The Graph: Creating a Subgraph | Docs | The Graph
3. Project Highlights
None this week
4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
- Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/
- July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
- More details coming soon
5. Open space for service providers
- @prem: Open call that still want to make ENSIP standardized
- Link to draft: GitHub - unruggable-labs/ENSIPS: The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Improvement Proposal repository
- The goal of the ENSIP project is to standardize and provide high-quality documentation for ENS itself and conventions built upon it. This repository tracks past and ongoing improvements to ENS in the form of Ethereum Name Service Improvement Proposals
- Reach out to Prem if interested in discussing
6. Weekly Review of Canny
Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.
7. Open Space for Additional Topics
@cap.eth: Will be at Belgrade Blockchain week, reach out if want to meetup: https://belgradeblockchainweek.com/
$100k Gitcoin matching round actually had more than $100k donated, ENS was able to get additional $25k to match from Arbitrum grants group: https://x.com/limes_eth/status/1786475444918989064
https://eth.limo website updated, much nicer
Notes by @don.nie