☎️ ENS Ecosystem – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday – Term 5

April 25th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Gitcoin Round 20 LIVE
  3. Project Highlights [ matteoikari.eth ]
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

h/t my.box

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, April 25, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Gitcoin Round 20 Live
  3. Project Highlights [ matteoikari.eth ]
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers:
  1. Weekly Review of Canny
  2. Open space for additional topics

26 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Launch of .box in the manager app!

Manager App

  • Ongoing maintenance and bug fixes, improving name validation and search
  • If notice bugs, send to developer telegram group

Integration Highlight

  • 500k uni.eth subdomains have been claimed in Uniswap wallet
  • Exciting milestone achieved yesterday

2. Gitcoin Round 20 Live

  • Running Gitcoin round matching 100k USDC for projects growing, enhancing, or supporting the decentralized identity system around ENS
  • Dashboard for stats here: Gitcoin | Explorer
  • Open until 7 May
  • ~$2000 in donations so far
  • 39 projects, 479 donations

3. Project Highlights - Brian

@matteoikari.eth and Frank from https://www.brianknows.org/

  • AI powered API for text to smart contract code (write natural language for onchain transactions, Brian understands and helps user conduct the transaction)
  • Won several bounties as hackathon participants, grew to real startup
  • In public beta, API also available
  • Working on ENS integration
    • Availability check: See if ENS available
    • Register an ENS for a specified length of time
    • Check expiration time for ENS
    • Renew an ENS for a specified length of time
    • Check cost of renewal/registration

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

5. Open space for service providers

@slobo.eth from Resolver Works

  • https://www.cu-cypherpunk.com/
    • Used to teach students at Columbia Business School to mint NFT on Arbitrum that also gives ENS and tradeable on OpenSea
  • Created post: Resolvers & Latency
    • Post is a work in process to summarize the resolvers that exist in ENS and their latency
    • Goal is to get true performance stats for resolvers

@thecap.eth from Namespace

  • https://app.namespace.tech
  • Everything you need to easily integrate and issue ENS Subnames to your users, players, followers, members, friends, or anyone in Web3
  • New Feature: Easy UI to create a Frame in Warpcast that issues subdomains
    • Working on allowing further customization of subdomain creation Frames
  • Want to build L2 infrastructure for issuing subdomains on L2s

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • Discussion occured around resolving ENS names on L2s.
    Currently fragmentation and different implementations across L2s and wallets,
    • @thecap.eth proposed feature to MetaMask Team: Resolve ENS Names on L2 chains - Feature Requests - MetaMask
    • More posts/discussions to be had in the future on the forum and in the dev chat including with Eth Core Devs
    • Reach out to any of the builders with questions on these issues
    • Discussions around making ENSIP process more open

Notes by @don.nie

May 2nd, 2024

Agenda Led by @184.eth

  1. Gitcoin Round 20 LIVE
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Open space for service providers
  5. Weekly Review of canny.
  6. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, May 2, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Gitcoin Round 20 Live
  3. Project Highlights
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

15 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

ENS Labs at Farcon

2. Gitcoin Round 20 Live

3. Project Highlights

David Truong from https://x23.ai

  • Using LLMs to surface information on DAOs
  • Currently cover 29 communities, can search across all communities
  • Telegram: @daveytea

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

5. Open space for service providers

Prem and Slobo have been discussing setting up formal ENSIP process

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

ENS Small Grants went live this week

  • You can support x23 in the round:

ENS Radio held yesterday:

Notes by @don.nie


May 9th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. The Graph Migration @matoken.eth
  3. Project Highlights
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Weekly Review of canny.
  7. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, May 9, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. The Graph Migration @matoken.eth
  3. Project Highlights
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

26 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

ENS Brunch at Farcon very successful

ENS 7th Anniversary NFT Mint: https://twitter.com/sadaf_eth/status/1787530009361752436

Feature: Extend names based on a date as opposed to number of years!

Join Chat if interested in ENS Dev community: Telegram: Join Group Chat

2. The Graph Migration @matoken.eth

Graph Protocol moving to decentralized version

  • About a month from now sunsetting current version
  • Apps using old ENS subgraph will need to change end point

Proposal to migrate ENS indexing to decentralized version will be posted to the forum soon

New ENS Subgraph query link: https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraphs/5XqPmWe6gjyrJtFn9cLy237i4cWw2j9HcUJEXsP5qGtH?view=Overview&chain=arbitrum-one

Docs will be updated in the next day or so at this link: Subgraph | ENS Docs

@slobo: Want to keep dev UX as clean as possible

Docs from The Graph: Creating a Subgraph | Docs | The Graph

3. Project Highlights

None this week

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/
    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon

5. Open space for service providers

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

@cap.eth: Will be at Belgrade Blockchain week, reach out if want to meetup: https://belgradeblockchainweek.com/

$100k Gitcoin matching round actually had more than $100k donated, ENS was able to get additional $25k to match from Arbitrum grants group: https://x.com/limes_eth/status/1786475444918989064

https://eth.limo website updated, much nicer

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

May 16th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  • Wildcard Labs
  • Unruggable
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, May 16, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Wildcard Labs
    b. Unruggable
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

27 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

The Graph Migration

  • No changes on June 12 as discussed in last week’s meeting, have solution for change over without causing impact
  • Updating docs to reflect this, but if using ENS subgraph in production go to the graph’s website and create a new API key
  • Any questions, ask in dev Telegram group: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Bug Bounty

ETH Global

  • Online hackathon starts tomorrow, last day to apply is today
  • Few weeks long, ENS Labs will be supporting in the form of workshops in parnership with ecosystem working group
  • https://ethglobal.com/events/hackfs2024

Exciting annoucements in coming weeks and months

2. Project Highlights

Andrey Scherbovich from https://goverland.xyz

  • Mobile product: DAO information aggregator
  • Currently see Snapshot votes, wallet connects with ENS names
  • Summary of DAO information, votes, voters, etc. Voters shown with ENS names
  • More integrations will be added in the future, looking for grants to continue building

3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/
    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have technical conversation type day with ENS Labs

5. Open space for service providers

Wildcard Labs
@stevegachau.eth presenting Superchain Resolver

Thomas Clowes presenting

  • Raffy joined the Team
  • Working on multi-target support, fetch data on slots from different contracts
    • Orginal Version for Arbitrum:
      • A framework for constructing generic CCIP-Read gateways targeting different EVM-compatible chains. This repository implements all the functionality required to fetch and verify multiple storage slots from an EVM-compatible chain, omitting only the L2-specific logic of determining a block to target, and verifying the root of the generated proof
      • evmgateway/evm-gateway at multi-target · unruggable-labs/evmgateway · GitHub
    • Working on v2 and full write-up outlining architectural structure for more complex requirements of ENS down the line

Alex Netto from Blockful

  • Working on milestones for writing on L2s
    • Creating patterns for writing offchain data, currently only pattern for reading offchain data
  • Will present work in next few weeks on EVM gateways

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics


  • Put together a Spaces calendar as part of Web3Domains business
  • Link: x.com
  • If want to talk about your technology would like to add you to the calendar
  • Want to change behavior by bringing empathy to the Web3 ecosystem
  • Partnering with ENS Labs Team as a community advocate: x.com
  • Creating “Watercooler Spaces”: x.com

Notes by @don.nie


May 23rd, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  • Standard Crypto
  1. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  2. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Open space for service providers
  • eth.limo
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, May 23, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
    a. Standard Crypto
  3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for service providers
    a. eth.limo
  7. Weekly Review of Canny
  8. Open space for additional topics

25 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Eth Prague and Eth Berlin

  • ENS Labs will have presence

Multi-delegate front-end

  • Allows more flexible delegation of tokens for ENS DAO votes
  • Front-end coming soon

ETH Global Hack SF

  • Sponsoring with support, fully online hackathon

Tech Migrations

  • EVM Gateway
    • Tooling for proving Layer 2 state on L1
    • OP Stack getting fault proofs. If using main branch, will stop working in 4-6 weeks when change approved by Optimism. If using in production there are mitigations to address changes, Labs working to address.
    • More info here: Preparing for Fault Proofs Changes | Optimism Docs
  • Graph
    • Switching off hosted service on June 12
    • Worked with them to avoid breaking changes
    • Current hosted API will continue to work but rate limits added so recommend creating new API key

Updates to share soon

  • Layer 2 Protocol Research
  • New Partnerships

2. Project Highlights

Gavi Galloway from Standard Crypto presenting ENS Guilds

Design Goals

  • Trying to build a way for communities to govern the creation and use of sub-names off a parent ENS name
  • Shared, resusable, modular system of smart contracts
  • Pluggable auth policies and fee policies for minting/transferring subnames
  • Extensibility
  • Onchain, offchain, and wildcard resolution support
  • Community administration and moderation of subnames
  • Respect existing names and records outside of the Guild tags namespace

Use Cases

  • Automatic wildcard resolution for token IDs of an ERC721 project, including resolving the token art as the name’s ‘avatar’ text record
  • Automatic wildcard resolution for ERC721s keyed off of metadata from the NFT project
  • Allowlist-gated subname minting
  • Fee-gated subname minting
  • NFT-gated subname minting

Link to presentation: ENS Guilds - Google Slides


Repo: ENS-Guilds/README.md at main · standard-crypto/ENS-Guilds · GitHub

Luciano Padovani from Prutopia

  • The new internet CV: portability, veracity, using same profile for the entire internet connected to an ENS
  • Platform reviews, P2P validations, Company validation all in one onchain profile
  • Prutopia allows you to consolidate your work history and reputation, ensuring veracity through a protocol designed for trust and transparency. It validates professional relationships to provide greater credibility
  • Contracts and API v1 completed
  • Socials:

3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes

  • Analysis of distribution completed
  • Contract funded, waiting to receive matching funds and additional grant funds
  • Payout hopefully completed by May 28

4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/

    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have dev day with ENS Labs in addition to a social event
  • ETHGlobal: https://ethglobal.com/

    • July 12 - 14 in Brussels, Belgium
  • ETH Belgrade: https://ethbelgrade.rs/

    • June 3-5 in Belgrade
    • DM @cap.eth if attending

6. Open space for service providers


  • Making decentralized websites accessible again
    • Everything you need to effortlessly access content built with the Ethereum Name Service
  • New website live: https://eth.limo/
  • Updating documentation: What is ENS? | Documentation
  • Worked with IPFS team to understand performance tuning and have seen performance improve

7. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

8. Open Space for Additional Topics

Discussion around running and managing events (decentralizing hosting ENS events). Reach out to @limes.eth if interested in discussing further

Q: Possible to move this call to Web3 video conference provider? Could log into with .eth
A: @slobo.eth: Want to use best tool for the job, most accessible, debate even using Zoom, currently want to keep on Google Meet

Notes by @don.nie


May 30th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENSv2 discussion with @nick.eth forum post

  1. Project Highlights
  2. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, May 30, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENSv2 discussion with @nick.eth forum post
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for service providers
    a. Resolver Works @slobo.eth
  7. Weekly Review of Canny
  8. Open space for additional topics

36 Participants in Call

1. ENSv2 discussion with @nick.eth forum post

  • Take advantage of opportunity to redesign ENS from the ground up
  • Everything learned from last 7 years went into redesign
  • ENS root registry will continue to be on Ethereum L1
  • No most-favored nation status. A chain will host ENS on L2 but users will be able to move name on any chain
  • ENS Chain is a placeholder for whichever chain go with
  • Won’t be building L2 from scratch, building a good L2 massive challenge, good L2s already exist
  • Chain picked must have clear path to maximum decentralization
  • Reverse resolution is something can push forward to clients even as building ENSv2
  • Timeline: Too early to commit to timeline, need to get feedback and commit to an L2, this is main focus, want to build quickly
  • Yes, offchain names will continue to function normally after the migration
  • High-level thoughts about migration: Transfer name to migration contract and receive L2 name, could also keep on L1
  • New registrations would have to happen on L2, but could chose to move to L1
  • Biggest lessons learned from name wrapper and how applied? Biggest lesson is that resolution process is upgradeable permisionlessly. But same hasn’t been true about ownership. Name wrapper was an attempt to open up ownership model but had to be built on top since registration not upgradeable. New system allows for upgradeability on top of registration as well
  • Domain names hosted on an L2, but resolution will still be on L1
  • Why not put resolution on L2 as well? Want users to still be able to choose gold standard security and censorship resistance of L1. Don’t want to force clients to use lower trust L2 node
  • How final is design? If somebody comes up with a different design needs to be a real barn burner to be considered. Revisions to this design are still very much open for real, meaningful technical feedback
  • Is architecture using EVM gateway? Yes, EVM gateway key to reading results on ENS chain
  • Latency for name resolution increasing a bit
  • Technical feedback thread: Technical feedback thread for ENSv2
  • How see other L2s play into new architecture? Other L2s will benefit from EVM infrastructure and cross-compatability between L2s of ENS Chain
  • What are you most excited about? Write all new solidity code. Find architecture really interesting and fun to see come together. Unique architecture haven’t seen before

Ongoing from ENS Labs

  1. Breaking change to EVM gateway to OP Mainnet sometime in next few weeks. Join dev chat to stay in touch with updates: Telegram: Join Group Chat
  2. Subgraph for querying ENS data migrating to decentralized version, not a breaking change. But if use a lot of queries should sign up for own account

2. Project Highlights

None this week

3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes

  • Analysis of distribution completed
  • Contract funded, waiting to receive matching funds and additional grant funds
  • Aiming to complete payout soon

4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • ETH Belgrade: https://ethbelgrade.rs/

    • June 3-5 in Belgrade
    • DM @cap.eth if attending
  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/

    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have dev day with ENS Labs in addition to a social event
  • ETH Global: https://ethglobal.com/

    • July 12 - 14 in Brussels, Belgium

6. Open space for service providers

Resolver Works @slobo.eth

  • Launched https://teamnick.xyz at beginning of year
  • Upgraded gateway to EVM style gateway, now trust-minimized capable
  • Data behind gateway is open-sourced and available on repo: GitHub - resolverworks/ens-gateway
  • Forum post on difficulties from a UX perspective since state doesn’t get changed on L1 right away, please read and provide thoughts/feedback: EVM Gateway & User Experience
  • @clowes.eth: What’s intention of TeamNick going forward? How make accessible to normal non-technical people? Average user wants to see name in wallet right-away, might have to give on trust-minimized to accomplish that goal to serve the needs of users

7. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

8. Open Space for Additional Topics

@maintainer.eth: What’s easiest way to see if something on Canny has been built? @slobo.eth: Can filter by completed within Canny

@netto.eth: Where can I find matching amount for Gitcoin Round?
@slobo.eth: Currently being calculated as matching amount was increased

Discussion around moving funds to L2/ around L2s to participate in Gitcoin and how make easier/ less friction to allow more people to participate. Discussion around tutorials/videos to help users

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

June 6th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Drips.network
  3. Project Highlights
  4. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  5. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for service providers
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, June 6, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for service providers
    a. EFP @brantlymillegan
    b. Unicorn @Griff
  7. Weekly Review of Canny
  8. Open space for additional topics

39 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Blog Updates

Graph Migration

  • Happening next Wednesday
  • Docs updated to reflect new end points
    • Video showing how to accomplish
  • Not breaking change, but will have rate limits

OP Mainnet


  • If at event reach out to Alex from ENS Labs
  • x.com


  • New marketing campaign with Gnosis Pay
  • Get credit card with ENS name on it
  • x.com

ENS v2

  • Next week publishing doc on what next steps are to implement

Eth Global Hackathon

  • Wrapping up, will have winners present on future calls

2. Project Highlights

None this week

3. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes

  • Analysis of distribution completed
  • Contract funded, working with Gitcoin team to distribute
  • Aiming to complete payout soon (for reals)

4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/

    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have dev day with ENS Labs in addition to a social event
  • ETH Global: https://ethglobal.com/

    • July 12 - 14 in Brussels, Belgium
  • ETH Belgrade finished yesterday (@thecap.eth)

    • Around 40 people showed up to ENS event
    • Talk on connection between Chainlink and ENS as well as growth strategies to scale ENS

6. Open space for service providers

EFP @brantlymillegan

  • Hired 2x new people: Dev and Designer
  • Testnet ready
    • Smart Contracts on OP Sepolia
  • Demoed UI showing how to follow new people and see how many people currently following
  • Can add tags to users
  • Changes are batched for signing
  • EFP is building the social graph, have 50 launch partners that are using the social graph in unique ways
  • Everything is public onchain
  • Repo: GitHub - ethereumfollowprotocol/indexer: Ethereum Follow Protocol Indexer
  • Goal: Launch in production by the end of the month
  • Want to also add additional features

Unicorn @Griff

  • Going mobile only
  • New landing page: https://unicorn-wallet.com
  • Mission: Make it simple to launch a branded web3 wallet
  • Give a safe, simple and valuable wallet to your community
  • Thesis: Users don’t care about networks or 0x addresses. Want to abstract all that away
  • Future: Use .coms through GoDaddy integration
  • Two first clients working towards supporting: Giveth and EthDenver

Netto from Blockful will present next week

7. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

8. Open Space for Additional Topics

Raffy led a technical discussion on expanding the scope of content hashes and adding two new codec

Funding Request: ENS Meta-Governance Working Group vote closes in a few hours, vote!: Snapshot

Base community meetup in Buenos Aires, invite here: Base Community Meetup: Buenos Aires · Luma

Notes by @don.nie


June 13th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. The Graph Migration
  3. Discuss ENS Indexer
  4. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  5. Project Highlights
  6. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. Open space for service providers
  1. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, June 13, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. The Graph Migration
  3. Discuss ENS Indexer
  4. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes
  5. Project Highlights
  6. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. Open space for service providers
    a. Blockful @alextnetto.eth
  9. Open space for additional topics

32 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril



  • Coinbase Smart Wallet added to ENS manager app
    • Went from request to feature in around 4 days
  • WalletConnect
    • AppKit/WalletKit Live
    • x.com
    • Giving out subdomains
  • Bitwise
    • Trying to determine interesting use cases for bitwise.eth
    • x.com

Tech Updates

  • OP Mainnet now has fault proofs
    • Was breaking change to EVM gateway
    • x.com
  • Graph Migration
    • Happened yesterday, has gone smoothly so far
    • x.com

2. The Graph Migration

Happened yesterday, has gone smoothly so far

3. Discuss ENS Indexer

  • Please read forum proposal
  • This proposal will involve funding and integrating an indexer for the ENS registry. The integration will provide a substantially more intuitive and efficient search experience for users. Alongside with the integration into the ENS app frontend, we will also provide an open, public API - allowing anyone in the community to query custom data requests about ENS registry state in milliseconds, or build applications on top of our high performance database
  • To achieve this implementation, we are asking for $50,000/month on a monthly streaming basis. We are confident in the utility of what we’ve built, which is why we propose the stream being cancellable at any moment by the DAO should its value not be realized
  • Bandit: Coolest thing done so far is build custom natural language model tuned to ENS domains, will recommend similar names to what a user is searching for
    • Can try here: https://ens.kodex.io/
    • Could store single session on what user is searching for and create very specific recommendations
  • Code will be open-sourced
  • @lightwalker.eth: namekit.io also building a custom indexer (we call ours ENSNode) and name discovery via NLP, working hard to open source ENSNode soon

4. Gitcoin Payout Update @Limes

5. Project Highlights

None this week

6. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/

    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have dev day with ENS Labs in addition to a social event
  • ETH Global: https://ethglobal.com/

    • July 12 - 14 in Brussels, Belgium

8. Open space for service providers

@alextnetto.eth from Blockful

9. Open Space for Additional Topics

Update from @hidayath.eth from WebHash.com

  • Resume building using .eth and blogs live
  • Building smart contract where websites can be tokenized

Notes by @don.nie


June 20th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. ENSv2 Roadmap
  3. Project Highlights [@hidayath.eth]
  4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for service providers
  7. Open space for additional topics

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, June 20, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. ENSv2 Roadmap
  3. Project Highlights
  4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for service providers
  7. Open space for additional topics

21 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

  • Working on best process for users going over limit for request in accessing subgraph. Reach out with any question/concerns on Telegram: @gregskril
  • Multi-delegate site is moving forward
  • EthCC is coming up, will have a few different events. Reach out on Telegram if want to connect at event

2. ENSv2 Roadmap

3. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth discussing WebHash.com

  • Tokenised decentralised websites for your ENS & DNS domains
  • Customizable subdomains and ability to add records directly from webhash UI
  • Thanks to Resolver Works for help in integration
  • How evolve over time: All websites using decentralized technology

4. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

6. Open space for service providers

None this week

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

June 27th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  1. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, June 27, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Namespace (@cap)
    b. Resolver Works (@slobo.eth)
  6. Open space for additional topics

30 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Graph Migration

  • ENS subgraph used to see what records set to names, sub-names, etc.
  • A rate limit was added recently, sign-up for new API key so don’t get errors


  • Social event on first day of EthCC
  • Announcement and RSVP link: x.com
  • Rebrand upcoming


2. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth presenting WebHash.com

  • Mission to tokenize websites published on IPFS
  • In this way can transfer ownership of website
  • In UI can click “Tokenize Now” button, NFT of website added to wallet, and can be transferred
  • Supported on mainnet and L2s
  • Website viewable on OpenSea
  • Surprising thing: People building games with attached ENS names and trading the websites
  • More info: x.com

3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

5. Open space for service providers

Namespace (@cap)

Resolver Works (@slobo.eth)

  • New Product: https://ENSPro.xyz
  • Personal, gasless subname management
  • Add, edit, and remove subnames without paying gas fees (uses offchain resolver)
  • To assign gasless subnames to your addresses, you will need to switch your name’s resolver
  • Keep text records even after updating resolver
  • In UI can add multiple subnames (and subnames of subnames) and assign it to an ETH address
  • UI shows which subnames are onchain and offchain
  • Like, retweet, and bookmark!: x.com
  • Please reach out and report any bugs

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

Discussion around: https://dune.com/taytems/ensip14

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like