☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, July 6th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Project Highlights
  2. ENS core updates
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Open space for additional topics
  5. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, ahmad alfawwaz, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, atanda david, cap, david chu, dr3a 7234, evan, gregskriloff, hellenstans.eth, jan antonin kolar, joshua “0xWizardOf0z.eth” Hernandez, katherine wu, light walker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), marcus estmcmxci, prem makeig, senad dilji, shaik hidayath, sydmead, tyler caldonia, vincent (zadok7.eth), yambo, yungsb

1. Project Highlights

thisdavidboy.eth (ENS | Twitter) & Staa99.eth (ENS | Twitter)
from CEX.io

  • Ahmad Alfawwaz & Atanda David shared how cxid.io helps exchanges transform usernames into ENS names for easier transactions and address resolution.
    • Watch their demo and read more here
    • They’re welcoming feedback from the community

@dr3a.eth (ENS | Twitter)
from all those excellent tweet threads

Jan Antonin Kolar (ENS | Twitter)
from rc.xyz

  • rc.xyz makes it easy for digital artist to showcase all their minted artworks and listings with just one link. Create rich profiles for any NFT artist on ethereum that has ENS name (e.g. rc.xyz/omentejovem).
  • The team is also working on an “ETH/.CZ” link directory for all ENS holders (e.g. omentejovem.eth.cz).
  • Looking for feedback - Please DM on Twitter.

2. ENS Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

ENS Labs new hires & positions

RECAP: RoadMap & Feature Requests

  • Recapping last weeks call & recent recent town hall with the Roadmap and the ‘Feature Requests’ button.
    • This is the best place to drop ideas to Labs and is part of the effort to introduce more ways to listen to feedback.

Sepolia Developments

  • People have been asking, and now it’s ready:

RECAP: ENSIP14 Recognised - Dune Dashboard

  • ENSIP14 is a way for developers to add onchain analytics and note onchain where registrations are coming from.
    • While ENSIP14 has some concerns with other things, it is sufficient in supporting contract calls in Dune.
    • Check out the dune dashboard by @taytems (ENS | Twitter)
    • Furthercontext; the ‘unknown source’ prior to May 2023, accounts for registrations before labs and many others had implemented this.

ENS Labels by Node (ENS names with most subnames) - Dune Dashboard

  • The community was requesting a way to view 2LDs with the most subnames - this is now available via Dune Dashboard.
    • Further context: the first two rows represent count of .eth 2LDs on the ‘eth’ (TLD), and primary names records set as ‘addr.reverse’.

ENS swag at ETHCC

Get Text Records in Wagmi

  • Gregskril opened Pull Request for getting text records in Wagmi.
    • If implemented, alongside many other existing useful ENS hooks and tools, this will make all developers lives easier.

The Ledger Developer Experience

Canny Feature Request Dashboard

  • There is an ens.canny.io board for Feature Requests, Integrations and Reporting bugs.
  • Further discussion included reviewing the Canny Board weekly in Ecosystem Calls.

3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

Upcoming Events

IRL in Paris

  • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris, on July 18th 6:30-10:30pm. Go to lu.ma/ensparis
    • Ping Limes if you’re having issues registering

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

4. Open space for additional topics

Questions about Name forwarding contracts

  • Ahmad Alfawwaz asked the community of solutions for connecting/forwarding ENS names to other ENS names through resolver contracts.
    • It was not known by those on call if there are any existing solutions – though sismo.io was shared for solution of verifying you own different alias accounts
    • Ahmad is interested in building out something for name forwarding contracts.

:exclamation: No Ecosystem WG Call next week :exclamation:

  • There is no WG call next week due to events of ETHCC.
    • Next call will resume Thursday 27th July 2023.

5. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
    • You can apply anytime with this deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.

Great convo :clap:


July 27th, 2023


  1. ENS core updates (5 mins) @gregskril
  2. Small grants for this term discussion (5 mins)
  3. [TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal (@matoken.eth, @gregskril) (5 mins)
  4. 1 and 2 Character .eth Names (10 mins)
  5. Project Highlights [@NameSys]
  6. ENS Referrals discussion 1 discussion 2 (@garypalmerjr @alextnetto.eth @AvsA)
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. Budget Q3/Q4 Ecosystem (10 mins)
  9. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  10. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.



Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. ENS core updates
  2. Small grants for this term discussion
  3. ENS invalid name refund proposal
  4. 1 and 2 Character .eth Names
  5. Project Highlights
  6. ENS Referrals discussion 1 discussion 2
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. Budget Q3/Q4 Ecosystem
  9. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  10. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, coltron.eth, dr3a 7234, esosa chieljine, evan, gregskril.eth, hellenstans.eth, makoto inoue, mailchain (verycozy.eth), marcus estmcmxci, marta cura, namesys, shaik hidayath, sydmead.eth, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb.

1. ENS core updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

June Monthly Update


  • Improving support for Sepolia by deploying more contracts & verifying exising ones.
  • Front end support is on hold until thegraph supports Sepolia.
  • Github: ens-contracts/deployments/sepolia/

Paris Highlights

Insight into what goes on at these types of events

  • A big part of these events are productive meetings between Labs and other people.
  • It’s important for us to be at these events among new & old integrations partners, infrastructure providers, and to understand where the general ecosystem is going.
    • One of many examples comes from ETHDenver; where a conversation about ENS at the ENS Booth, led to connecting with an individual who later turned out to be from PancakeSwap. This then turned into telegram conversations, and is partially the reason that they implemented ENS.
    • These things happen many times, and integrations & partnerships comes out of most events. They take time before the fruits of these relationships become known.

ENS DAO Notifications

  • Setting up telegram group that sends out a notification anytime there’s an executable proposal.
    • This notification service is useful for catching unscheduled or missed proposals, and is also in response to feedback from delegates on reliable ways to be informed.
    • The channel is notifcaiton only and does not show who joins.
    • Follow ENS_DAO twitter for an announcement.


2. Small grants for this term

  • Small Grants are moving to a new quarterly cadence.
    • The change follows successful models like Gitoin Grants. Dates will sync with Public Goods WG small grants which are also oving to quarterly.

3. ENS invalid name refund proposal

@matoken.eth (ENS | Twitter) & @gregskril (ENS | Twitter)
ENS invalid name refund proposal

  • ENS invalid name refund proposal is a MetaGov item, being shared across all Working Groups for additional exposure.
    • During MetaGov WG (Tuesday 25th July), discussion and in-call vote was carried out based on the two options.
  • Information on two options and their refund amounts & conditions are found in this post and thread.
    • Distribution logic for either option is yet to be determined and still requires further work if the distribution method is for a claim rather than an airdrop. There is a potential to save gas and ETH with the claim option.
    • An executable vote will be pushed to the August or September voting window to allow time to confirm amount and distribution method.
  • On the Ecosystem WG call, another informal vote was carried out.

4. 1 and 2 Character .eth Names

Context: 1 and 2 Character .eth Names forum thread is a discussion - there is no intention to progress this in the foreseeable future.

  • Following the release of namewrapper and it’s new useability, from a technical standpoint these types of discussions make sense to revisit.
    • The forum is a valuable discussion place where we can capture & pick up later the many thoughtful replies & views of community as topics are revisited.
  • Reiterating: that nothing is going to happen fast, and to move forward requires consensus and multiple steps to progress.
  • Head over to the discuss.ens.domains to read up & share any thoughtful input.

Further discussion:

5. Project Highlights

NameSys | namesys.xyz | namesys.eth.limo | ccip2.eth.limo

6. ENS Referrals

Due to time constraints, this item has been rescheduled for next week.

7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

There are no immediate events.

8. Budget Q3/Q4 Ecosystem

Due to time constraints, this item has been rescheduled for next week.

  • Q3/Q4 2023 Budget: ENS Ecosystem Working Group
    • Note: Ecosystem Working Group multisigs have sufficient balances to cover planned expenditures. The Ecosystem Working Group will not request funding for Q3 of 2023.
    • The forum post lays out how we believe the budget will be spent.

9. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
    • You can apply anytime with this deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.

10. Open space for additional topics



August 3rd, 2023


  1. Project Highlights [@hidayath.eth ] (5 mins)
  2. Review https://ens.canny.io/ (10 mins)
  3. ENS Referrals discussion 1 discussion 2 (@garypalmerjr @alextnetto.eth @AvsA @lightwalker.eth ) (15 mins)
  4. Security advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, August 3rd, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence, alisha.eth, accessor, alexandro netto, arcadian.eth, atanda david, cap, dr3a 7234, evan, hellenstans.eth, lakshman sankar, light walker, maintainer, mailchain (verycozy.eth), marcus estmcmxci, prem makeig, rasmus b, shaik hidayath, sydmead, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb

1. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth (ENS | Twitter)
from (1w3.io ENS | Twitter)

  • Hidayath gave a demo of recent updates & improvements:
    • ‘Template Marketplace’ is where community-created designs are turned into NFTs (erc1155), enabling other users to build websites using these templates.
      • Users can monetise websites built on the platform by setting a price & supply size to templates, and make these available on Opensea (Matic Network).
    • 1w3 has also updated their modules to enable audio, video, PDF files, and image galleries to the website design.
    • Additionally 1w3 platform is now open to everyone (with the access code requirement recently removed).
  • Platform updates, including template marketplace, are intended as additional utility to drive adoption of how people use content hashes & ENS names.
    • User adoption has been positive, with ~700 sign-ups, ~800 websites built, and 200+ ENS names connected.
  • :grey_exclamation: Hid is seeking community feedback on choosing the appropriate blockchain for NFT deployment - Polygon or Optimism.
    • Those on the call expressed favour towards Optimism.

2. Review ens.canny.io

  • Canny is a feedback platform for feature requests, integrations, and bug reports.
    • note: sensitive bug reports should be sent via email.
  • Users can submit and upvote items.
  • This aims to provide more visibility to feedback.
  • Read the forum post: Share Feedback and Feature Requests related to ENS

3. ENS Referrals

@lightwalker.eth (ENS | Twitter)

  • Light walker discussed Affiliate Programs & ideas for ENS.
    • An affiliate program would incentivise individuals or entities to promote ENS and drive more registrations and renewals.
    • Programs encourage content creators, projects, and services (e.g. Rainbow wallet, EnsVision, EnsFairy) to participate and contribute to growth.
    • Programs attract more creatives to produce content and tools that educate and lead to new users to register and renew ENS names.
    • Affiliate programs can create a cycle of everyone benefiting. With revenue going to those who produce effective content and tools.
    • With tracking, we can capture those projects not visible in the onboarding process, give them voices, and foster new talent & innovation being attracted to ENS.
  • The program should be designed in a way that is completely permissionless, allowing anyone to apply and become an affiliate without the need for a review process.
    • There should not be added costs to customers, and No additional gas fees.
    • Ensure design is decentralised and onchain is a key aspect.
    • Proposal suggests using subdomains as affiliate IDs and tracking onchain using subgraph to calculate rewards.
    • Having monthly automated payout scripts or decentralised mechanisms for commission settlements.
  • Further discussions and feedback from the community is needed to refine and address technical and economic aspects of the program.
    • :grey_exclamation: Drop your feedback about this proposal: ENS Affiliate proposal feedback
    • The suggestion of scheduling a separate meeting with interested participants to dive deeper into the topic and present the proposal in detail is considered valuable.
  • @alextnetto.eth shared about the AAVE Referral Program.
  • Additional resources:

4. Security advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs

  • Read the forum post by Nick.eth – Security advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  • The advisory discloses two bugs:
    • One related to appointing a registrar controller which reduces domain name expiry by 90 days (and the ability to repeat this).
    • The other related to being able to change ownership of any name that can be wrapped.
  • A bug bounty of 100k USDC has been paid for identifying this vulnerability.
    • The risk of exploit occurring is limited, and the code for a solution is already written.
    • Bug bounties are essential for encouraging disclosure of vulnerabilities, and the amount paid is considered reasonable given the potential impact of the vulnerability.
    • Read more about the ENS Bug Bounty Program.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

There are no immediate events.

In Q4

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
    • You can apply anytime with this deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.

7. Open space for additional topics

@Elle97 asked if Ecosystem WG is participating in upcoming Gitcoin Grants Round.

  • It was clarified ENS is not participating.
  • Reminder: small grants has moved to Quarterly - stay tuned for dates.

ENS Merch Shop

@Premm.eth and @clowes.eth talked about working on L2s.

  • They’re utilising dm3 code and have received a grant from Optimism to work on their own registry, using name wrapper and more.
  • :grey_exclamation: Reach out to @Premm.eth if you’d like to connect and be involved in the discussion of ENS on L2s
    • Vegayp offered support.

Slobo.eth shared about the importance of having a L2 way to set primary names.


August 10th, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights [Persona] (5 mins)
  3. Newsletter update @estmcmxci (3 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

A midjourney perspective on the weekly meeting:


:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, August 10th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, alexandro netto, cap, chijioke agu, coltron.eth, dr3a 7234, eskender abebe, esosa chiejine, evan, femi adebimpe, greg, hellenstans, hid, josh brandley, lightwalker, marcus estmcmxci, premm, rasmus b, sydmead, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb.

1. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

Team Updates

  • Leon (ENS | Twitter) transitioned to Head of Engineering.
  • Eskender (ENS | Twitter) became Head of Product and Strategy, now working full-time.
  • Vincent’s (ENS | Twitter) role shifted to Writer and Editor.
  • Evan Moyer (ENS | Twitter) joined as Community Manager.

Transition to ENS Labs own blog

  • Moving from sharing links on Mirror & Medium to ENS Labs own blog.
  • The blog will allow both team and external contributions.
    • Expected launch in the coming weeks.
  • Vincent will handle writing and editing for the blog.

Dev Experience Updates

  • Version 2 of the docs is in progress, with minor updates occuring in the meantime to existing docs.
  • New guide added: “Quick Start Guide for Implementing Ens in React Apps.” – dapp-developer-guide/quickstart
  • Redid the End-to-end testing for front end app – app.ens.domains

Dev Updates

2. Project Highlights

Femi Adebimpe (ENS | Twitter)
from Persona

  • Femi demonstrated a prototype of the persona platform.
  • Persona revolves around community-like structures resembling DAOs, where individuals adopt roles to achieve collective goals. With inspiration from “Nouns”, users can manage multiple personas, each marked with the guild tag.
  • Guild Tags grant specific community access rights, with standard roles like engineer, writer, and artist. Over time, active personas build a reputation, leading to increased community influence.
  • Users can create ‘communities’/DAOS, and set community tokens, enroll initial members, and even introduce various guilds, with an auction mechanism in place for fundraising.
  • Personal utilises ENS for essential metadata and allows avatar customization via NFTs.
  • Aiming for a public release EOY or early next year. including broader release of social channels

3. Newsletter update

@estmcmxci ENS | twitter
from ENS DAO Newsletter

  • View the Slides
  • Funding:
    • The newsletter is funded by the Ecosystem Working Group.
    • 18,000 USCC have been set aside in the multisig for the newsletter.
    • The funding will be used mainly for operations to provide consistent and quality updates to the community.
  • Format:
    • Changes are being made to the format of the newsletter.
    • It will be published bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 11 am Eastern Standard Time.
    • The newsletter will be available on the forum, while a TLDR version will be on the DAO socials.
    • Testing out using Paragraph XYZ.
    • Past editions of the newsletter will be archived for record-keeping and historical purposes.
    • Marcus emphasizes the historic importance of their work for ENS, Ethereum, and the internet as a whole. Therefore, they want to maintain records of their progress and achievements.
  • Focus:
    • The emphasis is on publishing and archiving content for better accessibility.
    • Editorials and translations will be paused for the time being.
    • Editorial content will be selectively chosen based on relevance and the results it highlights within ENS and the wider Ethereum ecosystem.
  • See the most recent Newsletter ENS DAO Newsletter #40 - 08/01/2023

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io


  • ens.canny.io is a feedback platform for feature requests, integrations, and bug reports.
  • Read the forum post: Share Feedback and Feature Requests related to ENS.
  • This tool allows for upvoting, and, when adopted, can be powerful for community involvement and building.
  • The board is monitored and it’s an ongoing experiment to enhance community involvement.
  • The board plays a pivotal role in shaping the ENS protocol’s future direction.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

There are no immediate events.

In Q4

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
  • You can apply anytime through deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.

Grants Update

  • Some grants have been approved but are yet to be publicised.
    • One notable grant involved funding the newsletter.
    • Other grants were part of the Term budget.
    • Community members can expect more announcements on this soon.

7. Open space for additional topics

@lightwalker.eth (ENS | Twitter) provided a summary of ENSIP14 Affiliate Program.

  • Read the minutes from Ecosystem Meeting, August 3rd, 2023
  • Read the latest in the forum thread: ENS Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Program
  • Focus has been on providing rewards for builders in the ecosystem.
  • LightWalker has been talking to various individuals/groups to refine the current ideas.
  • Due to the complexity of the topic it’s suggested to continue with more in-depth discussions outside of regular calls.
  • An invitation is extended to those interested in joining the discussion.

Discussion on Primary Names

  • Read the Forum post: Future of the Primary ENS Name
  • Emphasis on the significance of primary names and how they enhance the ENS experience.
  • @Premm.eth offers a summary of his proposal, advocating for off-chain primary names.
    • Additionally this proposal includes a fallback system that could operate off-chain, L2, or L1.
  • Technical details need to be worked out for a clear understanding.
  • Suggestion to set a dedicated time for more technical discussions on primary names.

August 17th, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights [dappling.network] (5 mins)
  3. Small grants update (10 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates
  8. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting, August 17th, 2023



Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, accessor, alex plutta, alexandro netto, arcadian.eth, cap, david chu, dr3a.eth, moyer, gregskril, katherine wu, mailchain (verycozy.eth), marcus estmcmxci, maintainer, mayra alejandra castillo hernandez, premm.eth, russell bookland, shaik hidayath, sydmead.eth, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb.

1. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

Collaboration with IRC - International Rescue Committee

Google Cloud Blog

  • Mohammed from the ENS team gave an interview for a Google Cloud blog post, detailing some of ENS’s functions and plans – See the tweet & article.

Monthly Web Update

  • ENS Web Update July 2023 is out - It provides both high-level and specific details, as well as previews some upcoming features.

Improved Testnet Support

  • Contracts are verified and app.ens.domains now supports Sepolia on the frontend and subgraph to get all the data you want.
  • New faucet feature for claiming ETH on Sepolia has also been added.

ENSIP 15 Standardisation:

  • ensip15 spec adapted into more code languages.
  • Aiming for consistent display of valid ENS names, this new classification system can counter deceptive naming tactics.

CCIP Read Workshop:

  • During the Encode University hackathon, Greg gave an hour-long session - available on YouTube – addressing ‘Scaling ENS: Offchain and L2 Names with CCIP Read’.

Open for Feedback - Two ENSIP drafts

2. Project Highlights

Russell Bookland (ENS | Twitter) from dappling.network (Twitter | Web | Github)

  • “dAppling offers a simple solution for hosting censorship resistant Web3 frontends. We help prevent Web3 specific frontend attacks.”
  • Russell demo’d Dappling; a tool for Web 3 developers.
    • Including the feature: Linking ENS names to site deployments.
    • And additional features: out-of-the-box Analytics, providing data on page views, unique visitors, and referral sources.
  • Q. What do you want from community?
    • Test Dappling by deploying a front-end site to help them identify and rectify edge cases – Tweet

3. Small grants update

:scroll: Forum thread: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Ecosystem small grants program is evolving to Quarterly.
    • Trial launch planned for early September, with ~15 ETH split among 10-15 projects.
  • A voting mechanism suggested by MetaGov will be implemented.
    • Aiming to ensure all votes matter (and reducing influence from large delegates)
    • Active/previous voters, previous winners, and community persons, are among those eligible to vote – more details will follow.
    • Feedback is welcomed in the Forum discussion thread.
    • Following the rounds completion, this trial method will be reviewed for impact.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

ens.canny.io is a feedback platform used for purposes including: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.
:scroll: Forum thread: Share Feedback and Feature Requests related to ENS

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram
DATE Event/Location Who’s Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto,
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul
  • An irl event is on the cards during the EthNewYork Hackathon event – stay tuned for an announcement.

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem – See Forum thread: Term 4 Grants
You can apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in future.

7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates

:scroll: Forum thread: [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates
  • Refer to the forum thread, and its embeded infographic.
  • DAO members are encouraged to voice their concerns, misconceptions, or ask any clarifying questions on this topic.
  • There is currently no scheduled date for this vote. However it is intended for a monthly DAO Voting window
    • DAO Voting windows, which are recently introduced practices, are designed to offer efficiency, predictability, and to treat delegate attention as precious. – (See July example).

8. Open space for additional topics

  • @clowes.eth & @Premm.eth shared a demo & progress on unruggable subname rentals - now running on Optimism.
  • @estmcmxci shared that the ENS newsletter is being published on Paragraph.xyz.
  • @hidayath.eth shared about 1w3 enabling permanent websites hosted within the decentralised technology of Arweave.
  • @Cap shared that namespace.ninja will go live on mainnet in the coming week.
  • @Zadok7 announced his decision to step back from Labs to pursue personal projects and dreams, emphasizing his positive experiences and learnings from ENS meetings and that he’ll be around and reachable.

August 24th, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights ENS on Swarm decentralized storage (10 mins)
  3. Small grants update (10 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates
  8. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

1 Like

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, August 24th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, crt ahlin, costanza gallo, dr3a.eth, evan moyer, gregskril.eth, light walker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), maintainer.eth, marcus estmcmxci, premm.eth, shaik hidayath, sydmeand, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb

1. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

Gasless DNSSEC Deployments on Sepolia

  • Gasless DNSSEC has been deployed on Sepolia.
  • View the deployment on this GitHub PR.
  • Contracts have been verified on Etherscan and are currently compatible with .com & .xyz domains.
  • Comprehensive documentation will soon be available, encompassing user flow, frontend guidelines, and more.
  • A minor gateway bug has been identified, but it doesn’t require a contract update.
  • Topics discussed include:
    • Differences in user experience and functionality compared to existing DNS imports.
    • Terminology refinement and the importance of developer-friendly documentation.
    • The creation of a platform tailored for hackathons.

2. Project Highlights

Viktor Toth & Costanza Gallo from ENS on Swarm (ENS | Twitter | Web | Github)

  • :scroll: Forum: ENS on Swarm decentralized storage
  • Swarm team gave a technical description of the technology.
  • Unlike ENS resolution (managed onchain), Swarm operates off-chain through a peer-to-peer network, facilitating reduced fees and enhanced scalability.
  • Swarm are requesting a bounty to advance this technology.

3. Small grants update

:scroll: Forum: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Previously, Small Grants rounds utilised the ENS Governance Token for voting, and is now exploring other methods.
  • This round will employ an ERC1155 NFT to establish voting power and facilitate the voting process.
    • Past small grants participants will be automatically included. Those wishing to join can submit a request.
    • A detailed forum post will be available soon, providing further information on participation and the request process.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

ens.canny.io is a feedback platform used for purposes including: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.
  • Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefits the ENS protocol.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto,
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul
  • @Limes confirmed an in-person event for 23rd September during ETHGlobal New York.
    • An event page announcement will be made in the upcoming weeks.

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in future.
  • Of 15 applications reviewed, 5 were awarded.
  • Grant decisions will be shared by month’s end.
  • Some were declined for aligning more with public goods than Ecosystem.
  • ENS-based projects are urged to apply for future grants.

7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates

:scroll: Forum: [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates
  • Refund amount & method are yet to be confirmed.
  • It’s aimed to put to vote at the end of September or October (in monthly DAO Voting window), along with other votes.

8. Open space for additional topics

Details on ENS Stewards & WG Team Members

  • Maintainer.eth proposed a centralised location for information on WG Stewards and the ENS Labs team.
  • Access the list of working group stewards here.
  • Learn about the Labs team here.
  • You can also direct message on the forum.

ENS Merchandise

  • Visit ensmerchshop.xyz for official ENS merchandise.
    • Use the code “ensmerchlaunch” to get $10 off your purchase.

Delegate Alerts - Telegram

  • A Telegram group was initiated to broadcast notifications whenever there’s an executable proposal.
  • This is a notifications-only channel, and member joinings remain private – Join here.
1 Like

August 31st, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights (10 mins)
  3. Small grants update ( 3 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Refund For Name Normalization Timeline
  8. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, August 31st, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on future calls.


  1. Core Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Small grants update
  4. Weekly Review of ens.canny
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates
  8. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, cap, dr3a.eth, evan, greg skriloff, light walker, maintainer, marcus estmcmxci, prem makeig, russell bookland, senad dilji, sydmead.eth, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth)

1. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

ENSIP-16: Offchain Metadata

  • ENSIP-16 is an improvement for offchain names like cb.id names, enabling them to be visible on applications like ENS manager app.
  • The proposal was published a few days ago as a draft. Authors are inviting feedback.
  • See: ENSIP-16: Offchain Metadata


[DRAFT] Gasless DNS names in ENS

  • Last week, Gasless DNSSEC was deployed on Sepolia - View the deployment on this GitHub PR.
  • DNSSEC allows anyone to use existing DNS web domains in the ENS ecosystem for free.
  • Gregskril is working on a DNSSEC document and shared this on the call.
    • Document & demos are still being polished and will be released soon.
  • The technical implementation of DNSSEC and its benefits were discussed.
    • The process involves setting a single text record (TXT) on the DNS domain, enabling resolution in wallets like Metamask.
  • A question was raised about how updates to other DNS records would work, with flexibility mentioned.
    • Developers and labs are exploring different options, including a gateway server for more record flexibility.
  • Discussion covered trust assumptions and the role of the gateway server (deployed here).
  • Suggestions were made to align primary names with similar mechanisms to enhance adoption and safety.
  • The balance between cost-effectiveness, adoption, and potential risks in the ENS ecosystem was acknowledged, with the potential for reversibility also being highlighted.

2. Project Highlights

Russell Bookland (ENS | Twitter) from dAppling network (Twitter | Web | Github)

  • Russell shared that dAppling network has added support for ENS names, where users can link their ENS name to their website. Check out the tweet thread for more information and demo.

3. Small Grants Update

:scroll: Forum: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Get your submissions ready - small grants are scheduled to open September 5th.
  • Keep an eye out for the forum post next week with more information.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.
  • The ENS Canny Board was reviewed.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto,
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul

ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY Sep 23rd 2023

  • @limes shared about ENS event September 23rd from 6-9pm (ET), during ETHGlobal New York.
    • The event is planning to use technology from some of our partner projects - supporting those who support us - including:
      • An NFT ticket that is ‘Built on Base[.eth]’.
      • Token gated communication on Farcaster.
    • Many from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community will be attending.
    • The forum post ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY 2023 will be updated when information is ready.

ETH Global New York - Hackathon

  • ENS will have presence and is happy to sponsor the event.
  • Let Gregskril know your ideas for building here
  • Check out the prizes and categories here

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in future.

7. [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates

:scroll: Forum: 1) [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates & 2) [TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal
  • Refund options have been discussed on the forum and in past Metagov, Ecosystem & Public Goods WG calls.
  • Option A was selected from the two options.
  • @matoken.eth will move forward with making an onchain governance proposal.
  • This will be aimed for end of September as part of the monthly DAO Voting Window.
  • @gregskril clarified the technical process of the refund.
    • ETH will be sent to a multisig, which will send transaction to affected users, and what is not spent on gas will transfer back to the DAO.

8. Open space for additional topics


Callout for Hackathon Ideas

  • @gregskril - if you have any ideas for projects to be built in a hackathon, please reach out.
    • What type of prizes make you most excited to build on a protocol? (tweet).


Affiliate Program Update

:scroll: Forum: Discussion 1: ENS Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Program
  • @LightWalker.eth gave an update on the affiliate program, explaining the progress and outreach being conducted to align participants.

September 7th, 2023


  1. Project Highlights (10 mins) @Premm.eth @clowes.eth, 3DNS
  2. Small grants update ( 3 mins)
  3. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

Bonus: https://twitter.com/ensdomains/status/1699804279333416976

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, September 7th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on future calls.


  1. Core Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights @Premm.eth, @clowes.eth, 3DNS
  3. Small grants update
  4. Weekly Review of ens.canny
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, arcadian.eth, bob, cap, eskender abebe, evan moyer, george beall, mailchain ‘verycozy.eth’, marcus (estmcmxci), Namaskar (kyle), prem makeig, shaik hidayath, thomas clowes, yungsb,

1. Core Updates

@Esk3nder.eth (ENS | Twitter), Product Lead at Labs ENS Labs

Manager App Update
  • A significant update to ownership management, within their Manager app is under way, with rollout expected in the coming weeks.
Contract Deployment
  • Contracts have been deployed to Sepolia.
  • Plans to move to the latest public testnets by the 15th.
Testing Approach
  • Changed end-to-end testing, from using Cypress to Playwright.
Web 3 Starter Kit
  • Released a Web 3 starter kit using Next.js for quick project deployments. see it on GitHub.
Payment Method Update
  • ETH is now the default payment method during registration.
Bug fixes and improvements
  • Additional bug fixes have been rolled out.
Corner Store Cafe Event
  • ENS Labs and XMTP are partnering for Corner Store Cafe at ETH New York. View the tweet.

2. Project Highlights

@clowes.eth (ENS | Twitter) & @Premm.eth (ENS | Twitter) from Unruggable Names

  • Premm and Thomas gave an update and demo of unruggable subdomains.
  • The product aims to make ENS subname registrations cheaper and more accessible using L2 solutions like Optimism.
  • Technical features include ERC4337 implementation, use of NameWrapper and the ETH Reg controller.
  • The live demo showcased registration and configuration of subnames on Layer 2.
    • Thomas shared his ‘ENS Whois’ tool on ethtools.com as an easy way to view these newly created subnames.
  • The aim is to make ENS names the primary way of creating smart accounts in the future.
    • Integrating ENS name registration directly into the process of creating smart accounts (see ERC4337) streamlines user experience, with one-click process, all potentially in a gasless manner.
  • Cross chain gateways, L2 compatibility, rollups and more were discussed.
  • They acknowledged existing challenges and limitations of L2.
    • The Project is design so that L2 names can be ‘upgraded’ to L1 for enhanced security.
  • View the demo at optimism-demo.unruggablenames.com
  • View the GitHub at github.com/unruggable-labs/L2-ens

George Beall (Twitter) from 3DNS.box (Twitter)

“The first onchain web domain registrar, supporting .com, .xyz, .box, and many more TLDs. Bring your domain onchain!”

  • George Beall shared information about 3DNS and their goal to bring existing web domains onchain.
  • They are focusing on seamless UX to attract traditional domain customers, and develop custom solutions for bulk domain buyers/managers.
  • Discussion included:
    • Their dual system of an offchain registrar that becomes read-only after domain is migrated onchain.
    • Legal considerations regarding ownership revocation in cases of explicit breaches of UDPR.
    • Issues around delegating permissions for multiple wallets to manage domains. And their developing custom implementations e.g. with gnosis safe.
  • A Beta rollout is planned for next week.
    • Existing domains will be able to transfer onchain shortly after launch.
    • Keep an eye out for a demo in the coming weeks.
  • Open to collaboration on advancing onchain domain functionality and exploring use cases like domains as collateral and fractional ownership.

3. Small Grants Update

:scroll: Forum: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Small grants have been delayed until next week. Submissions will open on the 12th.
  • The technology of the voting system is still being worked on.
  • Keep an eye on the forum for more information.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.
  • The ENS Canny Board was discussed.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto,
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul
ENS Happy Hour @ ETHGlobal New York Sep 23rd 2023
  • @limes previewed the design for ETH Happy Hour tickets.
  • It’s expected for a capacity of 100-150 tickets.
  • The forum post ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY 2023 will be updated when information is ready.
  • Many from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community will be attending.

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in the future.

8. Open space for additional topics

Community & Hackathons

September 14th, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights (10 mins)
  3. Small grants are live! ( 5 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, September 14th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights (10 mins)
  3. Small grants are live! ( 5 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, Mac Budkowski, Tim Daub, aexek.eth, arcadian.eth, cap, corbin page, gregskril.eth, light walker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci.eth), marcus am, paul, premm.eth, sydmeand.eth, tyler caldonia, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb

1. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | X)

  • ENS Labs is welcoming @184.eth as the ENS Support Lead. Message him a congrats! (Post)

  • @mdt gave a great talk on CCIP Read at DappCon (Post)

  • ENS is at Safecon! Message @marta if you want to say hi (Post)

  • ENS will have $10k of prizes at ETHGlobal New York, there are 3 days left to apply (ETH Global)

  • At ETH Global, there will be a XMTP x ENS corner store providing attendees goodies (Post)

  • Gasless DNSSEC can now be run in a test environment. Check out the writeup for more details (Writeup)

2. Project Highlights

Kiwi News | Tim Daub (X | Farcaster) & Mac Budkowski (X | Farcaster)

Kiwi News is a web3 alternative to the tech focused news website Hackernews. Profiles on Kiwi News use Sign in with Ethereum for login and integrates ENS for account data. Check out the leaderboard of the profiles with the most upvoted posts on Kiwi News!

  • Kiwi News is built on an open, permissionless and decentralized peer to peer protocol. To learn more about how Kiwi News works, check out the Protocol Guide
  • Look for Kiwi News in the next Small Grants round and consider voting for them
  • The team will be speaking at Protocol Berg on September 15, 2023. If you’re in Berlin, go to see their talk

3. ENS grants are live!

ENS Grants has been running for over a year now and this time around we are in the arena trying things. The voting system was changed from token weighted voting to instead use NFT based voting where 1 NFT = 1 vote. The mechanism to the distributon of this NFT is not public as of yet. 15 ETH is up for grabs for 10 different projects in conjunction with the grants round the Public Goods Working Group is running. Apply today!

Small Grants Details
ENS Grants Site

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.
  • The ENS Canny Board was reviewed.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETH New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto
Oct 6-8 ETH Rome gregskril.eth
Nov 13-19 Devconnect ENS Labs & DAO
Nov 17-19 ETH Instanbul ENS Labs & DAO

ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY Sep 23rd 2023

ETH Global New York - Hackathon

  • ENS will have presence and is happy to sponsor the event.
  • Let @gregskril know your ideas for building here
  • Check out the prizes and categories here

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks

6. Open Space for Additional Topics



September 21st, 2023


  1. Core Updates @gregskril (7 mins)
  2. Project Highlights (10 mins)
  3. Small grants ( 5 mins)
  4. Weekly Review of canny. (5 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, September 21st, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on future calls.


  1. Core Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Small grants
  4. Weekly Review of ens.canny
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, broke boy, cap.eth, dr3a, greg skril, light walker, marcus (estmcmxci), shaik hidayath, vegayp, ethmoji punks, vincent (zadok7.eth),

1. Core Updates


  • FrENSday is happening – Go to frensday.ens.domains
  • The first ENS conference in Istanbul, Turkey on the premier day of DevConnect 2023 - tweet
  • Multiple stages are planned for frENSday, along with food and other activities.
  • Speakers will include team members like Nick, Cory, and others covering technical topics.
    • Vitalik, B Others will also be speaking at the event.

ETH NewYork

  • Multiple events are taking place in New York.
  • Several community builders are participating in the hackathon.

New Hires

  • ENS labs has hired a new QA person. They will be focusing on making sure any code rolled out is of high quality and performs as expected.

2. Project Highlights

No highlights for today

3. Small Grants

:scroll: Forum: Small Grants Q3 2023 (Public Goods & Ecosystem).
  • Deadline for the small grants submissions is Friday with voting to open after the weekend.
  • If you are not already eligible, to participate in voting, request a Voter Card.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto, light walker,
Nov 13-17 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul

ENS Happy Hour @ ETHGlobal New York Sep 23rd 2023

  • Many from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community will be attending.

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in the future.

7. Open space for additional topics

New email contact address

  • @Limes is preparing a new ENS domains email address which will serve as a point of contact for ENS-related queries.
  • The email account will be managed by the Secretary, who will filter questions and direct them to the appropriate parties.

Ethmoji punks

  • @meta8.eth shared details of their work and an upcoming Beeple event. For more information, see here