☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, September 7th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on future calls.


  1. Core Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights @Premm.eth, @clowes.eth, 3DNS
  3. Small grants update
  4. Weekly Review of ens.canny
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  7. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, 5pence.eth, arcadian.eth, bob, cap, eskender abebe, evan moyer, george beall, mailchain ‘verycozy.eth’, marcus (estmcmxci), Namaskar (kyle), prem makeig, shaik hidayath, thomas clowes, yungsb,

1. Core Updates

@Esk3nder.eth (ENS | Twitter), Product Lead at Labs ENS Labs

Manager App Update
  • A significant update to ownership management, within their Manager app is under way, with rollout expected in the coming weeks.
Contract Deployment
  • Contracts have been deployed to Sepolia.
  • Plans to move to the latest public testnets by the 15th.
Testing Approach
  • Changed end-to-end testing, from using Cypress to Playwright.
Web 3 Starter Kit
  • Released a Web 3 starter kit using Next.js for quick project deployments. see it on GitHub.
Payment Method Update
  • ETH is now the default payment method during registration.
Bug fixes and improvements
  • Additional bug fixes have been rolled out.
Corner Store Cafe Event
  • ENS Labs and XMTP are partnering for Corner Store Cafe at ETH New York. View the tweet.

2. Project Highlights

@clowes.eth (ENS | Twitter) & @Premm.eth (ENS | Twitter) from Unruggable Names

  • Premm and Thomas gave an update and demo of unruggable subdomains.
  • The product aims to make ENS subname registrations cheaper and more accessible using L2 solutions like Optimism.
  • Technical features include ERC4337 implementation, use of NameWrapper and the ETH Reg controller.
  • The live demo showcased registration and configuration of subnames on Layer 2.
    • Thomas shared his ‘ENS Whois’ tool on ethtools.com as an easy way to view these newly created subnames.
  • The aim is to make ENS names the primary way of creating smart accounts in the future.
    • Integrating ENS name registration directly into the process of creating smart accounts (see ERC4337) streamlines user experience, with one-click process, all potentially in a gasless manner.
  • Cross chain gateways, L2 compatibility, rollups and more were discussed.
  • They acknowledged existing challenges and limitations of L2.
    • The Project is design so that L2 names can be ‘upgraded’ to L1 for enhanced security.
  • View the demo at optimism-demo.unruggablenames.com
  • View the GitHub at github.com/unruggable-labs/L2-ens

George Beall (Twitter) from 3DNS.box (Twitter)

“The first onchain web domain registrar, supporting .com, .xyz, .box, and many more TLDs. Bring your domain onchain!”

  • George Beall shared information about 3DNS and their goal to bring existing web domains onchain.
  • They are focusing on seamless UX to attract traditional domain customers, and develop custom solutions for bulk domain buyers/managers.
  • Discussion included:
    • Their dual system of an offchain registrar that becomes read-only after domain is migrated onchain.
    • Legal considerations regarding ownership revocation in cases of explicit breaches of UDPR.
    • Issues around delegating permissions for multiple wallets to manage domains. And their developing custom implementations e.g. with gnosis safe.
  • A Beta rollout is planned for next week.
    • Existing domains will be able to transfer onchain shortly after launch.
    • Keep an eye out for a demo in the coming weeks.
  • Open to collaboration on advancing onchain domain functionality and exploring use cases like domains as collateral and fractional ownership.

3. Small Grants Update

:scroll: Forum: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Small grants have been delayed until next week. Submissions will open on the 12th.
  • The technology of the voting system is still being worked on.
  • Keep an eye on the forum for more information.

4. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.
  • The ENS Canny Board was discussed.

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Sep 22-24 ETHGlobal New York gregskril.eth, sadaf.eth, slobo.eth, limes.eth, makoto.eth, katherine.eth, alexandro netto,
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul
ENS Happy Hour @ ETHGlobal New York Sep 23rd 2023
  • @limes previewed the design for ETH Happy Hour tickets.
  • It’s expected for a capacity of 100-150 tickets.
  • The forum post ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY 2023 will be updated when information is ready.
  • Many from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community will be attending.

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in the future.

8. Open space for additional topics

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