☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, September 28th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on future calls.


  1. Onchain votes
    • Refund Invalid .eth
    • Fund the Endowment (second tranche)
  2. Core Updates
  3. Project Highlights
  4. EthGlobal New York Highlights
  5. Small grants
  6. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  9. Open space for additional topics


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, accessor, alex plutta, alexandro netto, cap, dr3a, eskender abebe, evan moyer, greg skrilloff, lightwalker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), premm, russell bookland, shaik hidayath, tyler caldonia, vegayp

1. Onchain Votes

2. Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

Onchain proposals on Agora.ensdao.org

  • You can always cast your vote for proposals on Agora, Tally, or in other places.
  • Agora has been updated, with work funded by MetaGov WG, and it’s encouraged to try it out and give feedback.
    • You can let Greg know and he’ll pass it onto the Agora Team.

Proposal Updates on Telegram

  • Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

ENS Workshop, ETHGlobal

  • Many from ENS DAO, ENS Labs and community attended the ETHGlobal New York Hackathon.
  • Several on the WG call were also there building, and the Hackathon has led to a lot of good feedback for developer ideas.
  • There were many cool projects and winners, and the intention to get some several of those projects on the call in the coming weeks to present.
    • Explore Projects here.

Dev Side - Developer workshop

  • GregSkril delivered a workshop titled, “Identity in Your Apps”. - watch it on youtube

frENSday was announced last week.

  • Go to frensday.ens.domains
  • It will be the opening event in Istanbul on Nov 13th
  • If you have something to share and would like to participate go to the site, check it out and apply to speak.
  • There is also a volunteer page to get more community involved.
  • More information on registration, speakers and events will be released in next few days and weeks.
    On call Feedback/discussion
    • mailchain (verycozy.eth) gave oncall feedback they were not able to make multiple frENSday speaker submissions on behalf of teammembers.
      • Less than 20 minutes later GregSkril gave an update this was fixed.

New Hires

  • ENS labs has hired a new QA person - Sukendu goes by SG. They will be focusing on making sure any code rolled out is of high quality and has fewer bugs (or none).

3. Project Highlights

Alex Plutta (ENS | Twitter) from Resolv3R (with DM3)

  • Alex Plutta provided an update of the Resolv3r, a project built at ETHPrague, which seeks to make ens records on L2, to address the high transaction costs of L1.
  • Resolv3r utilises their CCIP-Resolver for general data retrieval and ENS-Bedrock-Resolver for the functionality of retrieving and verifying onchain data. They aim to add additional chains and integrations over time.
  • Resolv3r is open source, supported through public goods funding.

@LightWalker.eth (ENS | Twitter) from NameHash (Namehash.io)

  • lightwalker gave a preview of NameGuard, a project the Namehash team have been building.
    • Nameguard is upcoming open-source infrastructure aiming to make ENS safer and set to launch in late October.
    • See more in their small grants submission: NameGuard - Security “X-ray” that helps to protect from hidden risks in ENS names.
  • The project focuses on mitigating risks including inbound message or transaction impersonation and deceptive practices on platforms like OpenSea.
  • NameGuard will consist of a library, an API, a typescript client, a UI kit, and a web app. It aims to identify risks at multiple analytical layers, from names to code points.
  • Lightwalker welcomes questions and possible integrations to further enhance the safety measures in place.

4. EthGlobal New York Highlights

Greg asked slobo.eth to first share his hackathon project: Address Book.

Slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter) from NameStone (NameStone.xyz | Twitter)

  • Address Book
    • “The label maker creates an address book of ENS resolvable address/label to any contract or EOA”
    • Where you can assign a label to any address, have it searchable and viewable on manager app and custom UI. Anyone can label an address, view all labels, or see who set them.
    • All possible due to CCIP Read, namestone.xyz, and Thorin.

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

ETH Global hackathon Winners

  • Greg, Eskender and Makoto dedicated their entire weekend to help builders and judge. There were several categogies for awards from ENS:
    • Best Use of ENS
    • Best Use of Subnames
    • Best Use of Thorin
    • Honourable Mentions
  • There were 9 project winners in total. Below are a few of the highlights Greg demod on the call:
    • onthis.xyz
      • Winner: Best Use of ENS
      • “We built Shortcuts, a better way to DeFi. What are Shortcuts? They are human-readable addresses that anyone can send ETH to directly from their wallets and do things like bridging, minting, earning, swapping & leveraging.”
      • Execute cross chain swaps and leverage trades on GMX by sending ETH to 10xbull.eth or 10xbear.
    • subnodesymphony
      • Winner: Best Use of Subnames
      • “Subnode Symphony allows for holders of vanity ENS domains to deposit and generate passive income by enabling users to bid on subdomains.”
      • It’s a technical piece and is live on Goerli to explore.
    • Makermeet
      • Winner: Best Use of Thorin
      • “AI-driven connections and messaging for creatives built on XMTP and Airstack”
      • Makermeet was more front end focused. Making it easier to build domains on web3, with functionality baked in.
    • Airtracker
      • Winner: Honourable Mentions
      • “Decentralized physical asset tracking using AirTags and blockchain storage and messaging”
      • Leverages airtags, sending messages on xmtp, with updated locations.
  • Listen to ENS Radio recap of the ETHGlobal NY Hackathon on twitter.
  • ENS will also also be sponsoring ethblobal Istanbul.

5. Small Grants

:scroll: Forum: ENS September 2023 Small Grants Update.
  • This is an experimental Small Grants round, comprising 4 pieces of tech being built.
  • The NFT Contract has been deployed.
    • All addresses of those eligible to vote have been collected.
    • The NFT that is the ability to vote is non transferrable on Optimism mainnet.
    • The NFT Token has not been sent out yet. It will be sent, after a few more proposals are manually added.
  • The new snapshot voting strategy has been setup.
    • Work continues to make sure the front end works with the new strategy.
  • When ready, the opening of Voting will be promoted across working group calls, the Forum, and on twitter.

6. Weekly Review of ens.canny.io

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are vital, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes: feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram.
DATE Event/Location Who is Attending Event Notes
Oct 5-6 ETHMilan Privacy and security focused
Nov 13 frENSday
Nov 13-19 Devconnect
Nov 17-19 ETHIstanbul

RECAP: ENS Happy Hour happened on Sep 23rd 2023 during ETHGlobal New York

  • Many from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community attended the Happy Hour and Hackathon.

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can reapply in the future.

9. Open space for additional topics

Safety Reminder - use tools that help you not lose money

  • Greg took a moment to share a recent tweet on security in web3, after seeing more people getting phished and scammed. See the tweet

Ecosystem WG welcomes builders to the calls.

  • Slobo encouraged builders to join the calls.
  • There are plenty of things to do and lots of things to name.