☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, November 9, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call

:information_source: New note-take is @don.nie Reach out if any feedback


  1. Core Updates @gregskril
  2. On-Chain proposals voting ending today
  3. Small Grants Updates
  4. Project Highlights @hidayath.eth
  5. [temp check] Proposal for new Service Provider Streams
  6. Weekly Review of canny
  7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants
  9. Open space for additional topics

:birthday: Happy Two-Year Anniversary of ENS DAO!

1. Core Updates


Last 24 hours: 8 repos with different commits. Good sign of ongoing activity.
Otherwise, no change to main updates below:

Multi Delegate Contract

Work on a multi delgate token contract for assigning delegation via governance tokens to more than one person is under way. This would allow users who hold ENS to delegate to more than person from the same wallet.

EVM Gateway

Work has been progressing on EVM Gateway.

EVM Gateway is infrastructure to ENS working on layer 2s as it allows layer 1 smart contracts to read data from layer 2 contracts (Specifically OP Stack Layer 2s)

If you’d like to check out the github repo, it can be found here.

Gasless DNSSEC

Work around fixing bugs related to gasless DNSSEC is in process.

Gasless DNSSEC allows DNS name owners to use their existing domains in the web3 ecosystem for free. For instructions on how to turn DNS names into ENS on the Sepolia testnet, follow the instructions here.

2. On-Chain proposals voting ending today

Two executable onchain votes have reached quorum and are about to pass!

  1. Karpatkey to update the treasury contracts and whitelist new treasury positions
  2. Fund the working groups


  • Asks for a ‘call to arms’ to ensure that we get as many people as possible involved with the DAO and interested in becoming stewards
  • Two-step process to become a steward:
      1. Nominate yourself on the forum
      1. Need 10,000 votes from delegates

3. Small Grants


  • Small Grants will get paid-out today once list received from Greg


  • Will run another small grants process. Need to coordinate with public goods to settle on a date. Most likely will happen 23rd November

Note: ENS’s Small Grants implementation on snapshot is open-source and availible for anyone to copy, fork, or look through.

4. Project Highlights

Eth.cd | @hidayath.eth

  • Building a social network around ens domains.
  • Social Score based on number of ENS records, in future will take into account other protocols
  • Around 70k unique names with avatars; Top 100 displayed on homescreen
  • Want to build standards for ENS records (e.g. Instagram link)
  • Planning to integrate all social/social graph tools into their protocol (e.g. Ethereum Follow Protocol)
  • Launching in ~21 Days

5. Proposal for Service Provider Streams is going to pass!

Reference: @Avsa post on the forum.



  • Idea is not to fund one service provider, but fund multiple candidates. (Diversity adds to the health of the ecosystem.)
  • Can’t have a budget larger than $1m and need to have 1m ENS approval. Will approve teams with highest votes and go through list until budget is met.
  • Important to note that if (for example) a team’s budget is $600k, but only $400k left in budget, then will skip to team asking for $400k or less. This incentivizes service providers to give a fair, unexaggerated price.

Discussion around how to prepare budget:
Budget submission is for 18 months, but teams will be re-evaluated at 12 months. Discussion centered around whether to prepare budget for 12 or 18 months.


  • Recommend have delivery/success ready by month 11, so go into evaluation period on a high note and don’t get funds revoked

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting. Read more on the :scroll: Forum here.

7. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

DATE Event/Location Who is Attending
Nov 17-19 ETH Instanbul @mdt, ENS Labs Developers, Premm, Thomas, Alex Netto

If in Instanbul please reach out to people at ENS Labs!

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

:scroll: Forum: Term 4 Grants – The Ecosystem Working Group grants are designed to support projects and builders contributing to the ENS ecosystem. Apply anytime through the DeForm platform here. Evaluation process takes ~4 weeks

9. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • Don’t hold Ecosystem meetings from Mid-December to the New Year, so enjoy the final calls for remainder of the year!

There is an exclusive telegram group for ENS developers, If you are a builder and want access, reach out to @limes