ENS Labs and dRPC Partnership


ENS Labs is partnering with dRPC to run trustless CCIP Read gateways that will be critical for the future of the protocol by helping to lower gas fees.

To highlight the importance of this infrastructure, we envision that eventually, most ENS lookups will pass through these gateways as we move over to Namechain.

This gateway service must be:

  • Highly reliable
  • Globally distributed for improved latency
  • Operated by many different entities to enhance decentralization

dRPC can fulfill these requirements. Initially, dRPC will report to ENS Labs for faster implementation. ENS Labs will fund the initial setup and ongoing costs. We hope that the DAO will eventually fund dRPC directly once they have proven that they can be relied upon to be a core infrastructure partner.

Why dRPC?

  • Pay-as-you-go model: Perfect for us at this stage as we don’t know how much traffic we will need to handle.
  • Globally distributed nodes and load balancing: Requests are served from the closest possible location, reducing latency.
  • Decentralized architecture: Nodes are run by numerous independent entities, ensuring decentralization. Labs or anyone else can join this provider pool.
  • Privacy focus: dRPC does not pass on the requester’s IP address to nodes; IPs are used solely for geographic routing.
  • Cross-checking results: Automatically cross-checks results across multiple providers.
  • Expertise: Already running nodes for 90+ chains.
  • Proven provider: Currently ENS Labs’ preferred node provider.


The price includes running the gateway and the underlying L2 node.

Description Cost
Initial setup costs $17,725
Monthly @ 1M req/day $44/day, $1,320/month, $15,840/year
Monthly @ 10M req/day $364.80/day, $10,944/month, $131,382/year

The price per 1M requests goes down as volume goes up. This trend would continue past the figures posted above.


  • Expected launch date: February 2025

Thanks for this information and the proposal being surfaced here.

I’m curious about a few implementation details:

Could you elaborate on what specific metrics will qualify as “proven reliability” for transitioning from Labs to DAO funding? Additionally, I’m interested in understanding more about how other node operators can join the provider pool in practice, and what mechanisms will ensure continued decentralization over time.

The pricing structure seems very reasonable, but it would be helpful to understand our expected usage estimates and potential cost thresholds.

Congratulations to the dRPC team and I hope to see you as a candidate for the 2026 service provider stream then :wink:


The main things we’ll be looking at in terms of reliability are similar to what we’d look at for a node provider:

  • Uptime
  • Latency
  • Response to varying levels of traffic
  • Error rate/data accuracy

The specifics of how to join as a gateway provider are not available yet as work hasn’t started on that, but you can already join dRPC as a node provider and I imagine the process would be similar, details on that here.

It’s very difficult to come up with accurate usage estimates, which is why the PAYG model is very appealing. However we will try to gather estimates from people who are currently running gateways. Will report back here once we have something.


Nice, thanks for this!

I’m looking forward to seeing the initiative develop and hearing more about the usage patterns from current operators as you gather that data.

This will be an interesting evolution to watch!