☎️ ENS Public Goods – Weekly Meeting: 1pm ET (5pm UTC), Thursday – Term 5

Public Goods Meeting, August 15, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @simona_pop (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X)

:information_source: If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  3. Update from Base Community Meetup in Buenos Aires where ENS Service Provider Namespace provided free subnames on Base for the Músicaw3 community
  4. tl;dr on p256 status conversation started last week - context here
  5. Open floor

17 Participants in meeting

1. Welcome

2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest

  • ENS Labs hosting frENS Day
    • x.com
    • November 11 in Bangkok, Thailand

3. Update from Base Community Meetup in Buenos Aires where ENS Service Provider Namespace provided free subnames on Base for the Músicaw3 community

  • 0xGonzalo working 2 years onboarding 200 artists from Latin America into Web3
  • Digital and real life events
  • Late June had event discussing Base and having artists mint music through Zora
  • Sponsored by Base through its Community Meetups Initiative
  • Walked through how to setup ENS name via Namespace
    • 69 participants claimed an ENS
  • @estmcmxci.eth will continue participating in the collective along with the community leader solsiete.eth to grow events across Latin America
  • Socials: x.com and
  • Namespace link where participants were able to mint subnames on Base
  • Link to slides prepared by @estmcmxci.eth: Base Community Meetups: Buenos Aires.pdf - Google Drive

4. tl;dr on p256 status conversation started last week - context here

5. Open Floor

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: https://paragraph.xyz/@ensdao

Notes by @don.nie

SKIPPING THIS WEEK - DAO Tokyo + August Calendars

:white_check_mark: We’ll be back next week with Tokyo Roundup and Grants Milestone presentations :white_check_mark:

Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


If you would like to add anything for next week, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the calls.

Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.

  • Welcome ALL :sparkles:
  • Round up of DAOTokyo with @vegayp & @Coltron.eth
  • Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  • rotki milestone update
  • Gashawk milestone update
  • Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.

Public Goods Meeting, August 29, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @simona_pop (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X)

:information_source: If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Round up of DAOTokyo with @vegayp & @Coltron.eth
  3. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  4. Gashawk milestone update
  5. rotki milestone update
  6. Open floor

17 Participants in meeting

1. Welcome

2. Round up of DAOTokyo with @vegayp & @Coltron.eth


  • Sponsored a booth, gave out rebranding swag
  • Very well done, extremely well organized
  • Participated in panels with other DAOs; how to move ahead when don’t receive grant


  • Started conference with hackathon, was able to support through support and judging
  • Will communicate to/with Teams that might be good for PG Grants

3. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest

4. Gashawk milestone update

Daniel Hannum presenting https://gashawk.io

  • Make onchain interactions more efficient, safe, and secure
  • First milestone completed: Add support for Optimism, Base and Sepolia for GasHawks front end, web app and browser extension
  • Questbook link: GasHawk
  • We allow users and institutions to simply set a time preference on their TXs ranging from seconds to minutes to hours to days and our proprietary algorithms hunt for the best possible execution in that timeframe. Our service can be used by retail users by adding GasHawk to their favorite wallet of choice (wallet agnostic as well as compatible with EOA/SCW/MS) and institutional clients can access our suite of services through our API/SDKs.
  • Will keep group updated as other milestones are achieved

5. rotki milestone update

Lefteris Karapetsas presenting https://rotki.com

  • rotki is an open source portfolio tracker, accounting and analytics tool that protects your privacy
  • Have warning /notifications for ENS renewals inside rotki app
  • Completed 1 of 2 ENS PG grant milestones: Tracking Orders
  • Next release would like to do in September; keep stewards posted when live

6. Open Floor

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Thank you for taking notes!

I put it in the TG channel but think it’s apt to also include here so people who look at the forum can follow the links.

The milestones for the grant as mentioned in the call were the support for Odos router in rotki (Understand and decode swaps via Odos routers in all supported EVM chains · Issue #7629 · rotki/rotki · GitHub)

Which has been completed by Feat (Odos): Decode v1 swap events by OjusWiZard · Pull Request #8315 · rotki/rotki · GitHub and Feat (Odos): Decoder for swaps on Odos v2 by OjusWiZard · Pull Request #8284 · rotki/rotki · GitHub

And the Extrafi support: Support Extra Finance · Issue #8013 · rotki/rotki · GitHub

Which is still in progress. The first open PR is this: add extrafi for optimism by yabirgb · Pull Request #8457 · rotki/rotki · GitHub which I just reviewed today and am working with the team to bring to completion. Will need more PRs to complete it though. ETA: Next week probably.

They will both be included in next feature release of rotki (1.35.0). No ETA yet for that but hopefully by September. Though if there is something I learned in software is to not give ETAs :wink:


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.

  • Welcome ALL :sparkles:
  • Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  • Scaffold-ETH milestone update
  • Urbe.eth milestone update
  • Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.

Public Goods Meeting, September 5, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @simona_pop (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X)

:information_source: If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  3. Scaffold-ETH milestone update
  4. Urbe.eth milestone update
  5. Open floor

20 Participants in meeting

1. Welcome

2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest

3. Scaffold-ETH milestone update

Austin Griffith presenting

4. Urbe.eth milestone update

Simone Staffa presenting

  • The Italian web3 community by builders for builders
  • Currently running hackathon in Warsaw
  • Recording lessons and will be uploaded next week
  • Next editions at ETH Rome and Devcon
  • Simona: Might be good idea to create tasters to show what else available for people joining community
  • Expect to publish outcomes from the hackathon by the end of next week

5. Open Floor

  • @luc.eth showing https://ens.gift update and discussion around minimizing gas fees for batch ENS registrations and how GasHawk focuses on this:
    • TG: DHannum8 to continue the discussion

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.

  • Welcome ALL :sparkles:
  • Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  • EthMexico Presentation
  • Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.

Public Goods Meeting, September 12, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @simona_pop (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X)

:information_source: If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
  3. ETH Mexico Presentation
  4. Open floor

10 Participants in meeting

1. Welcome

2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest

3. ETH Mexico Presentation

Will bump to another call

4. Open Floor

Large Grants

  • ~$45k of Large Grant funding currently paid out
  • Grantees doing good job of meeting milestones; on track to close out by end of the year
  • To view status of grantees: https://ens.questbook.app/
    • Questbook is a grant manager platform to collect, view, manage milestones, and payout grants

Small Grants

  • No decision made on date yet
  • Hope to run a round by end of the month

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie