Gitcoin GR15: Recap and Results

GR15 Tl;dr

  • GR15 ran for two weeks from September 7th - 22nd, 2022.
  • ENS participation:
    • $69,420k for an ENS Ecosystem round, funded by the ENS Ecosystem Working Group.
    • 106 projects participated in the ENS Ecosystem Round for GR15.
    • $50k for the main round, funded by the Public Goods Working Group.
    • $50k for the advocacy cause round, funded by the Public Goods Working Group.

The Gitcoin team published a great blog post on GR15 results, linked below.

ENS Ecosystem Round

  • GR15 marked the third ENS Ecosystem Round, run as an ecosystem round during the quarterly Gitcoin Grants Round.
  • 106 projects participated in the ENS Ecosystem Round for GR15.
  • 14 projects received max matching of $3,471 per project.
  • Max matching was set at 5% for GR15, which meant a project could receive up to 5% of the total pool of $69,420.
  • The intention of reducing max matching from 10% to 5% for this Grants Round was to observe the impact it would have on the total number of projects receiving max matching. The number of projects that received max matching doubled in GR15, going from 7 projects in GR14 to 14 projects in GR15.
  • The ENS Ecosystem Round was funded by the ENS Ecosystem Working Group.

Top 50 ENS Grants
The ENS Ecosystem Round proved to be a great resource for the community to discover projects and contributors in the ENS ecosystem. The top 50 projects, based on matching funds received, are collated in a Google Sheet so the community can quickly source links to popular ENS-related projects.

View the Google Sheet here.

Gitcoin Main Round

  • 31,148 donors contributed to the Main Round, giving over $832k to 1,065 projects.
  • The Public Goods Working Group donated $50k to the main round on behalf of ENS.
  • Max matching was capped at $12,500 for the Main Round.

Advocacy Cause Round

  • The Advocacy Cause Round focused on crypto regulation.
  • The Public Goods Working Group donated $50k to the Advocacy Cause Round on behalf of ENS.

From the Gitcoin GR15 blog post:

Crypto is complicated, and needs explaining, especially to policymakers, legislators, and officials who make the regulatory decisions that could determine the future of the open web.

The Advocacy Round funded projects working toward a future where crypto policy ensures, enables, and protects our financial freedom instead of restricting it.

This round had 1,526 donors crowdfunding $114.7k to 11 projects. Thanks to our matching partners, the total pool was over $414k with a maximum match of $45,000 per grant.

A huge thank you to our sponsors: Vitalik Buterin, 1inch Network, ENS, Aave, Frax Finance, Mask, Anoma, Aragon, AlchemixFi and Aztec for their support of crypto advocates who are making a difference.

Looking Ahead and Getting Involved

Feedback and Suggestions

If you participated in GR15, we would appreciate your feedback on how the round went for you, and how we might improve for GR16. Please fill in this Airtable form if you are interested in providing feedback. Feedback will be shared with working group Lead Stewards and me (alisha.eth).


GR16 will run from December 1st - 15th.

If you’re interested in joining discussions about the amount donated to the ENS Ecosystem Round, please join the weekly Ecosystem Working Group (WG) calls. For the remainder of Q4 2022, Ecosystem WG calls will be held on Thursdays at 12pm EST. Join through this link.

If you’re interested in joining discussions about donations to the main round and cause rounds, please join the weekly Public Goods Working Group calls. For the remainder of Q4 2022, Public Goods WG calls will be held on Thursdays at 1pm EST. Join through this link.

ENS Small Grants

If you participated in a Gitcoin Grants round, you are likely a great candidate to participate in ENS Small Grants rounds that happen monthly at The next grants round opens soon, so keep an eye out on the ENS DAO Twitter for updates.

Thank you for participating in GR15, whether as a donor or grantee, and making this the most successful round that ENS has participated in to date!


This is really cool to see! random thought - have we thought about solidifying the partnership with gitcoin in a deeper way, ie via a large DAO to DAO swap - swapping some locked ENS for locked Gitcoin? I’ve been working with gitcoin on some of their treasury diversification efforts - I think they would be really into something like that to intertwine the voting and financial alignments between Gitcoin and ENS.