Insufficient balance on your wallet. Fill in your wallet and reload the page

I donā€™t understand, how to proceed from here? What is the next step? Where do register or create a wallet?

The only thing I could figure out, having done this quite a few times, is you need at least .023 ETH in your account, even if wonā€™t use it. But since gas fees fluctuate, you would may need more to avoid this.


@berrios.eth oh so this whole thing connects to Or how do I ā€œloginā€?

I donā€™t have a account. But you would need to connect the wallet to the app and ensure you have sufficient $ETH for the transactions. Note there are two gas fee transactions. Request to register and Completing the Registration, once it is confirmed that name is available.

@berrios.eth I feel stupid, can you tell me step by step how I get there?

  1. I go to ENS App
  2. I cannot click on ā€˜Request to Registerā€™

Stuck. Thanks man!

Your wallet might not be connected, if the domain name is available.

Does it still say? Insufficient balance on your wallet. Fill in your wallet and reload the page.

Hereā€™s is something and someone that might help: