☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, April 18th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation
  1. DAO Tooling [potential slot for Agora presentation]

  2. Reserved for Open Discussion [potential slot for Aragon update]

Meta-Gov Meeting, April 18th, 2023


184, Aleks, Alexandro, Alisha, Coltron, Daylon, elbagococina, Katherine, Khori, Luca, lyt, Mona, Muhammed, Nick, santinomics, Simona, Tomas, Vincent, YungSB


1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

  • Monthly Report (@Steakhouse)
    • Fully open source, emphasis on transparency
    • Report contains balance sheet, income statement, endowment assets under management, profit and loss.
    • The report assumes that all forms of Ether are the same as staked Ether.

Q [Katherine]: Where are you getting the data from?
A: It all comes from Dune, which tracks events occuring on the Ethereum network. It is gathered by using a complex, custom-built query. In the future, we will simplify the structure of the query. We will also have a simpler output available on Dune.

Q: Are figures denominated in USD?
A: The figures are denominated in USDC for stablecoin section, and denominated in Ether for ETH section. The prices we use are at the end of every day.

Any feedback / questions welcome.

  • Weekly Report (@karpatkey)
    • Currently nearly $32 million for endowment.
    • Following through with regular ETH swaps until the target composition of 40% stablecoins and 60% Ether is reached.

Q: Does the Shanghai update effect the endowment? [withdrawals enabled for staked ETH deposits]
A: We expect that fees may go down and are monitoring the market. We think this will bring more liquidity to the staking positions.

  • Endowment Fees
    • A separate pod was created for payout of endowment performance fees.

3. DAO Tooling [potential slot for Agora presentation]


  • Working on a contract that enables delegation of voting power to multiple delegates.
  • Close to being finished. Development is almost done, just needs final security checks.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion [potential slot for Aragon update]
