☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 23rd @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherine.eth, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

3. Reserve for Open Discussion

  • Josh from DAOStar Presentation

  • Ben from ScopeLift

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 23rd, 2023

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

Note: Read the minutes from prior calls above.


katherinewu, nick johnson, simona pop, 5pence, alisha.eth, ben DiFrancesco, coltron.eth, cornelia weinzieri, elbagococina, elbagococina, enspunks, greg skriloff, joshua tan, lawrence roman, lawrence roman, luca mossini, marcus martinez, nick johnson, santinomics, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

  • It’s Delegation Week - gasless ‘free’ delegation
  • Secretary Appointment (@limes.eth)
    • @Coltron.eth stepped down as DAO secretary, and stewards appointed @limes for the remainder of term.
    • Secretary repsonsibilities include communicaiton across working groups, managing DAO wide calendar, multisig keyholder, and more
    • limes will be on the call next week to introduce themself. Limes is also an Ecosystem WG steward.
  • Term 2 Steward Elections coming up
    • Rules for Steward elections are set out in rules 4 and 5 of the Working Group Rules.
      • To successfully get onto the ballot for a working group steward election, nominees need to receive 10k votes in support of their nomination between June 6 - 9.
      • Election period is June 10 -15.
    • Based on feedback from last term; alisha will create the nomination threads in the forum a week earlier to increase awareness around nominations. This will give more lead time for community members to get involved and campaign for votes with Delegates.

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

  • @tomas from @karpatkey shared the Endowment Weekly Reports - #11
    • Weekly reports are shared in this same thread, where you can also engage and discuss with the karpatkey team
    • There was further discussion around a recent enquiry about runway & interest (read here)
      • @santinomics, @alisha & @nick discussed the intention of the endowment to grow over time. When the endowment was first discussed, the intention was a target of $2m/year in interest to cover basic costs. Endowment revenues are intended as survival mechanism rather than a replacement of all operating expenses from all dao activities.
    • Proposal for whitelist items related to the endowment.ens.eth wallet has been reviewed and will be posted in coming days. An executable vote on Tally will follow, and if passed, the proposal will be deployed and executed.

3. Open Discussion

  • Ben DiFrancesco from ScopeLift

    • Ben shared about ScopeLift - dev shop/engineering team, that has been building on ethereum for 7 years. This includes work with contract development, building for projects, as well as additional Public Goods Works (incl those funded by Ethereum Foundation, MolochDAO)
    • Has been focused on DAO governance for last year and a half
    • Interested to partner & provide ‘flexible voting’ integrations
  • Josh from DAOStar | website

    • Joshua shared about DAOstar - who are focused on standards and public goods for DAOs and DAO tooling; developing basic infrastructure for reporting that is both public & interoperable.
    • Recently passed a proposal with aave and interested to partner with ENS
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