☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 5th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey)
  3. @khori.eth from Labs re Labs Financials 2022
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Ben from Scopelift


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, coltron.eth, dr3a.eth, elbagococina, estmcmxci, evan moyer, greg skirloff, khori whittaker, lightwalker, limes.eth, santinomics, tomas, tyler caldonia, 184.eth

Notes by @184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

ENS NYC Happy Hour

2. Endowment Update

:scroll: Forum: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

Tomas | @karpatkey gave the weekly update.

  • The endowment is currently valued at 28 million with a capital utilisation of almost 100%.
  • August Monthly report was delayed due to a minor bug related to the balancer pools, however is expected before the next call.

Discussion into Second Tranche of Endowment & strategies.

  • Proposal for the second tranche of Endowment is expected in the coming week.
    • A vote is being timed to coincide with the September DAO Voting Window, along with another proposal.
  • The proposal for diversification strategies would then follow in October.

Discussion into staked ETH diversification.

  • Originally 100% in Lido, there are plans to diversify.
    • The short-term goal to achieve a 70:30 composition.
    • The long-term strategy to reach a 50/30/20 distribution across different pools.

3. Labs Financials 2022 w/ @khori.eth

Added: Discussion of Core Team Transitions

:scroll: Forum: Core Team Transitions
  • Khori gave shared about core team member updates, including:
    • Leadership Changes:
      • Leon overseeing development as head of engineering.
      • Sadaf leading inhouse marketing, overseeing support, and events.
      • Marta taking charge of business development.
      • Eskender leading product and strategy.
    • Recent Additions:
      • Evan as community manager.
      • Avery as full time as operations associate.
    • And the departures of Alisha.eth and Vincent (Zadok7.eth).

:scroll: Forum: ENS Labs 2022 Financials

Discussion on ENS Labs 2022 Financials

  • ENS Labs receives an annualised stream from the DAO of approximately 4.1 million, with around 65% going to dev compensation.
  • A major expense has been legal fees which were higher than anticipated.
    • An example is ongoing work to secure eth.link, accounting for some of those legal fees.
    • The nature of legal matters also necessitates that there is only so much that can be shared when matters are still active.
    • Additionally, further restrictions may be placed on sharing by legal firms.
    • Katherine.eth gave some insight into sensitive legal situations.
  • ENS Labs are looking into director insurance and other insurance products that may assist in handling legal needs.
  • Bookkeeping is on track for the 2023 Reporting which is due in June 2024.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Agora Demo next week

  • The Agora team has been building out DAO tooling, which will be demoed in next week’s call.
  • agora.ensdao.org already exists as a way to view delegates, voting power, and who delegates.
  • Improvement to existing platform will include a proposals page.
  • The goal is to have this web update in time for the September DAO Voting Window and expected proposals:
    • Karpatkey - Endowment Second Tranche
    • Normalisation - Invalid Name Refunds

Ben from scopelift
This was pushed to next week.

End Notes

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.