tags: MetaGov
Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 6th, 2023
Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile
:::info Read up on the minutes from prior calls above. :::
- General DAO Updates
Steward Elections are LIVE - Snapshot | Forum
- Endowment Updates + Presentation
- Reserve for Open Discussion
tags: MetaGov
Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 6th, 2023
Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile
Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.
minutes by @184.eth
- General DAO Updates
- Endowment Updates + Presentation
- Reserve for Open Discussion
katherinewu, simona pop, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, coltron.eth, gregskriloff, macus AM, santinomics, sebastien derivaux, tomas, vincent (Zadok7.eth), yungSB, 184.eth
1. General DAO Updates
Steward Elections are LIVE - Snapshot | Forum
- Nomination window is open for voting
- Don’t forget to post in the forum, and in snapshot
- Once nomination close (9am June 9th UTC) it moves onto the election process (9am June 10th - 9am June 15th UTC)
@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter
Listen to the twitter spaces Alisha.eth held on Monday, June 5th - Learn about Working Group Steward Nominations & Elections
- In addition to talking points in the tweet, were topics:
- Discretion granted to stewards in their role
- Determining whether funding is Ecosystem or Public Goods related
- Different skillsets bridging across to the web3 space
- Alisha.eth will hold another twitter spaces on Monday, June 12th for all nominees of working groups
- This is also an opportunity for delegates to be on the call and provide insight
2. Endowment updates + Presentations
@tomas & @santinomics.eth | @karpatkey shared the latest Endowment Weekly Report
- reports contain Strategy Overview; including this weeks ‘claim & swap’
- Sebastien Derivaux of @Steakhouse shared the latest Monthly Financial Report - May 2023
- Addition of new metric: 'Endowment recurring revenues covering 11% of cash burn’
- @5pence.eth suggested ‘ETHUSD at time of calculation’ to be included in reporting
- @5pence.eth suggested inclusion of ENS’s named wallets in the reporting
- Steakhouse linked the PR to updating the ens.view_registration and renewal
- Other
- Further discusion occured around trends in diversification into real world assets by web3 treasuries
- @karpatkey & @steakhouse are working on the new opportunities offered by tokenized tbills onchain. These (some) can be tracked on a dashboard they maintain.
- Further discusion occured around trends in diversification into real world assets by web3 treasuries
Weekly & Monthly reports are uploaded into thread: endowment-weekly-reports & thread: Financial Reporting by Steakhouse, where you can engage and discuss with the @karpatkey & @Steakhouse teams
3. Open Discussion