Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link:
- @5pence.eth (5pence.eth | X), Lead Steward
- @alextnetto.eth (netto.eth | X)
- @daostrat.eth (daostrat.eth| X)
- Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
- General DAO Updates Section
- Updates from Karpatkey [EP 6.1] [Executable] Convert 6,000 ETH to USDC for DAO Operating Expenses
- [EP 5.19] Distribution Update
- Term 6 Budget Update
- Service Provider Program Temp Check
- Open Discussion
1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
- Recent price action resulted in a negative 4% on the total endowment funds,
- Negative 3.1M for the week due to volatility
- Generated over 100k in DeFi results this week
- Funds allocation remains at 100% with APR at ~5%
- Two temp checks mentioned that are on the forum
- Endowment expansion (3rd tranche)
- Both proposals will be up for voting soon.
2. General DAO Updates Section
2.1 Updates from Karpatkey [EP 6.1] [Executable] Convert 6,000 ETH to USDC for DAO Operating Expenses
- Overview of two Kartpatkey proposals mentioned above.
- DAO’s revenue comes from name registrations paid in ETH
- DAO’s expenses include streams to Labs, the Service Provider Program, and Working groups.
- —---- Convert 6,000 ETH to USDC discussion —----
- @5pence.eth gave a quick TL;DR of the proposal
- Proposal to swap ETH to USDC over three months.
- Total amount: 6,000 ETH; 1,000 ETH to be converted immediately.
- Remaining 5,000 ETH to be swapped at a rate of 50 ETH per day.
- TWAP - Time-weighted Average Price method implemented for this swap
- This approach mitigates risks associated with significant price fluctuations
- A new safe will be established for the swap process.
- The safe will have four signers, each a multi-sig: ENS Labs, Kartpatkey, MetaGov, and ENS DAO wallet with a 3/4 rule for executing transactions.
- Prevention of low DAO funds in the future required
- Discussion on preventing low reserves in the future
- Automation of processes is seen as a solution
- Concern: raised about key person risk in multi-sig signers.
- Addressed: Each multi-sig has redundant mechanisms due to their responsibilities.
- Proposals going live today
2.2 [EP 5.19] Distribution Update
- Most of the Hedgy contracts are finished
- Need to identify people we haven’t paid and fix it
- If you know someone who’s on the list but didn’t get paid, let Spence know.
- Plan to remedy issues and potentially distribute a fourth group of vesting
- Detailed Guide to managing your vesting contracts.
Term 6 Budget Update
- Working groups to post the first half of the year budget estimates with operational expenses.
- Community will be informed about the progress here.
Service Provider Program Temp Check
- Service Provider Program Season 2 is available in the forum.
- Consideration of whether AGORA should be funded through the service provider
- Is there a distinction between projects that raised capital and those that are bootstrapped
- Feedback is encouraged on program-fit for organizations like Agora and broader ecosystem builders.
- Need for a list of specific ENS needs not being addressed by existing entities.
- Suggestion for a list of tasks that the DAO and protocol require.
- Less focus on protocol tasks; more focus on specific industry verticals in relation to ENS (account abstraction, AI, Defi, R&D, etc.)
- Proposal for more ideation sessions to discuss useful topics and hone in on the details about what’s important to build.
- Suggestion for including members of ENS Labs in discussions (@gregskril, @Esk3nder.eth)
- Need for shared space for conversations and doing it publicly.
- Discussion on the need for clear guidelines for service providers.
- Potential North Star document to align with the vision for the Service Provider Program.
- Importance of focusing on specific goals.
- Put the North Star idea as a temp check on the forum. @cap & @estmcmxci
- Brainstorm the idea with @AvsA
3. Open Discussion
Quick @Agora update
- Working a lot on polish and speed
- Working on making everything better and smoother
- More info on their Github and Loom Demo.
- Is Agora eligible for the Service Provider program?
Delegate Engagement
- Importance of delegate participation in discussions and voting… The challenge remains in notifying and encouraging delegate involvement.
- Agora experienced a coordination failure with the proposal bond work in Q4.
- The proposal received positive feedback but ultimately failed to pass.
- Big delegates often have limited time, leading to misunderstandings about proposals.
- Educational challenges regarding the proposal’s context.
- Many delegates who initially voted no were unaware of the proposal’s details.
- A suggestion was made to include a Loom video to clarify the proposal’s content
Next Steps and Support
- Expect two executables to be available for a week for support.
- Plans to capture ideas and feedback in a thread for asynchronous communication.
- Open to additional suggestions and participation from the team.