Meta-Gov Meeting, September 19th, 2022
Attendees: alisha.eth, hellenstans.eth, yambo.eth, maintainer.eth, zadok7.eth, ryan holloway, joel miyazawa, nick.eth, coltron.eth, defi dude, daylon.eth, ensdaonews.eth,
Call Minutes
A) General DAO announcements
- GR 15 Update.
- Over 100 projects have been submitted.
- The round closes on September 22 at 11:59 pm UTC.
- Reminder: Keep your profile up to date after the round closes. Even though the matching round closes, you can still receive contributions
B) Updates on existing Meta-Gov projects (Endaoment, Small Grants)
- ENS Small Grants is currently live at
- Small Grants submissions are open until September 23 at 6 pm GMT.
- Voting begins at 11:59 pm GMT 09/23 with the approval voting strategy.
- Please provide UI/UX feedback or any bugs to @gregskril or @coltron.eth
- ENS Endaoment
- Submission period ends October 10.
- Approval Period is October 10 through November 7.
- Metagov stewards will hold an open call on Wednesday, September 28 at 5 pm EST to provide an open forum to field any additional questions to the public.
C) Reserved for open discussion or items not yet listed
Messari Governor
- ENS now has Messari Governor page
- Messari Governer helps aggregate all DAO Governance signals in one place without focusing on quantitative data.
- Please reach out to Ryan or Joel on telegram with feedback or suggestions.