Notes from ENS Office Hours Twitter Space - Thursday, January 5, 2023 @ 5PM ET | Recording
Hosted by @sadaf.eth, @alisha.eth, and @zadok7
This was the first space of the year - an opportunity for builders in the ENS community to share what projects they are working on. 350 people tuned in to listen.
Several builders took the stage to share a bit about what they are working on.
A summary of the projects shared is below, as well as a few additional projects sent to me through direct message on Twitter.
ENS DAO Newsletter (pinned tweet)
The latest from ENS and ENS DAO, published every 1st and 15th.
We are about to pass 250 subscribers on Substack! Can we reach 300 before our 1-year anniversary (March 1st)?
Links: Website | Twitter
Contact: Daylon, Marcus -
Full service brokerage / Auction house/ Live auctions. Ens Asset management.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: Zerozerocoins.Eth -
Teller lets users borrow/lend using any token/NFT as collateral.
We are building a pool for users to get yield on $ENS and 999/10k ENS digit .eth names with zero liquidation risk.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @0xmakerlee -
1W3 (pinned tweet)
No-Code Web3 Site builder.
A one-stop solution to design, build and publish a web3site on IPFS ArWeave for your ENS Domains.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @1W3io -
Redletter.eth (pinned tweet)
An intuitive Web3 project - mint your precious moments onchain.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @Redlettereth -
Mailchain (pinned tweet)
Web3 email & messaging for everyone.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: Tim B, Rob De Feo -
ensentral.eth (ENSentral) (pinned tweet)
Podcasts. Videos. Articles. And More.
We’re covering the future of Web3 & blockchain technology!
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @ENSentral -
EnsEspañol.eth (pinned tweet)
Pasión por el idioma español.
Exclusive site for categorization of Spanish domains.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @ENSesp -
AWEdacity (pinned tweet)
The FIRST Women’s Empowerment Conference in the METAVERSE!!!
Come and ignite your passion & fuel your AWEdacious goals.
Links: Website
Contact: metadipity.eth -
Bringing the power of ticket buying back into the hands of the fans.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: MrsMarvel.eth -
club.eth (pinned tweet)
ENS Subdomains, are magic.
Plays an audio file linked from content field. But imagine a fork of this concept that used the notice field to create a decentralized audio messaging system.
Links: Website
Tu nombre y marca en Web3 dentro de la Comunidad Latina
Features a 90 minute morning show every 9am Eastern on Twitter.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @ENSLatino -
ENS Friday Night Happy Hour
A virtual island bar to hang out and relax, with NO work-related discussion allowed. Hosted on Twitter Spaces.
Links: Twitter
Contact: nftverz.eth -
Weekly ENS Spaces Calendar (pinned tweet)
A weekly calendar to keep track of the various ENS-related spaces happening on Twitter.
Links: Twitter
Contact: Steven Miller -
ENS Wake & Bake
A space that talks about ENS, education, and onboarding.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: Dubie.eth, GetHype.Eth -
ENS DAO Merch store (pinned tweet)
The official ENS merchandise store - currently offering ENS logo hats. More products coming soon!
Links: Website
Contact: General Magic -
DMGData - Web3 digital marketing and data service provider.
DBrands - Web3 domain name aggregator and trading platform.
Links: Twitter
ENS Trading Post (ENSTP.eth)
Your friendly neighborhood ENS Trading Post.
Links: Twitter
Contact: -
ENS Maxis
The first ENS PFP Avatar is here!
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @ENSMaxisNFT -
We are a web3 chat + dao tooling platform. We verify user identity on the blockchain for a more secure experience. At Console, we are integrating .eth names, as community admins can choose ens as a community gating rule.
Links: Twitter | Website
Contact: @consoledao
Be sure to join in the next ENS DAO Twitter space on Monday at 5pm ET, as we introduce our new and returning stewards.
If you are interested in contributing to ENS, please join the space or attend a working group call, which will begin next week.