{pRFP} ENS Avatar PFP

@Coltron.eth, yeah. That sounds like a reasonable assessment to me.

@meta8.eth - Is there anything you wanted to add here before we archive this?


Thank you for the reply and the closure of such.

I could actually add a lot to this idea. But would also very much encourage or hope for a new proposal to be generated along the same lines.

There are so many ways in which the front end / avatar creation and mechanics could be improved and updated to add extra utility and utilisation an ENS domain.

Just to list some ideas that come to mind:

  • Ai Generated Avatars

  • Dynamic avatars and open meta data

  • More info onto the output Avatar / pfp (such as social handle, contact details or custom
    Fields that could almost serve as a mini website / business card?

  • Being able to link images stored on input call data (Ethscriptions) via data uri linking.

  • subdomains and customisable / parent controlled avatars that can work to serve artists and or advertising . ie a sponsor maybe want to have their logo spun out across all subdomains by using some dynamic url link ? Say for holders of a project . So businesses can use them as a decentralised database of active users where by instead of emailing subscribers, the info gets output into all subdomains avatars for a certain time period.

  • host a variety of art contests across various domain catagories in which anybody can enter and based upon a vote or whatever, the winner gets their art hosted on a domain for a set time
    This could be so easily done if the DAO put up a domain in which every week or month they open submissions for anybody to enter and win small prizes but the focus being that their art gets displayed on a subdomain for ever! Perhaps these subdomains get featured on the ens website and or in the ens DAO / labs pfp or banner?? I think this would be really really cool and would be a great way to on board and create education in a way that would appeal to many people.

I could continue but perhaps that will be too much.

Just remember - “A picture says a thousand words!”


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Especially leading up to Christmas time??

Why can’t the DAO do like a subdomain free mint concept to issue and send Xmas cards to people.

The art curation could be done in the coming weeks and the winners (suggest multiple winners!!) gets their Art shown across web3 by utilising subdomains.

For many artists I would think that the concept of having this opportunity would outway the idea of “prize money” / eth rewards.

The DAO needs to start utilising the inherit respect they have from majority of all ens holders.

It just isn’t hard to make this stuff a lot more fun.

The fun will create the engagement and will show that the DAO does want to give back…it doesn’t need to be in the form of $$ or governance tokens or material goods. But by opening the channels for creatives to produce web3 native content just seems so obvious to me.

Thanks guys

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