[social] Governance Distribution Program (update)

Next Wednesday there will be some new social votes and I’d like to post the pilot program for distribution up for a vote. We’ve had at least 4 threads on it with different mechanics and I feel it’s debated enough to be put on snapshot.

The objective and context will be mostly the one posted last week with a few significant changes based on feedback:

Progressive Ratio

Some people felt that the proposal would reward large amounts of tokens to those who already had received large grants and very small amounts to other developers. Also some felt the ratio of 1:1 matching felt arbitrary: why not 1:0.5 or 1:0.25?

Instead we decided to use a Quadratic weighing, a concept that has been used in Gitcoin grants and been around in the ecosystem. Basically for each amount you receive in USDC, we calculate the square root of that value as your “weight”. Then we decide on a total budget and allocate the distribution based on those weights. This means if you got more dollars you get more tokens, but it’s not a linear relationship as the larger the grant the smaller the ratio. It also allows a more predictable budgeting.

Breaking down Immunefi and EthGlobal

The largest receivers on the previous tables were EthGlobal and Immune, organizations that acts mostly as intermediary to other recipients. We reached out to them and asked them to get the actual value and recipients of these bounties/prizes. They got back to us with more details on how much of our grants went to the organization themselves, how much went to developers and how much is still unpaid (these are not counted here).

We’ve updated the table to reflect that. Immunefi got us the exact addresses and transactions of all bounty receivers (they have @ on their names on the table) while EthGlobal is still coming back with more information but based on our conversation we are doing a lowball estimate of a hundred hackathon participants getting prizes averaging $500. Due to the Quadratic Ratio, it means the EthGlobal winners get much more ENS total but it’s spread among many participants. This is a conservative estimate, I expect to have more details before it goes to a vote, but assuming the total amount of USDC doesn’t change (we are confident of it) and the amount of receivers is below the estimated 100, then the value of the total ENS for others would go up. If we can’t get these details by next week we will simply treat ETHGlobal Hackers as a single 50k Entity.

We also felt good about adding Karpatkey to the list. They received a large amount of payments due to their work with the endowment and don’t have voting power, but with the quadratic option they would be receiving some large amount but much less than with the linear ratio.

Vote mechanics

The vote will be a ranked choice voting with the option on the total budget:

  • YES, 90K ENS
  • YES, 60k ENS
  • YES, 30k ENS
  • NO, 0 ENS

These values were based on the previous distributions of ENS this term (90k for stewards, 80k for service providers). These values are not there for anchoring, I do believe either of them represent some interesting options for a test pilot, depending on how the DAO feels about it.

Table of recipients

The following table reflects who are the recipients, how much they received from ENS DAO from January 2024 to September 2024 and the amount of ENS they would receive in each scenario (as well as what that represents as percentage of their USDC received assuming ENS @ $17). Excluded from the list are stewards, ENS Labs, reimbursements, payments from ENS Labs, and others.

The list might still change based on new updated information. You can find more information on each transaction on this google sheet.

$ Received jan-sep 2024 30k ENS % 60k ENS % 90k ENS %
ETHGlobal $ 190,000.00 1,441 13% 2,883 26% 4,324 39%
Karpatkey $ 187,149.13 1,430 13% 2,861 26% 4,291 39%
@UGWST_COM $ 75,000.00 906 21% 1,811 41% 2,717 62%
Rotki $ 53,973.38 768 24% 1,536 48% 2,305 73%
wslyvh.eth $ 50,004.00 739 25% 1,479 50% 2,218 75%
gashawk.eth $ 40,000.00 661 28% 1,323 56% 1,984 84%
buidlguidl.eth $ 35,000.00 619 30% 1,237 60% 1,856 90%
borderlessafrica.eth $ 30,000.00 573 32% 1,145 65% 1,718 97%
daemon.eth $ 27,000.00 543 34% 1,087 68% 1,630 103%
Revoke.Cash $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
Onthis $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
ipns.eth $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
Fluidkey $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
Blockscout $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
beaconchain.eth $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
1w3.eth $ 25,000.00 523 36% 1,046 71% 1,568 107%
Firefly $ 20,000.00 468 40% 935 79% 1,403 119%
EIP-7212 $ 20,000.00 468 40% 935 79% 1,403 119%
Urbe Campus $ 19,680.00 464 40% 928 80% 1,392 120%
ethdaily.eth $ 14,797.60 402 46% 804 92% 1,207 139%
Discord Support $ 13,000.00 377 49% 754 99% 1,131 148%
Dappnode $ 12,500.00 370 50% 739 101% 1,109 151%
generalmagic.eth $ 11,563.43 356 52% 711 105% 1,067 157%
Immunefi $ 10,200.00 334 56% 668 111% 1,002 167%
Pugson $ 10,000.00 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
Juicebox $ 10,000.00 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
frolic.eth $ 10,000.00 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
ETHDenver $ 10,000.00 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
Drips $ 10,000.00 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
Lemma $ 9,998.67 331 56% 661 112% 992 169%
Tally $ 8,999.54 314 59% 627 119% 941 178%
pairwise.eth $ 8,402.18 303 61% 606 123% 909 184%
@navad $ 7,500.00 286 65% 573 130% 859 195%
apoorv.eth $ 7,021.88 277 67% 554 134% 831 201%
leticiaferraz.eth $ 6,949.32 276 67% 551 135% 827 202%
@Sagamore $ 6,000.00 256 73% 512 145% 768 218%
Socket $ 5,000.00 234 79% 468 159% 701 238%
Latin Hackathon $ 5,000.00 234 79% 468 159% 701 238%
eth-mexico.eth $ 5,000.00 234 79% 468 159% 701 238%
aynieducativo.eth $ 5,000.00 234 79% 468 159% 701 238%
@adhd $ 5,000.00 234 79% 468 159% 701 238%
ENS Fairy $ 4,781.34 229 81% 457 163% 686 244%
glodollar.eth $ 3,762.22 203 92% 406 183% 608 275%
weird3.eth $ 3,000.00 181 103% 362 205% 543 308%
Event Support $ 3,000.00 181 103% 362 205% 543 308%
daveytea.eth $ 2,818.29 176 106% 351 212% 527 318%
@solidityhaxor $ 2,500.00 165 112% 331 225% 496 337%
@haoce505 $ 2,500.00 165 112% 331 225% 496 337%
@h4nt3rx $ 2,500.00 165 112% 331 225% 496 337%
stephancill.eth $ 2,367.89 161 116% 322 231% 483 347%
Scope.sh $ 2,367.89 161 116% 322 231% 483 347%
Kiwi News $ 2,367.89 161 116% 322 231% 483 347%
bloomnetwork.eth $ 1,881.11 143 130% 287 259% 430 389%
modularcrypto.eth $ 1,818.29 141 132% 282 264% 423 395%
aexek.eth $ 1,750.00 138 134% 277 269% 415 403%
@austinoa012 $ 1,000.00 105 178% 209 356% 314 533%
illuminated.eth $ 940.56 101 183% 203 367% 304 550%
dhive.eth $ 940.56 101 183% 203 367% 304 550%
pabl0cks.eth $ 877.74 98 190% 196 379% 294 569%
iviangita.eth $ 877.74 98 190% 196 379% 294 569%
easlabs.eth $ 877.74 98 190% 196 379% 294 569%
2118.eth $ 877.74 98 190% 196 379% 294 569%
andrewpage.eth $ 780.00 92 201% 185 403% 277 604%
ETHGlobal Hackers (est 100 participants) $ 500.00 72 245% 144 491% 216 736%

Thanks for the update. Quadratic rewards seem like a good idea.

Where ETHGlobal and Immunefi are listed here, is that an aggregate for all the recipients, or is that amount for the organisation itself? I would assume the former, but I see individual Immunefi recipients listed also. If the latter, do the organisations get any bounty for themselves?

The latter. ETHGlobal received 240k, for which 190k went to EthGlobal and 50k went to hackers (number yet unknown). Immunefi received 350k for which, 238k remains unspent (and would not count here), and 112k was sent to hackers, and Immunefi retained 10% of that (an earlier version of the table incorrectly put all 102k as towards Immunefi, which you might have seen).

Depending on the amount of hackers that got EthGlobal rewards, theirs would be collectively the largest recipient of ENS, followed by EthGlobal themselves.

As mentioned in the other discussion, this table might not cover organizations that did not receive a payout in the timeframe but are worthy of governance tokens, and doesn’t judge recipients based on their active participation, and that is on purpose to make this particular program as direct and nonjudgmental possible. I hope other distribution programs could be done to cover that difference.


Honored to have GasHawk involved and looking forward to participating in future governance!

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I love hearing that, and I hope that, pending a successful vote, other recipients of the governance distribution pilot will share GasHawk’s enthusiasm. The vote should go live tomorrow, so dear reader, please consider participating!

Edit: I want to commend @AvsA for initiating the Governance Distribution Pilot and @danch.quixote for providing the data to track contributors compensated with matching ENS.

Decentralizing the DAO to align with aligned contributors is critical for building a resilient ecosystem. This program offers a meaningful distribution model while safeguarding the DAO’s integrity.

The program also addresses the mid-term Security Council solution: after two years, anyone may revoke the council’s veto power. By iterating and improving this program, we can empower contributors to secure the DAO against malicious proposals instead.

However, a caveat remains—while distributing governance to contributors strengthens decentralization, it also introduces the risk of conspiracy. Minimizing areas prone to collusion will be crucial for future-proofing the DAO, and I hope future iterations of this program will address this challenge.


I support this proposal! Most of the entities in the list are currently not involved in ENS’ governance; it is a good experiment to try to engage those who have somehow contact with ENS. Also, the vesting component mentioned here is a great addition.

I’m in favor of experimenting with a ratio closer to what was used in the service providers distribution. I’m supportive of a higher ratio after analyzing the outcomes from this pilot and effectively engaging these entities in the governance.

Some numbers for reference

Service provider distribution:
72k ENS
3.2m USD
Ratio = 72k/3.2m = 0.0225 ENS/USD

Governance distribution pilot:
1.3m USD
Ratio 30k ENS = 30k/1.3m = 0.023 ENS/USD
Ratio 60k ENS = 60k/1.3m = 0.046 ENS/USD
Ratio 90k ENS = 90k/1.3m = 0.069 ENS/USD

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