Term 5: Working Group Spending Summary - 2024 Q4


The goal of this report is to provide a “Cash Basis” spending overview for Q4 of 2024.

A live view of balances of ENS Working Group wallets can be seen at enswallets.xyz.


All Working Groups

The USD equivalent of total working group spending for Q4 was $888k. USD price conversions for both USDC and ETH are made at the time the respective transactions occur. Numbers in diagrams are rounded to the nearest thousand.


The Ecosystem working group spent 294,091 USDC and 45 ETH during Q4.

Spending Across Initiatives

The diagram below depicts Ecosystem Working Group spending in detail.


Services include payments for discord moderation, newsletter curation, and DAO social media management on X and Farcaster.


The Ecosystem Working Group sponsored the social event at frENSday and stewards had presence at Devcon. Additionally, $10k in hackathon prizes were given out at ETH Global Online and ETHRome.


The grant spending during Q4 consisted of participation in Gitcoin Grants Round 22, three minigrants, and several individual grants that can be seen in the Term 5 Grants Summary.

Audit Subsidy

The Ecosystem Working Group sponsored the audit costs of the contracts that enable .box to be nativley onchain.


Other expenses were sponsorship of ENS names for ETH Global hackers and sponsorship of “The Last Hackathon”, A web3 hackathon documentary.


The Meta-Governance working group spent 250,190 USDC during Q4.

Spending Across Initiatives

The diagram below depicts Meta-Governance Working Group spending in detail.


Events includes costs associated with irl presence at frENSday/Devcon.

DAO Tooling

DAO Tooling consists of costs associated with tools needed for DAO functions such as automation, voting, and coordination. Q4s tools consisted of ENS Ledger and the Karma plugin that enables a voting view on the ENS forum.


The Meta-Governance working group funds compensation to working group stewards, secretary, and scribe as provisioned in the ENS DAO Steward Compensation forum post.

Contract Audits

Audit subsidy includes the USDC paid to Code4rena for the audit of Unruggable Gateways.

Public Goods

The Public Goods working group spent 170,500 USDC during Q4.

Spending Across Initiatives

The diagram below depicts Public Goods Working Group spending in detail.


Public Goods grants were distributed to Large Grants recipients for milestone completions. You can check out the projects, progress, and milestones on Questbook.


Events includes costs associated with irl presence at frENSday/Devcon.

DAO Tooling

DAO Tooling consists of costs associated with running the Public Goods large grants program.

Governance Distribution


The Ecosystem Working Group distributed 4,000 ENS tokens during Q4.

This governance distribution was related to the the Term 5 grants closeout, where all term 5 grant recipients received ENS tokens for their contributions in 2024.


The Meta-Governance Working Group distributed 576 ENS tokens during Q4.

The Meta-Governance Working Group distributed 576 ENS tokens in Hedgey Vesting contracts as an initiial test transaction for the [EP 5.26] ENS Governance Distribution.


Thank you for putting this together.

Should compensation be shown as a metagov expense? Although it comes out of their budget, I wonder if it would be more representative to show it as an equal cost for all three working groups?

I agree that showing compensation according to working group would provide a more representative view of how resources are being utilized.

However, since this report specifically tracks actual transaction flows from the multisig wallets rather than budgetary allocations, I think it’s important to maintain that factual distinction in the visualization.

Maybe you could let the compensation section of the Sankey continue to subdivide as the other categories do, splitting into the 5 comp groups of Metagov, Ecosystem, Public Goods, Secretary, and Scribe.