Updates on EP10 - Community Run Identity Server (January)

Heyo - dropping in for some monthly updates. For last month’s update, click here.

General Updates

As mentioned in the previous update, the server is being used for the Ethereum KZG ceremony for EIP-4844. The Ethereum KZG ceremony leveraging the server has had 35,000+ successful contributions, with thousands of folks cycling through the lobby to participate. The server has seen 111,000 unique visitors over the last 30 days, with ~4M total requests processed – so it seems to be running as intended! For others, we’ve had a few additional folks inbound asking about how to get started using this OIDC workflow in particular, and as always - the documentation can be found here.

Our fourth Sign-In with Ethereum Twitter space is upcoming this Wednesday at 12pm ET. We’ve seen better retention/availability on the Twitter spaces, so we’re likely sticking to this format. We will be covering updates on Sign-In with Ethereum and more, alongside guests from Unlock Protocol, who will be talking about how they use Sign-In with Ethereum. Please make sure to come around and ask any questions on the space, and we look forward to seeing you there. Additionally, we still continue to post minutes and recordings on login.xyz.

In terms of the standard, we’re currently figuring out the pathway to mark SIWE Last Call from Review status. There’s currently a pending EIP also in review status that we might need to ask the authors to move over to the same status (as all dependent EIPs require movement to at least the same status (EIP-1328).

In cool news, we’re very close to releasing native Sign-In with Ethereum support with one of the major wallets, and we’re looking forward to that. One of the major benefits of Sign-In with Ethereum is not just the common signing format, but wallets providing better UX to users when signing in and offering safety around domain binding (making sure you’re not getting phished!).

Otherwise, a few updates on our open-source around Sign-In with Ethereum include working on additional support for folks building with NextAuth and Auth.js, examples of using Sign-In with Ethereum with Web3ModalV2, updating our ReCap (EIP-5573) specification to be cross-compatible with a few other standards, and even an ENS token-gated app example.

As always, if you want to get started using the community server or even with Sign-In with Ethereum, we’re always available to help and answer any questions!

Grants, Community, and Budget

As Spruce, we’ve locked in several bounties at ETHDenver that will include Sign-In with Ethereum and ENS (as noted in the previous update) - stay tuned for their release!

As always, if you have a related project or development work in that direction, definitely reach out. We also encourage new development, which could include:

  • Enhancements of existing open source libraries around Sign-In with Ethereum.
  • Additional features on existing plugins, or opportunities to embed it within new plugins.
  • Working on additional framework support for Sign-In with Ethereum and ENS.

As always - if anyone has any questions, I’m always around to answer them!


Glad to hear things are coming along :slight_smile:
This is the project I’ve been looking forward to implementing in my daily life the most apart from ENS.

I can’t wait to get rid of my password manager (or more realistically reduce how much I rely on it). Let me know if I can help in any way!