Agenda for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting, June 7, 2022 @ 1AM GMT

Attendees: Eze Kenechukwu, Jeff Lau, Carlos Diaz-Padron, Bob Jiang, Qi Zhou, slobo.eth

A) ENS Project highlight:

  1. @ensregistry registrations bot on Twitter since Jan 5th (130,800 tweets total / 1440 tweets per day / 18 ensnames per tweet during peak times) @stevegachau.eth

We decided to retroactively fund this for $1,000 USDC & 150 ENS

B) ENS core updates, if any
Per @jefflau.eth

  • adding expirations to name wrapper is taking some time as it is breaking a few of the tests
  • nick continues to work on DNS related items along with the universal resolver
  • is moving to cloudflare
  • Khori is working on the budget

C) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
eth new york we are contributing to the hacktathons in the amount of 5,000 USDC

D) Steward Nominations are open

E) Review Proposals

  1. ENS Avatar PFP @Ginge.eth
  • timeline got extended by about two weeks; stewards liking @ColorUnit so far
  1. Integrate Dynamic Decentralized Website with ENS @qizhou
  • lengthy technical discussion on the merits of this proposal between @qizhou & @carlosdp. Overall, it seemed like this is trying to do a lot of things of which most can be done via Arweave/IPFS. There does appear to be a unique component though.

F) Budget Update
No questions

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