☎️ ENS Ecosystem – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday – Term 5

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, August 8, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights @hidayath.eth
  3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder @Premm.eth
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Open space for additional topics

22 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth presenting https://webhash.com

  • Added new block where can add a crypto payments button to your decentralized website
  • Can customize buttons etc.
  • Supports Mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Base
  • Demo website: https://laskeyakhd.hash.is/

3. Weekly ENSIP Placeholder (@Premm.eth)

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Next big social event at Devcon

    • 12-15 November in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Labs will have presence at ETH Tokyo

5. Open space for service providers

None this week

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

August 15th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. Project Highlights [Clave Wallet]
  2. Weekly ENSIP Update
  3. Review upcoming events
  4. Space for Service Providers
  5. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, August 15, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. Project Highlights [Clave Wallet]
  2. Weekly ENSIP Update
  3. Review upcoming events
  4. Open space for service providers
  5. Open space for additional topics

26 Participants in Call

1. Project Highlights [Clave Wallet]

Ulas Ergodan presenting https://getclave.io

2. Weekly ENSIP Update

3. Review upcoming events

  • ENS Labs hosting frENS Day

    • x.com
    • November 11 in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Next big social event at Devcon

    • 12-15 November in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Labs will have presence at DAO Tokyo

4. Open space for service providers

  • @netto.eth from Blockful proposing to improve ENSSIP-16: ENSIP 16 v2: Metadata API Improvements
    • While on-chain ENS interactions are straightforward, the off-chain environment is evolving to provide more flexibility and functionality. This document explores the improvements in the off-chain domain’s metadata retrieval and all available records, modifying the ENSIP-16 specification to enhance the developer experience and latency for user experience
    • The improvements to the ENSIP-16 schema and the implementation of off-chain resolvers represent significant progress in ENS functionality. These enhancements provide a more robust, efficient, and flexible system for managing and resolving ENS domains, both on-chain and off-chain. As the ENS ecosystem continues to evolve, these developments will play a crucial role in expanding its utility and adoption across the Ethereum network and beyond.
  • Discussion around best way to bring improvement to ENSSIP forward
  • Please add thoughts and comments to the forum thread
  • Eskender from Labs: Anything can do to standardize helps improve ENS adoption, thanks for writing

5. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie

August 22nd, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights [Scope]
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  6. Open space for additional topics

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, August 22, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Open space for additional topics

20 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

Timur Badretdinov from https://scope.sh

@slobo.eth presenting https://votingpower.xyz

  • Shows top ENS Delegates and voting power
  • Also shows top 1000 $ENS Holders
  • ENS focused, make it most useful to ENS

3. Weekly ENSIP Update

4. Review upcoming events

5. Open space for service providers

None this week

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

Some shots from dao tokyo: x.com

Notes by @don.nie

August 29th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights [Wannabet, ENS Renewal Frame]
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Open space for additional topics
1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, August 29, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights [Wannabet, ENS Renewal Frame]
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Namespace @cap
    b. Resolver Works @slobo.eth
  6. Open space for additional topics

21 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

  • Last week Labs was at ETH Tokyo, supported hackathon: x.com
  • Podcast Video with Dentity on partnership: x.com
  • Upcoming Twitter Space with Labs and Base Team to discuss Base subnamnes: x.com
  • ENS Watercooler X Space with Gary Palmer Jr. tomorrow: x.com
  • Tomorrow frENS Day tickets going live: https://frensday.ens.domains/

2. Project Highlights

@limes.eth presenting Wannabet

  • Peer-to-peer onchain betting app
  • Wanted to make quick, free subname creation for betting: https://names.wannabet.cc
  • Create name, update records easily
  • Built within a day using Namestone.xyz, made process simple
  • Announcement: x.com

Stephan from ENS Renewal Frame

  • Frame in Farcaster that lets one renew their ENS
  • Found under ENS Name Manager in Frames section of Farcaster
  • Renew on Mainnet or L2
  • Also provides link to register a new name

3. Weekly ENSIP Update

4. Review upcoming events

  • ENS Labs hosting frENS Day

  • Next big social event at Devcon

    • 12-15 November in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Labs will have presence at ETH Rome (4-6 October) and EthGlobal Singapore/Token 2049 (18-19 September)

5. Open space for service providers

Namespace @cap

Resolver Works @slobo.eth

  • ENSPro.xyz: Best way to manage subnames gaslessly
  • Quality of life improvements, can search through owned names
  • Ability to connect subnames from other chains

6. Open Space for Additional Topics


Notes by @don.nie


September 5th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Open space for additional topics
1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, September 5, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Blockful @alextnetto.eth
  6. Open space for additional topics

17 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

Liber3 Lee presenting https://liber3.eth.limo

  • Decentralized library; Want to create ENS subdomain for individual books
  • Currently 23% of eth.limo traffic
  • Lots of usage from China
  • Currently more than 3000 ebooks minted with subdomains
  • X: x.com

3. Weekly ENSIP Update

4. Review upcoming events

  • ENS Labs hosting frENS Day

  • Next big social event at Devcon

    • 12-15 November in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Labs will have presence at ETH Rome and ETH Malaysia (4-6 October) and EthGlobal Singapore/Token 2049 (18-19 September)

5. Open space for service providers

Blockful @alextnetto.eth

Namespace @cap.eth

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie


September 12th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, September 12, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Unruggable @clowes.eth
  6. Open space for additional topics

24 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

None this week

3. Weekly ENSIP Update

4. Review upcoming events

  • ENS Labs hosting frENS Day

  • Next big social event at Devcon

    • 12-15 November in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Labs will have presence at ETH Rome and ETH Malaysia (4-6 October) and EthGlobal Singapore/Token 2049 (18-19 September)

5. Open space for service providers

Unruggable @clowes.eth

NameSpace @cap.eth

  • Working on SDK, if want to help with building on NameSpace send a message on Builder’s chat
  • ENS on Base Announcement + Mint Requirements: x.com

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

None this week

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

September 19th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights [@hidayath.eth, awesome-ens]
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  6. Open space for additional topics
1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, September 19, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights @hidayath.eth, awesome-ens
  3. Weekly ENSIP Update
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Open space for additional topics

19 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth presenting https://eth.cd

  • New feature: Tipping button so can give tips!

@slobo.eth created awesome-ens

3. Weekly ENSIP Update

4. Review upcoming events

5. Open space for service providers

@netto.eth from Blockful

  • https://name.ful.xyz
    • Contracts live, can edit records in the app
  • Next steps: Bring proof of concept to L2s

6. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • What is appropriate etiquette when acquire a name with existing subnames?
    @slobo.eth: Think appropriate to delete subname and try to contact subname owner
  • @clowes.eth question/discussion around changes to ENSIPs and how new ENSIPs would superecede (or not) previous ENSIPs. More discussion to occur, @clowes.eth will post forum thread on research
  • ENS August Update: ENS Web Update August 2024 | ENS Blog

Notes by @don.nie


September 26th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin
  4. Weekly ENSIP Update
  5. Review upcoming events [frens day form]
  6. Space for Service Providers
  7. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, September 26, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin
  4. Weekly ENSIP Update
  5. Review upcoming events
  6. Open space for service providers
  7. Open space for additional topics

21 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

@hidayath.eth presenting https://eth.cd

  • Can now see followers and who following with EFP integration
    • Click and can visit that users profile and chat to them
  • Supporting Base names
  • Can add EFP to Webhash decentralized website

3. Gitcoin

  • Working to participate again with Gitcoin grants GG22: https://grants.gitcoin.co/
  • Working to maximize funds for ecosystem round projects
  • Starting on October 23
  • Stewards ineligible to participate but all other projects working on ENS can participate including service providers
  • Applications open late September

4. Weekly ENSIP Update

5. Review upcoming events

6. Open space for service providers

None this week

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

September Voting Period, 2 Open Votes: πŸ—³οΈ Voting Period Bulletin - #7 by estmcmxci

  1. [EP 5.15][Social] ENS Governor Improvement Proposal: ProposalBond
  2. [EP 5.16][Executable] Reimbursement of ENS Labs’ legal fees in eth.link litigation

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

October 3rd, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Round
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Weekly ENSIP Update (moved)
  2. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, October 3, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Round
  4. Review upcoming events [frENS Day Form]
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. eth.limo
    b. EFP @brantlymillegan
  6. Weekly ENSIP Update
  7. Open space for additional topics

26 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

  • Supporting hackathon at ETH Rome to build on ENS
  • ETH Global San Franciso in two weeks, also supporting hackathon
  • frENS Day right before Devcon in Thailand
  • X Space with PayPal and Labs
  • New brand page on ENS Domains site
    • ENS Brand | ENS
    • Logos in primary colors, token icons, usage guidelines, and more
    • Please provide feedback

2. Project Highlights

None this week

3. Gitcoin

  • Participating in Gitcoin grants GG22: https://grants.gitcoin.co/
  • ENS putting up $50k USDC, Gitcoin matching $25k, in ENS Community Round
  • Starting on October 23
  • Stewards ineligible to participate but all other projects working on ENS can participate including service providers

4. Review upcoming events

5. Open space for service providers

EFP @brantlymillegan


  • https://eth.link original ENS gateway, handed off to CloudFlare
  • https://eth.limo fixed issues that arose and took 100% of traffic
  • Took back control of eth.link after winning in litigation
  • Scheduled migration and moved over DNS records to eth.link, eth.link 38% of new users, interoperable with https://eth.limo
    • No plans to deprecate one in favor of another
  • Working on MVP for resolving links through a private decentralized gateway
  • Repo: eth.limo Β· GitHub
  • Discussion around SEO, GaryPalmerJr.eth will reach out to team for further discussion
  • @slobo.eth: Recommend use https://www.planetable.xyz/ if want to try building decentralized website (also https://webhash.com)

6. Weekly ENSIP Update

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • @brantly.eth: Consider a role for service providers to play at frENS Day as EFP Team will be there
  • Merch Store? No initiatives to facilitate merch store at this time. @maintainer.eth will post his work on merch store on the forum

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

October 10th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Round
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Weekly ENSIP Update
  • Editor recommendations
  1. Open space for additional topics
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, October 10, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Gitcoin Round
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Open space for service providers
    a. Namespace
  6. Weekly ENSIP Update
    a. Editor recommendations
  7. Open space for additional topics

28 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates

2. Project Highlights

Daniel Zarzecki presenting https://Rescue.Name

3. Gitcoin

  • Participating in Gitcoin grants GG22: https://grants.gitcoin.co/
  • Applications open before next week, look out for announcements
  • ENS putting up $50k USDC, Gitcoin matching $25k, in ENS Community Round
  • Starting on October 23
  • Stewards ineligible to participate but all other projects working on ENS can participate including service providers

4. Review upcoming events

5. Open space for service providers

Nenad and @cap from https://Namespace.tech

6. Weekly ENSIP Update

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

Discussion around proposal for multichain ENS based on this post : GitHub - stevieraykatz/multiaddress-resolver: Proposal for a Multiaddress ENS Resolver
* This ENSIP specifies a new mechanism for associating multiple addresses with a single name. This should allow a user to collate their onchain identity within a single namespace
* 1 central identity for all onchain data is the summary of use case

  • @premm.eth thinks this ENSIP could help address the proposal ENSIP-ideas/ENSIPS/ensip-TBD-6.md at main Β· nxt3d/ENSIP-ideas Β· GitHub
    • This ENSIP introduces hooks, a new ENS record type to support secure onchain data resolution, including cross-chain data access and ZK-based credentials. Hooks expand ENS functionality beyond simple text resolution, establishing a framework for resolving verified onchain data on ENS names and profiles.

Discussion around EOAs/Reverse Resolution

  • ENSIP-19: EVM-chain Reverse Resolution | ENS Docs
    • Allow users to set a default address
    • Would require campaign to get users to update
    • This ENSIP specifies a way for reverse resolution to be used on other EVM chains. This allows setting primary names on L2s, as well as resolving any other records set on this specific reverse record, such as the avatar
  • EIP7702 where wallet addresses could get upgraded to contracts
    • Written by Vitalik, adds complexity
  • ENSIPs
    • This ENSIP specifies a way to set an EOA/Fallback address for a name. This allows for users to set one address to be used for all chains, or as a fallback for when a chain-specific address record is not set.

Discussions to continue in ENS Developers Chat

Notes by @don.nie


October 17th, 2024

Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns

:fire: Gitcoin Applications Open :fire:


  1. ENS Labs Updates
  2. Project Highlights [votingpower.xyz]
  3. Gitcoin Round
  4. Review upcoming events
  5. Space for Service Providers
  1. Weekly ENSIP Update
  2. Open space for additional topics