ENS Fellowship - Term 3

The purpose of the Fellowship program is to reward builders who are actively contributing to the ENS Ecosystem consistently and repeatedly.

Building on the success of the pilot program last term. We modified the fellowship program to be three grants of 20,000 USDC instead of one grant of 50,000 USDC.

We are excited to announce the three fellows for Term 3.

ENS Fellows


Julie is a multiple-time hackathon winner, ENS Ecosystem builder, and leader behind ORG3. She has won prizes for her ENS-related projects at ETHSanFrancisco 2022 and ETHDenver this year. Julie’s ETHSanFrancisco submission, Org3, placed in the top 10 out of over 286 teams and her ETHDenver submission, M3mber, was one of 13 finalists and went on to win the DAO category.

ENS Projects and Contributions

  • ENS DOC is a method to share documents only requiring a wallet address/ ENS domain to share.

  • Org3 is an ENS subname management tool that allows individuals and groups to add functionality to their subnames.

  • M3MBER is a subname-based subscription tool for content providers to token gate their product via subname.


lcfr.eth is a consistent contributor with a strong focus on security reports and optimizations. A collection of some of his contributions is below:

Security Reports

  • A null-byte vulnerability that appeared twice. The vulnerability was rated Medium and could have led to users being tricked into purchasing malformed names on secondary markets.

  • An expiration bug in the NameWrapper contract. This vulnerability would have allowed the selling and Transferring of the ERC1155 names after the ERC721 name had expired. Aside from fixing the potential bug, the changes from the discussion about the bug brought more new features in the NameWrapper, such as parent controllable fuses.

Utilities & Optimizations

  • Bulk Avatar updater
    A react app for people to set multiple domain avatars in a single transaction using the multicall function provided by the ENS Public Resolver. (Integrated into ens.vision)

  • Bulk Registration
    A react app for registering multiple domains in a single transaction. Later turned into one of many contributions to ENSVision. (Integrated into ens.vision)

  • FlashBots Bundler UI
    A react app for performing self-service rescues originally for ENS names. Link

Additionally, ENS.Vision is a public outlet for lcfr.eth’s ENS-related smart contract work that is used by thousands of people. Such as the advanced registration and renewal options and optimizations to allow fine-tuning of an ENS collectors portfolio.

lcfr is accessible to discussion on technical matters and participates widely in discussions on the forum.


hodl.esf.eth has made significant contributions to the ENS ecosystem through the creation of several tools utilizing smart contract, along with perspective on current and features.

Tools and Contracts

  • Creation of esf.tools Contracts: Developed tokenised subdomain registrar contracts for esf.tools.

  • Enhancing esf with Community Tools: Created allowlist features using Merkle trees. With this tool, communities can validate allowlists on-chain. Additionally, it adds owner bulk mint, mint to another address, and free claim functionality.

  • Collaborating on lilnouns ERC721 Subdomain Mapper: Collaborated with gregskril to develop an ERC721 subdomain mapper dapp for lilnouns. This work allowed lilnouns holders to claim free subdomains. github

  • Building a Generic Subdomain Registrar Contract: Designed a generic subdomain registrar contract compatible with any ERC721 contract, resulting in roughly ten projects utilizing this and supporting over 2,500 registered subdomains.

  • Addressing Flaws in Namewrapper Contract: Identify and help rectify a concern in the Namewrapper contract logic that could have potentially affected subdomain rentals.

In addition to the above, hodl actively participates in bug discovery, Twitter spaces, and forum discussions that educate and improve the ENS ecosystem.

Next Steps and Beyond

Follow the three Ecosystem fellows on Twitter and stay up to date with their projects.

The fellowships are streamed over four months for Hodl & lcfr. Julie’s is also over four months but as it was previously announced it is & will be paid monthly.

The Ecosystem Stewards are excited to support these outstanding ENS contributors!


Congratulations fellows!


Wow… This is great… Very unexpected but gratefully received.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support for esf and my other ENS ventures.


And congratulations to lcfr and Julie also.


Thank you!!! I’m bad at saying things in such situations but I’m very appreciative for everyone who voted or thought of me for the opportunity!

I will continue to experiment with and work towards a better ENS future with this.

Also congratulations to the other fellows! @hodl.esf.eth @julieshi.eth !!


My favorite part of being a steward is rewarding these people that have had such a strong and measurable impact on ENS. Grateful for @julieshi.eth @hodl.esf.eth and @lcfr.eth and excited to see what else they build.


Very well deserved congrats julie, lcfr, and hodl :clap:


Well done all ! Excellent work and contributions to the ENS ecosystem :slight_smile:


Congrats! @julieshi.eth @lcfr.eth and @hodl.esf.eth

I can’t think of anyone more deserving :partying_face:


Happy to receive the fellowship with @hodl.esf.eth @lcfr.eth :blue_heart::smile:! Pleasure to serve the ENS community!


Congratulations fellows :tada:


Congrats, Fellows!

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