ENS Name Normalization

Buying ape.eth with cyrillic “p” was not for tricking people because i wanted to use that for myself as its my first short ens name it looked nice, i knew that the name will have caution :warning: as most people have same names but sometimes with caution sign or sometimes with replacing emoji’s or l,1

I know that purchasing the name will have my name with caution :warning:
But my ens being Delisted in OS and not showing in my wallet and being surprised by developers saying that my name ape.eth is a malicious/scam without informing me or anything mentioned about scam before i paid 707$ for 3 letters name which i like… its not good. My intentions was not to scam, i just wanted to have a nice 3 letters name thats all.

i wish next time if you inform and mention to the people who are registering a name with cyrillic word to know that this might happen.

AThats why now im shocked and i feel sad that i lost 707$ for nothing.
Please i wish my money to be refunded @nick.eth