GR15 Grantee Workshop Wednesday, August 31st @ 6pm GMT

GR15 Grantee Workshop

Meeting Link:

The ENS DAO Steward are hosting a GR15 Grantee Workshop on Wednesday at 6pm GMT via Google Meet. This call provides a space for ENS Ecosystem side round grantees to workshop their applications with DAO stewards.

Come prepared by reading how to create a grant in the Grantee Onboarding document, or watching this video. It will be best to have a draft or a link to your grant ready to present to the stewards if you want meaningful feedback.

Grantees should aim to have submission in by September 3rd.

Helpful GR15 Links

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If you have submitted a grant for the ENS Ecosystem round, please fill in this Airtable form so we can keep track of your project.

FYI, the ENS tag will not be applied to grants until September 6th at the earliest.