☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  1. DAO Tooling
  2. Reserved for Open Discussion
  • Refund Proposal Update

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

minutes by @184.eth

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Refund Proposal Update


katherine wu, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, cap, coltron, evan moyar, greg skriloff, limes.eth, lyt.eth, makoto inoue, marcus estmcmxi, sebastien derivaux, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

Submit ENS Feedback — ens.canny.io

  • ens.canny.io is a feedback platform for feature requests, integrations, and bug reports.
  • This tool allows for upvoting, and, when adopted, can be powerful for community involvement and building.
    • An example of a successful execution is clickup.canny.io which has thousands of upvotes in their feature request section.

Security Advisory Discussion

  • Read the forum post by @Nick.ethSecurity advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  • Nick.eth discussed the technical issue in the ethregistrar controller [& affecting namewrapper] and its two main risks:
    • Accidental release of an update that might make the bug exploitable.
    • Deliberate release of an update that could potentially lead to misuse.
  • Two solutions presented: do nothing or deploy a preventive patch.
    • Taking no action assumes trusting that the DAO wouldn’t maliciously exploit the bug.
    • Nick has written a patch to deploy a new admin contract as a way to prevent any potential exploitation.
  • Nick has suggested the matter be opened for further discussion of pros & cons, and asking the question: are the trade-offs worth it?
    • The aim would be to gather opinions and then eventually proceed through an offchain temp check on the best course of action.
  • ENS Community with relevant experience are encouraged to comment on posts, have conversations, think it through, and bring up discussion points early - rather than at time of a vote.

2. Endowment Update

Financial Reporting

Discussion: Diversification

  • @5pence.eth raised discussion of diversification into Liquid Staking Tokens (LST’s) outside of Lido, and what are the goals (following the newly approved endowment strategies)? Discussion followed:
    • Present action is to progressively diversify stakeETH position into Rocketpool.
    • For the moment, the goal is a 20% stake in Rocketpool and 80% in Lido (principally due to liquidity).
    • Conversation continued into broader conversation about the market share Lido has in relation to network risk.
    • Nick.eth emphasised being in favour of validator diversity, not putting all assets in one place, and moving the balance towards other reliable staking providers.
    • Alexandro Netto highlighted that diversifying across LSTs may reduce slippage.
    • Discussion ended with setting a 50% target percentage to LSTs, to avoid concentration of assets.
    • Karpatkey will review impacts of possible cap to Lido’s percentage at 50%, and report back on feasibility and safety.

Passed - [EP 4.1] [Executable] Approve further actions and strategies for the Endowment

Karpatkey Monthly Reports

3. DAO Tooling

Agora Proposal Interface

  • @Alisha.eth and @gregskril are syncing with Agora (agora.ensdao.org)
  • The new interface is 80-90% complete, pending a list of updates which is expected to be finalised in the coming weeks.
  • It will be possible to create both social & executable proposals through the new interface, as well as vote, or link to vote, enabled.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Social Proposals vs Offchain Temp Checks
Discussion is related to the Governance Process an posting offchain Temp Checks to the ENS Snapshot Space where the purpose of the vote is to aide an Executable Proposal.

  • The current governance process has evolved since the DAO was launched.
    • Today, there is a distinction between Social Proposals (offchain) and Executable Proposals (onchain) – [Executable proposals are anything impacting the ENS protocol or DAO treasury.]
    • Alisha.eth suggested using the ENS Snapshot space to run Temp Checks.
      • The purpose of temp checks are to gauge how delegates might vote in relation to an Executable Proposal.
      • This enables delegates to indicate their position, plant seeds and start discussion.
      • Social Proposals are distinct proposals that are passed to legitimize certain positions taken by the DAO.
      • Temp Checks are used as part of the process related to an Executable Proposal. They are not binding, nor do they need to reach quorum to be useful to the proposer.
    • Alisha.eth is open to feedback.
      • Nick.eth considered it a reasonable approach…

Executable Proposal for Invalid Name Refund

  • Read the original forum thread by Makoto: ENS invalid name refund proposal
  • @Alisha.eth has created a draft Executable Proposal for the refund proposal and will post it to the forum in the coming week.
    • The proposal presents the two primary options for refund: Option A and Option B.
    • The distribution method will be confirmed after the refund components are confirmed.
      • Makoto remarked that an airdrop method (as opposed to a claim method) may be simpler and easier.
    • Timeline and Execution:
      • Potential timeline for Executable Proposal is EOM or the late September voting window.
    • A temp check may be used. Alternatively, Alisha will poll large Delegates directly.
  • A visual diagram of options was included in the draft to help explain the Option differences.

Karpatkey’s Dune Governance Dashboard