Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, February 6th, 2023
Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link:
Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter)
- General DAO Updates
a. Service Provider Program
b. Budget for Term 5 Q1/Q2 is posted - Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
- Demo from Hedgey - Token Vesting Contracts + Delegation
- Update on Bylaws RFP
- Open Discussion
23 Participants in Meeting
1. General DAO Updates
Service Provider Program
- Program up and running!
- Link for public streaming dashboard
- Currently Streaming to six wallets
Budget for Term 5 Q1/Q2 is posted
- All working groups need to post budget in first month of the term, budgeting for six months even though steward terms are now 1 year
- Link to budget: MetaGovernance Working Group Budget for Term 5, Q1/Q2 2024
2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
- ENS Endownment yearly review: Karpatkey 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment
- Plans for the year: Introduce roles modifier v2 to manage endownment more effectively. Currently in an audit to ensure safe introduction
Highlights from January Endownment Report
- Revenues greater than cash burn
- Revenues increasing
- 167 Months of runway
- Reserves $100M
- Full report can be found here: Endowment Monthly Reports - #5 by karpatkey
3. Demo from Hedgey - Token Vesting Contracts + Delegation
Lindsey Winder from
- Front-loading governance, release tokens over time but allow future token holders to participate in governance
- Demo shows how users select token, network, revocable status, time for vesting, etc. for clean UI of allowing token vesting
- Receivers of tokens can choose to delegate voting rights to a different wallet address
- Goal is to have people with 2 or 3 years of token vesting participate with full amount of tokens in governance
4. Update on Bylaws RFP
- @KarelLemma, representing Lemma Solutions 3, has been selected as the party who will help draft the ENS DAO Bylaws
- Firm has been working in the space for 3 years
- Timeline: Will conduct a gap analysis, create first draft for feedback for socialization, create second draft based on feedback, then share that draft for community feedback
- The Bylaws will be made available for review and comment in advance of a social vote that will propose their adoption, will take a few weeks until first round of social feedback is ready for review
5. Open Discussion
Notes by @don.nie