Google Meet link :
Stewards : @coltron.eth, @nick.eth and @simona_pop
A) Reminder of proposals currently up on Tally.
B) Brief retro of first 30 days of the term.
C) Discuss: Executable proposal process.
D) Open space for additional topics
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Call Minutes
Attendees: alisha.eth, anthonyware.eth, carlosdp.eth, coltron.eth, Doug Cotler, helenstans
Mahesh Murthy, Maintainer.eth, nick.eth, oakgroup.eth, vegayp.eth,
A) Reminder of two proposals currently up on Tally. Please go vote.
B) Brief retro of the first 30 days of the term.
Significant Events
- Budgets (~3.3M USD equivalent) were created and sent to the on-chain proposal.
- Working Groups now have an e-mail at Stewards have been given access.
- Change of admin for Community Working Group.
- Code of Conduct was passed off to mods and TNL.
- Karma plug-in integrated on the forum, with banner improvement expected in the next month.
- Discussed if we should amend the governance process to allow proposals to go straight to an executable proposal.
Takeaways from this discussion
- Would implement a system that requires an $ENS deposit to reduce spam. If a proposal failed, as a result other than an error in the submission, the deposit would be forfeited.
- We should prevent code errors when updating the governor contract.
- carlosdp.eth will draft the code for the $ENS deposit.
- coltron.eth will draft possible updates to governance docs.
- Working Group budgets will still go to a snapshot as required by WG Rules.
This will be a continued discussion.
D) Open space for additional topics