☎️ ENS Public Goods – Weekly Meeting: 1pm ET (5pm UTC), Thursday – Term 5

Public Goods Meeting, February 1st, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Incoming events
  • GasHawk Milestones presentation.
  • Budget for Q1/Q2
  • Article about Large Grants.
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, February 1, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcoming
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming events
  4. GasHawk Milestones presentation
  5. Q1/Q2 Budget
  6. Update: Retroactive PGF cohort (estmcmxci.eth)
  7. Suggestion: Highlighting Clave’s achievement re: RIP-7212
  8. Open floor for questions and proposals

19 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements


3. Upcoming events

Eth Denver!

4. GasHawk Milestones presentation

Daniel Pfeffer from https://gashawk.io

  • Service that can submit signed transactions when gas fees are low and during time interval specified by the user
  • Large Grant summary: [Active] Public Goods Large Grants - Q4 2023 - #3 by Coltron.eth
  • Browser extenion (1st milestone) close to being completed; mid-to-end Febraury full completion then need to submit to extension stores for browser approvals
  • Also working on webhooks (2nd milestone); useful for services that want to integrate gashawk for higher volume of transactions; accessible through API
  • Will come back in a few months to provide new updates

5. Q1/Q2 Budget

  • Looking to present budget today
  • Expected to spend half a million dollars in H1
    • 60 Eth for small grants
    • $217k for large grants
    • $40k for bounties
    • $75k for events and hackathons
  • Have 1 working group multi-sig to disperse payments

6. Update: Retroactive RPGF cohort

7. Highlighting Clave’s achievement re: RIP-7212

8. Open floor for questions and proposals


Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, February 8th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Incoming events
  • EthLatam Presentation (Paula Doy)
  • SheHer presentation
  • Charmverse.io (Alex)
  • Budget for H1
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, February 8, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcoming
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming events
  4. EthLatam Presentation
  5. SiHer presentation
  6. Charmverse.io (Alex)
  7. Budget for H1
  8. Open floor for questions and proposals

22 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

3. Upcoming events

Eth Denver!

4. EthLatam Presentation

  • Event in Honduras in San Pedro Sula at the Copantl Convention Center from 13-14 March 2024
  • Most of event will be in Spanish but will have live English translations and vice versa
  • Goals: Bring in/empower community felt left out by many events and Bring the ethos and values of Ethereum to LatAm
  • Why Honduras? Appealing cryptocurrency market with 40 Billion USD crypto value received
  • Hackathon will begin online before event then take place and conclude at the event
  • Event free for all attendees, supported by sponsors
  • Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/ethlatam
  • Website: https://ethlatam.org/
  • Presenter Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/crisgarner

5. SiHer presentation

Kara Howard from SI3

  • SI HER SUMMIT: FEBRUARY 22ND, 2024, 9 am - 9 pm
    CST: A one-day virtual gathering amplifying web3 organizations, communities and the diverse voices leading us into the decentralized web
  • MirnaMaria (aka ArtsyBolivian) part of Si3 team. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out Mirna@si3.space Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/sihertalent

6. Charmverse.io

Alex Poon from https://charmverse.io

  • Platform for applying for grants
  • Configurable evaluation workflows
    • Evaluation rubrics, temp checks, final reviews
    • Shareable via socials
    • Integration with SnapShot for voting
  • Fully customizable grant templates
    • Choose different input types (e.g. wallet address, name, etc.)
  • Milestone tracking system on most EVM compatible chains
  • Finely grained controls based on roles, invite people via private links or NFT token gating
  • Commenting system (public or private)
  • Can make fields private so only viewable by grant reviewers
  • User profiles built automatically using info from wallet addresses
  • Recently launched credentialing system via EAS and Ceramic
  • Notification system that allows notifications based on state changes (in-app or email)
  • Cost for implementation: Charge by blocks (input fields), first 30,000 blocks free (lots of blocks)
  • From @coltron.eth: Helpful for getting more eyes onto grant proposals

7. Budget for H1

At this link: Public Goods Group Budget - H1 2024

8. Open floor for questions and proposals

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, February 15th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcome ALL!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Incoming events & potential activations
  • Skipping next week´s call as ENS at ETHDenver
  • Update: Any learnings from RPGF cohort training (estmcmxci.eth)
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations.

Public Goods Meeting, February 15, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming events & Political Activations
  4. ENSDAO on Farcaster
  5. Giveth x ENS PG planning ongoing for March kickoff
  6. Update: Any learnings from RPGF cohort training (estmcmxci.eth)
  7. Open floor for questions and proposals

13 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

3. Upcoming events & Political Activations

Eth Denver!

ETH London

4. ENSDAO on Farcaster

  • Share ideas here: Warpcast
  • Thread discusses ideas for how ENS could use Frames in Farcaster among other ideas
  • Follow ENS DAO here: Warpcast

5. Giveth x ENS PG planning ongoing for March kickoff

  • Putting final details together on collaboration, figuring out exact dates in March (likely mid-March)
  • Planning on conducting a few X Spaces for project discussions
  • Wrapup a few weeks after kickoff
  • Look out for more information soon

6. Update: Any learnings from RPGF cohort training (@estmcmxci.eth)

• In a nutshell, retroPGF aims to maximize long-term value in various ecosystems, including its impact on the token
• Projects are funded after they’ve proven their value
• This approach is facilitated by a Results Oracle
• Tool: GitHub - gitcoinco/easy-retro-pgf

Scoping a Round
• Timeline: Trimester round process (applications, voting, distribution).
• Tools: Agora, Pairwise, Charmverse
• Important to determine a North Star and audience for applicants and voters
• Example: The Ecosystem round rewards work that provided impact to application developers in the ENS Ecosystem (SDKs, APIs, oracles, educational
materials, etc)

• Given to individuals who meet certain criteria and standards and are aligned
with the ecosystem’s objective (Article III)
• Important to set behavior standards and accountability mechanisms
• Helpful to create spaces for badgeholders to meet one another
• Resource: OP Badgeholder Manual

What’s Next
• Application process and impact evaluation strategies
• Badgeholder nominations and voting
• KYC and allocating payouts
• Mastering the easyretropgf.xyz tool

Link to slides with list of resources at the end: ENS DAO — RPGF Midpoint Review (2024).pdf - Google Drive

Recommendations for ENS: Keep testing round tight to prevent scope creep

7. Open floor for questions and proposals

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, February 22th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Incoming events and potential ENS presence.
  • ETHCanal presentation by Steven
  • Skipping next week´s call as ENS at ETHDenver
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, February 22, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence
  4. EthCanal presentation by Steven
  5. Skipping next week’s call for EthDenver
  6. Open floor for questions and proposals

15 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

New Docs Live!

  • https://docs.ens.domains/
  • More information, rebuilt from scratch, quick start guides, more code examples and links, EIPS, smart contract interfaces, etc. with improved search
  • Previously no docs about name wrapper, now six page overview of name wrapper
  • Old links should still work with new docs
  • If find any bugs please reach out to Labs/ bring up in Developer telegram channel

Uniswap Announcement

3. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence

Eth Denver!

  • February 29th Event, 6-9pm
  • Register here: ENS @ ETH Denver · Luma
  • Reach out to @limes.eth if haven’t been accepted yet, over 600 interested people

ETH London

ETH Latam and ETH Guatemala upcoming

4. EthCanal presentation by Steven

Steven Clarke from https://ethcanal.xyz

  • Panama largest country without central banking, allows for innovation
  • Looking at how help organizations build modern technologies given Panama’s unique environment
  • Every Panamanian citizen has an identifier and want to help make it easy for citizens to get an ENS subdomain/email
  • Looking to this group to see if can collaborate on this initiative
  • Last year’s numbers: ETHPanama had 300 participants, hackathon had 45 participants
  • From Eduardo: Will follow-up after call and get an answer back

5. Skipping next week’s call for EthDenver

Will resume week of 7 March with large grant presentees

6. Open floor for questions and proposals


Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, March 7th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, March 7, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence
  4. Fluidkey Presentation
  5. RevokeCash Presentation
  6. EthDenver Recap
  7. Open floor for questions and proposals

18 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • See below for info on EthGlobal in London and EthDenver recap
  • 3 service providers lined up to present in Ecosystem calls, join if interested in hearing them present

3. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence

ETH London

ETH Latam

  • March 13 - 14, 2024
  • In Honduras, Eduardo will be speaking

ETH Canal

  • Previously Eth Panama
  • March 19th, Panama City

4. Fluidkey Presentation

Antonio Seveso from https://fluidkey.com

  • Privacy by default on EVM chains
  • Receive and manage funds onchain without publicly linking them to you
  • Decoupling address from identity
    • User could have thousands of addresses that don’t connect to the user’s identity
    • Every time send to FluidKey ENS address, funds go/are relayed to a different address
  • Next steps: Add more chains, swaps, and bridging all behind one single ENS
  • Reach out if any questions: metony on Farcaster or t0nIT on Telegram or Twitter: 0xmetony
  • Grew out of hackathon, received funding from ENS to build

5. RevokeCash Presentation

Rosco Kalis from https://revoke.cash

  • Platform for managing token approvals
  • Whenever using a dApp and interact with tokens, need to give dApp permission to access tokens
  • Can be dangerous giving other systems access to tokens in wallet. Even trusted platforms can have exploited bugs causing wallets to be drained
  • 2 months ago, received large grant from ENS, two milestones defined:
    • NFT pricing data: in development dashboard can now see value of NFTs that are connected to wallets/could be at risk if an exploit occurs, previously just fungible pricing data was available. Mostly finished, working through final issues (slowness) and hope to deploy reasonably soon
    • Provide more risk information/advice on which approvals should revoke, currently just show a big list of connected tokens. Want to add indicators such as time connected, previous hacks of protocol, connect to risk indicator systems, etc. At early stage of implementing
  • Reach out if any questions: https://twitter.com/RoscoKalis

6. EthDenver Recap

  • Booth huge success
    • Come with wallet on phone, scan QR phone to sign message, get badge printed with avatar and ENS name. Badges can be used to distribute POAPs showing people met
  • Side event with over 150 people, great to have people meet IRL and help each other out
  • Helped many people get uni.eth subdomains for users of the Uniswap wallet

7. Open floor for questions and proposals

Leticia (Telegram: letfrz)writing series highlighting large grantees. Recent article highlights GasHawk, sharing journey and milestones. Can read here: ENS DAO Journal | Optimizing Gas Fees with GasHawk

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, March 14th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Budget Proposal
  • Incoming events and potential ENS presence.
    • EthGlobal London
  • EthLATAM recap
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, March 14, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Budget Proposal
  4. Upcoming Events and Potential ENS presence: EthGlobal London
  5. EthLATAM Recap
  6. Open floor for questions and proposals

9 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • In London for EthGlobal and helping with hackathon

  • Snapshot has 2 ENS related issues open for voting: Snapshot

    1. Fund Public Goods
    2. Fund Metagov
  • Definitely vote and post question on the forums

3. Budget Proposal

  • Public Goods budget for 1st half of the year: Snapshot
  • Goes through 24 September
  • Numbers roughly doubled or extapolated out to forecast needs
  • Large Grants, Small Grants, and Events/Hackathons most of budget request

4. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence

ETH London

  • ETHGlobal: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024

    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • ENS sponsoring hackathon
  • Launching perpetual public goods bounty during EthGlobal London!

    • Idea is to go beyond just funding projects during EthGlobal hackathons
    • Working with Labs and ecosystem Teams
    • Increase applicants/participants in ENS hackathons

ETH Canal

  • Previously Eth Panama
  • March 19th, Panama City

ETH Samba

5. EthLATAM Recap

6. Open floor for questions and proposals

  • Small and Large Grants expected to open up at the end of the month, small grants first

  • Vote for public goods funding is using ENS

  • Q: Has there been a recipient of multiple large grants before?

  • A: Not yet. If past recipients have done a great job, nothing limiting them from applying for more large grants

  • Only 1 day left to apply for the ENS-Sponsored QF round on Giveth! Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, March 21th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • EthSamba Presentation
  • EthGlobal Partnership
  • EthGuatemala Workshop
  • Giveth Builder’s Round Update
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, March 21, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. UrbeCampus Presentation
  4. EthGlobal Partnership
  5. HiWomenBiz
  6. Giveth Builder’s Round Update
  7. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • ENS Labs conducting offsite this week
    • Going really well
  • High turnout at ENS booth during EthGlobal
    • Great event to attend and sponsor
    • Hackathon participants will present in Ecosystem meetings

3. UrbeCampus Presentation

Simone Staffa from UrbeCampus

  • Conduct Web3 meetups/hackathons in Rome
  • Had 1 week bootcamp powered by Arbitrum in February
    • Covered basic smart contract development to Building dApps
    • 20 hrs of workshops with 60 attendees (all on YouTube soon)
    • Hackathon had 9 projects with 40 hackers
  • Want to scale efforts and follow-up with developers to scale and contribute to the ENS ecosystem
  • Socials: https://x.com/urbeEth

4. EthGlobal Partnership

  • Collaboration between Public Goods and Ecosystem with tech support from ENS Labs
  • Seeds hackers at EthGlobal with ENS domains
  • Launched during closing ceremonies during EthGlobal London
  • Tech-side should be completed during the next week, so hackers will immediatley be able to create ENS domain
  • https://x.com/Sim_Pop/status/1769407844606984645?s=20
  • Great example of cross-collaboration work and very positive response!

5. HiWomenBiz

Allison Alvarez from https://en.hiwomenbiz.com/

6. Giveth Builder’s Round Update

  • Narrowed down Giveth projects that will go into round to 34 projects
  • Small developers with small projects that could use a little help

7. Open floor

  • Perpetual PG Bounty
    • Perpetual Public Goods Bounty, testing out to see how it works
  • Will resume Small Grants next month
    • Join calls and connect with community
    • Can reach out to stewards for feedback
  • Large Grants
    • Improving platform where large grants will be held next time

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie


Public Goods Meeting, March 27th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • EthGuatemala presentation
  • Small & Large Grants Update
  • TEA update
  • Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, March 28, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. EthGuatemala presentation
  4. Small & Large Grants Update
  5. TEA Update
  6. Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space
  7. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • $100k Matching Gitcoin Round for building identity on ENS: https://twitter.com/limes_eth/status/1773016918653341875
  • Looking at ways to scale ENS, lower fees and higher throughput, possibly ENS Chain
  • Google seems to be supporting search for ENS names (not official parnership)
  • Basescan (Base L2 block explorer) now supporting ENS lookups
  • Events:
    • Farcon in May (Farcaster)
    • EthCC in Brussels in July

3. EthGuatemala presentation

  • Eduardo spoke at ETH Guatemala, an ENS Public Goods Grant Recipient
    • Gave an intro to ENS in Spanish
    • 200 viewers

4. Small & Large Grants Update

Small Grants

  • Live tomorrow
  • https://ensgrants.xyz
  • 1st place: 3 ETH, 2nd Place: 2 ETH, 3rd Place: 1 ETH, 4-10: 0.25 ETH
  • Submissions Start: Friday, March 29th
    Submission End: Thursday April 4rd
    Voting Begins: - Friday, April 5th
    Voting Ends: Thursday, April 11th
  • Has to actually benefit Web3/ Ethereum to be eligible
  • Info Draft: .md · GitHub

Large Grants

  • Live Next week
  • More info to come

5. TEA Update

6. Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space

7. Open floor

Corina from dhive: Governance Data Hub

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie


Public Goods Meeting, April 4th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Giveth + ENS round update.
  • Small Grants
  • ENS at EthRome
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, April 4, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Giveth + ENS round update
  4. Small Grants
  5. ENS at EthRome
  6. Open floor

12 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • ENS Sponsoring Opening Night Event at FarCon in Venice Beach 2-5 May, https://farcon.xyz/
  • ENS made an April Fools Joke about bringing points into ENS
  • Vote for Public Goods Funding Live here: Tally | ENS Proposal
    • Funding to support operations until the September 2024 funding window
    • Includes $100k Small Grants this quarter
  • Self-funding for the endownment live for a vote: Tally | ENS Proposal
    • Proposal outlines a strategic shift allowing the Endowment to autonomously finance its operations. Specifically, it grants the Metagov stewards the authority to withdraw up to 30 ETH monthly from the Endowment

3. Giveth + ENS round update

4. Small Grants Update

5. ENS at EthRome

Simone Staffa from EthRome https://ethrome.org

6. Open floor

  • Perpetual Bounty Announcement: Warpcast

  • Coltron looking at using Charmverse as CRM tool for managing grants. Allows Grant managers to track review process publicly

  • More info on Large Grants upcoming, stay tuned

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

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Public Goods Meeting, April 11th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Giveth Round.
  • Small Grants Update.
  • Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS**
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, April 11, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Giveth Round
  4. Small Grants Update
  5. Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS
  6. Open floor

13 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/

  • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California
    • Extension of availabilty of tickets: Warpcast

@Cap.eth made a cool Farcaster frame

  • Warpcast
  • Mint a free ENS Subname from GotFramed.eth in celebration of Frames on Farcaster

@limes.eth made an ETH round-up video for those who enjoy learning through video

3. Giveth Round

  • Finished Round
  • 412 Donations
  • Next week or so will get run-down with data
  • Will engage with top-donated projects and invite them to the call

4. Small Grants Update

  • Live last week
  • Over weekend was issues with voting interface (UI) and count on token weight (if voted, token value not accurate)
    • Token value issue fixed
    • Front-end fix is still outstanding, waiting on developer time to dedicate to fix
  • Would like to have voting done on ENS Grants page
    • Recommend close page until fix is in
  • Consensus: Wait until front-end is fixed to restart voting and have a consolidated front-end
  • Small Grants is delayed but silver lining is pushing front-end updates to the forefront for quicker fix
  • Discussion: ENS Small Grants Bug? Trillion Votes! - #4 by ENSPunks.eth

5. Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS

  • @estmcmxci helped to author, make it easy for anybody to get their first ENS

6. Open floor

None this week

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie