☎️ ENS Public Goods – Weekly Meeting: 1pm ET (5pm UTC), Thursday – Term 5

Public Goods Meeting, March 21, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. UrbeCampus Presentation
  4. EthGlobal Partnership
  5. HiWomenBiz
  6. Giveth Builder’s Round Update
  7. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • ENS Labs conducting offsite this week
    • Going really well
  • High turnout at ENS booth during EthGlobal
    • Great event to attend and sponsor
    • Hackathon participants will present in Ecosystem meetings

3. UrbeCampus Presentation

Simone Staffa from UrbeCampus

  • Conduct Web3 meetups/hackathons in Rome
  • Had 1 week bootcamp powered by Arbitrum in February
    • Covered basic smart contract development to Building dApps
    • 20 hrs of workshops with 60 attendees (all on YouTube soon)
    • Hackathon had 9 projects with 40 hackers
  • Want to scale efforts and follow-up with developers to scale and contribute to the ENS ecosystem
  • Socials: https://x.com/urbeEth

4. EthGlobal Partnership

  • Collaboration between Public Goods and Ecosystem with tech support from ENS Labs
  • Seeds hackers at EthGlobal with ENS domains
  • Launched during closing ceremonies during EthGlobal London
  • Tech-side should be completed during the next week, so hackers will immediatley be able to create ENS domain
  • https://x.com/Sim_Pop/status/1769407844606984645?s=20
  • Great example of cross-collaboration work and very positive response!

5. HiWomenBiz

Allison Alvarez from https://en.hiwomenbiz.com/

6. Giveth Builder’s Round Update

  • Narrowed down Giveth projects that will go into round to 34 projects
  • Small developers with small projects that could use a little help

7. Open floor

  • Perpetual PG Bounty
    • Perpetual Public Goods Bounty, testing out to see how it works
  • Will resume Small Grants next month
    • Join calls and connect with community
    • Can reach out to stewards for feedback
  • Large Grants
    • Improving platform where large grants will be held next time

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie


Public Goods Meeting, March 27th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • EthGuatemala presentation
  • Small & Large Grants Update
  • TEA update
  • Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, March 28, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. EthGuatemala presentation
  4. Small & Large Grants Update
  5. TEA Update
  6. Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space
  7. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • $100k Matching Gitcoin Round for building identity on ENS: https://twitter.com/limes_eth/status/1773016918653341875
  • Looking at ways to scale ENS, lower fees and higher throughput, possibly ENS Chain
  • Google seems to be supporting search for ENS names (not official parnership)
  • Basescan (Base L2 block explorer) now supporting ENS lookups
  • Events:
    • Farcon in May (Farcaster)
    • EthCC in Brussels in July

3. EthGuatemala presentation

  • Eduardo spoke at ETH Guatemala, an ENS Public Goods Grant Recipient
    • Gave an intro to ENS in Spanish
    • 200 viewers

4. Small & Large Grants Update

Small Grants

  • Live tomorrow
  • https://ensgrants.xyz
  • 1st place: 3 ETH, 2nd Place: 2 ETH, 3rd Place: 1 ETH, 4-10: 0.25 ETH
  • Submissions Start: Friday, March 29th
    Submission End: Thursday April 4rd
    Voting Begins: - Friday, April 5th
    Voting Ends: Thursday, April 11th
  • Has to actually benefit Web3/ Ethereum to be eligible
  • Info Draft: .md · GitHub

Large Grants

  • Live Next week
  • More info to come

5. TEA Update

6. Giveth Builder’s Round and Twitter Space

7. Open floor

Corina from dhive: Governance Data Hub

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie


Public Goods Meeting, April 4th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Giveth + ENS round update.
  • Small Grants
  • ENS at EthRome
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, April 4, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Giveth + ENS round update
  4. Small Grants
  5. ENS at EthRome
  6. Open floor

12 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • ENS Sponsoring Opening Night Event at FarCon in Venice Beach 2-5 May, https://farcon.xyz/
  • ENS made an April Fools Joke about bringing points into ENS
  • Vote for Public Goods Funding Live here: Tally | ENS Proposal
    • Funding to support operations until the September 2024 funding window
    • Includes $100k Small Grants this quarter
  • Self-funding for the endownment live for a vote: Tally | ENS Proposal
    • Proposal outlines a strategic shift allowing the Endowment to autonomously finance its operations. Specifically, it grants the Metagov stewards the authority to withdraw up to 30 ETH monthly from the Endowment

3. Giveth + ENS round update

4. Small Grants Update

5. ENS at EthRome

Simone Staffa from EthRome https://ethrome.org

6. Open floor

  • Perpetual Bounty Announcement: Warpcast

  • Coltron looking at using Charmverse as CRM tool for managing grants. Allows Grant managers to track review process publicly

  • More info on Large Grants upcoming, stay tuned

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, April 11th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements
  • Giveth Round.
  • Small Grants Update.
  • Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS**
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, April 11, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Giveth Round
  4. Small Grants Update
  5. Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS
  6. Open floor

13 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/

  • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California
    • Extension of availabilty of tickets: Warpcast

@Cap.eth made a cool Farcaster frame

  • Warpcast
  • Mint a free ENS Subname from GotFramed.eth in celebration of Frames on Farcaster

@limes.eth made an ETH round-up video for those who enjoy learning through video

3. Giveth Round

  • Finished Round
  • 412 Donations
  • Next week or so will get run-down with data
  • Will engage with top-donated projects and invite them to the call

4. Small Grants Update

  • Live last week
  • Over weekend was issues with voting interface (UI) and count on token weight (if voted, token value not accurate)
    • Token value issue fixed
    • Front-end fix is still outstanding, waiting on developer time to dedicate to fix
  • Would like to have voting done on ENS Grants page
    • Recommend close page until fix is in
  • Consensus: Wait until front-end is fixed to restart voting and have a consolidated front-end
  • Small Grants is delayed but silver lining is pushing front-end updates to the forefront for quicker fix
  • Discussion: ENS Small Grants Bug? Trillion Votes! - #4 by ENSPunks.eth

5. Bankless Academy: Explorer’s Handbook — Registering a Web3 Username with ENS

  • @estmcmxci helped to author, make it easy for anybody to get their first ENS

6. Open floor

None this week

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, April 18th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Large grants Grantee presentation: MetaGov - Eugene + Alex
  • Astral.Global Presentation (5-7min)
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations
1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, April 18, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Large grants Grantee presentation: MetaGov - Eugene + Alex
  4. Astral.Global Presentation
  5. Open floor

17 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/

  • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California

ENS has blog on Front-end updates

Gitcoin Grants Round

  • Round closed, applications being reviewed
  • Matching Round starting next week

3. Large grants Grantee presentation: MetaGov - Eugene + Alex

4. Astral.Global Presentation

John Hoopes presenting https://astral.global

  • Building location-based dapps is important and hard to do
  • Creating open-source tools and infrastructure to help people build location-based dapps
  • Spatial Registries: Register geographic assets: points, lines + polygons
    • On-chain geospatial database
    • Open access
    • Privacy-preserving (soon)
  • Location Attestations: Verifiable attestations to the location of a person, device, or event
    • On and offchain location claims
    • Built on EAS
    • Compatible with Astral’s spatial registries
  • Public Goods and Grant funded only, no VCs, EVM aligned
  • From Eduardo: Recommend checking out and applying for Small and Large grants funding
  • From @coltron.eth: Privacy important (choose to disclose), definitely take that into consideration when applying
  • Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat

5. Open floor

Update from Lauren Luz on Giveth Grant:

  • 412 donations, 32 Eligible Projects, 20k Matching Pool, 217 Unique Donors, $7503 donated
  • Donations happened on many different chains
  • Lots of verified projects, not a lot of sketchiness
  • Analysis forthcoming, will be posted on Giveth website

Small Grants

  • Small Grants voting period delayed due to technical issues, no effect on current submissions
    • Hoping to restart voting round with previously submitted submissions soon

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

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Public Goods Meeting, April 24th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Large grants Grantee presentation: DAppNode - Lanski and Marc
  • Update on Small Grants
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, April 25, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Large grants Grantee presentation: DAppNode - Lanski and Marc
  4. Update on Small Grants
  5. Open floor

19 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/
    • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California
  • Discussions around making ENSIP process more open
  • Discussions around ENS resolving across L2s
  • uni.eth subnames reached 500k registrations
  • Running Gitcoin round matching 100k USDC for projects growing, enhancing, or supporting the decentralized identity system around ENS

3. Large grants Grantee presentation: DAppNode - Lanski and Marc


  • Free open-source software to run blockchain software without having technical knowledge
  • Point and Click UI to decide which nodes want to install (Bitcoin, Zcash, etc.)
  • Adamant on defending decentralization, want people to run own nodes
  • Many problems with MEV including power law distribution in that some blocks have huge MEV rewards and some have very little, means that big pools with lots of validators can get a very big block, incentivizes big pools over solo stakers (not good for decentralization)
  • DAppNode built Smooth to share MEV across solo stakers. Also built Smooth statistics page, demonstrates higher returns for solo stakers who join Smooth: Smooth | Dappnode's MEV Smoothing Pool | Maximize your eth staking rewards | Smooth | Dappnode's MEV Smoothing Pool | Maximize your eth staking rewards
  • How to install on own machine: Installation Overview | Dappnode
  • Ideally would get large validators like Lido to join Smooth and share rewards
  • Working on tech v2: compatibility with restaking protocols, multi-unsubscribe, and improvements on smart contract and oracle level
  • Recently added Optimism nodes, close to adding zkEVM, want to add more L2s
  • @coltron.eth: Closes out commitment to large grants, thanks for good work
  • Socials: https://x.com/dappnode

4. Update on Small Grants

  • Issues on voting front-end almost resolved
  • @coltron.eth: Waiting on pull request to come through

5. Open floor

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

Public Goods Meeting, May 2nd, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Giveth Round - Update
  • Small grants - Update
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, May 2, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Giveth Round - Update
  4. Small grants - Update
  5. Open floor

13 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • Gitcoin Round 20 Live
    • Running Gitcoin round matching 100k USDC for projects growing, enhancing, or supporting the decentralized identity system around ENS
    • Dashboard for stats here: Gitcoin | Explorer
  • Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/
    • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California
  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/
    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium

3. Giveth Round - Update

4. Update on Small Grants

  • Small Grants back up, thanks for patience
  • Public Goods Round 12 | ENS Small Grants
  • Let Stewards know if still encountering any errors, Issues · ensdao/ens-small-grants · GitHub
  • Uses token-weighted voting, as opposed to voter cards, to get round out and get grantees funding
  • Applicable projects should not be ENS-specific but may include ENS functionality. An example is etherJS, a developer library that has utility throughout Web3, not only for those building with ENS
  • Announcement Link: Warpcast

5. Open floor

  • ETHGlobal working on technical issues to give hackers ENS domains by May 6th
    • Delayed due to travel and weather issues
  • DAO Tokyo will have ENS presence

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, May 9th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming!
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • HiWomenBiz presentation.
  • Rotki Large Grants presentation
  • Small Grants - Closeup
  • Mely.eth: Presenting and Interviewing Public Goods projects on ENS DAO spaces**
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, May 9, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. HiWomenBiz presentation
  4. Rotki Large Grants presentation
  5. Small Grants - Closeup
  6. Mely.eth: Presenting and Interviewing Public Goods projects on ENS DAO spaces
  7. Open floor

19 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • Two proposals up this week for voting: Security Council (closed and passed) and Steward Vesting proposal (still open): Snapshot

  • Querying subgraph is changing, docs and forum posts out soon

  • Gitcoin Round closed and applications being reviewed

3. HiWomenBiz presentation

Allison Alvarez from Women Biz

4. Rotki Large Grants presentation

Yabir Garcia presenting https://rotki.com

5. Small Grants - Closeup

6. Mely.eth: Presenting and Interviewing Public Goods projects on ENS DAO spaces

  • Have been working with amazing community projects on ENS
  • Want to help make ENS more accessible and understandable to more people
  • Spaces are easily accessible to consume
  • Simona: Want to ensure don’t have a surplus/confusing amount of communication, needs more thinking through
  • Potentially a niche in narrow focus with more buzzy energy
  • Next steps: Continue engaging with Marcus

7. Open floor

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, May 16th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Incoming events
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, May 16, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming Events
  4. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

3. Upcoming Events

See note about EthCC above

4. Open floor

@coltron.eth: Want to work on landing page to consolidate information about all Grants initiatives

  • Example: https://esp.ethereum.foundation/
  • Easy to maintain once user-interface created
  • @maintainer.eth demonstrating project he built that does above and discussion around how to bring it to the public

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, May 23rd, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Incoming events
  • WomenBiz presentation - Sponsored Hackathon
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations

Public Goods Meeting, May 23, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming Events
  4. WomenBiz presentation - Sponsored Hackathon
  5. Open floor

16 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

Gitcoin Payouts

  • Analysis of distribution completed
  • Contract funded, waiting to receive matching funds and additional grant funds
  • Payout hopefully completed by May 28

Tech Migrations

  • EVM Gateway
    • Tooling for proving Layer 2 state on L1
    • OP Stack getting fault proofs. If using main branch, will stop working in 4-6 weeks when change approved by Optimism. If using in production there are mitigations to address changes, Labs working to address.
    • More info here: Preparing for Fault Proofs Changes | Optimism Docs
  • Graph
    • Switching off hosted service on June 12
    • Worked with them to avoid breaking changes
    • Current hosted API will continue to work but rate limits added so recommend creating new API key

3. Upcoming Events

  • Big Presence at EthCC: https://ethcc.io/
    • July 8-11 in Brussels, Belgium
    • More details coming soon, will have technical conversation type day with ENS Labs

4. WomenBiz presentation - Sponsored Hackathon

Briguit Proyectos presenting results of hackathon: Women Biz - Empoderando Mujeres a través de la Web3. | Latina Blockchain Hackathon

  • 299 Registered from 14 countries
  • Almost 70% first time hackathoners
    • 124 Hackers
    • 21 Teams
    • 13 Workshops
    • 30 personalized mentoring
  • $5000 USDC given for ENS hacks to 3 teams, Eduardo was a judge
  • Next projects: Bootcamps specialized in Blockchain Development Builders
  • Link to slides with lots of data and photos: Latina Blockchain Hackathon
  • Socials:
    • Twitter: @hiwomenbiz
    • Farcaster: womenbiz
    • Instagram: @hiwomenbiz
    • Youtube: womenbiz
    • Linkedin: Women Biz

5. Open floor

Zeptimus presenting Pairwise (Giveth grant recipient)

  • Problem: Overwhelming amount of DAO proposals
  • Pairwise is a platform for quickly curating project lists
  • With Pairwise, you can easily create, edit, and share curated lists of projects, to be imported directly into Agora and West for final voting
  • Pairwise streamlines the review process, guiding you to the categories and projects that align with your expertise
  • Creating mobile app using account abstraction with pseudo-anonymous voting and feedback
  • Features: Filtering, category comparisonsdesktop version to connect to voting power
  • Slides: Pairwise Pitch-Deck ENS - Google Slides
  • Social:
    • Telegram: @Zeptimusq
    • X: x.com

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

Public Goods Meeting, May 30th, 2024


Time/Day: 6PM UTC (1PM ET)(7PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: meet.google.com/gff-wyib-meo


The agenda will be from now on a Public Document , you can request access to it or post here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.

  • Welcoming
  • Core ENS updates and announcements.
  • Incoming events
  • Update on Small Grants
  • Open floor for questions, proposals and presentations