ENS shirt campaign

I wouldn’t buy it because the ENS logo is messed :cold_face: :cold_face: You should preserve the aspect ratio. I cannot unsee it sorry :sweat_smile:

well then I guess you can’t buy ethereum ever again ! sorry but I just can’t unread! :joy:

iimages are changed upon upload to this site.

Any other brands besides Gildan that you prefer? Love the designs


thank you for the feedback.

No particular brand in mind. But I was thinking something along the lines of a good quality shirt. You know the material that is kind of washed like? like a durable good, that appears and kind feels like it has been worn but really it’s new. this is kinda funny but kind of like an abercrombie type shirt material.

Love this idea, I’d get one. We run a shopify+printful store on a project I work on, it works fine. But I don’t think we need to overengineer this and reinvent the wheel - I would vote for the simplest way to get something simple up and running.

A complication I can foresee would be who registers; it either needs to be an individual person, or a company. We don’t really have a company setup to do this I think. From memory I believe Printful requires you to be VAT registered depending on your region (maybe registered for sales tax in US/CA, not sure).

Personally I think it makes most sense for an entrepreneurial user to take this on and if it works, for the DAO to “approve” it as the “official shop” of the DAO. That would I believe be easier than trying to navigate the DAO to be behind it. Again, my personal view, but I think that user should be able to generate a personal profit for their effort but it would be up to the DAO to decide if that was acceptable. Perhaps the DAO could approve a small grant to get someone setup (accepting the risk the person could disappear with the grant). It wouldn’t need to be a large amount as these are all print on demand services - $2.5k or so would likely be enough.


Here my actual order, with be ordering more.


This is the sort of thing the DAO could ask the foundation to action. Having it run by a user on a licensing basis could be a fine solution too.


With your experience do you see any needs for privacy concerns considering the trusted operator would have data from the purchasers in our community?

+1 on simple and easy.

I would personally feel better if the Foundation had a hand in this because there are mechanisms to remove bad actors and hold someone accountable publicly anything went awry with data/funds.

@accessor.eth @inplco @NicLaz.eth
Considering the current bandwidth and priorities of the Community Working group, the Shirt Campaign or Merch Store might be a good Q3/Q4 target.

In the mean time, it would be great if someone wanted to take the lead on organizing these ideas and began creating a plan/budget for implementing this, such as:

  1. Identifying Costs
  2. Operator Strategies (foundation vs. licensee)
  3. Choosing Designs. (probably least significant task)

That’s great, I am pretty sure from experience that the Shopify+Printful combo is fine with foreign (incl “offshore”) companies and getting an EU VAT registration, should it be required, is simple. Result!

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@Coltron.eth nothing that we can’t navigate, to be honest. The buyer doesn’t need to add much info and no doubt someone techy can allow people to put their address into their user profile somehow (on this site, if that’s what you meant?) should they wish to.

Buyer should just add the bare minimum. Address is required - that’s a requirement to perform the transaction for physical goods. You need to input payment method (can be crypto if we can implement that). Everything else I think is not required. We should test it, but in many countries you don’t even need a legal name to send the parcel - we’ve definitely done this in the EU. So a username would be ok.

Needs a bit more exploration to confirm the above and it may not be correct in all countries, to caveat!

I would love to take on the project as a whole. I just don’t have the ability to put up any sort of funds to get it started. Maybe it would be better if the DAO purchased at bulk, then the purchaser could just send whatever amount and details through a simple terminal be placed in a queue generate a slip, pack and pick up from FedEx. I do have a taxable business account in the State of California.

At some point there has to be a data for veriification of purchase in case any problems to arrise. i.e, shipment lost in transit. etc,

The suggested printing services won’t require any bulk purchases or management of stock.

I’m coming to hurdle right now thinking about this. On another topic, there is a proposal for ENS to become a host mothership for innovating and revolutionizing the way identity authentication can be implemented to the mass by pipelining growth by using SIWE on top of Oauth / OIDC in which has the ability to draw in the customer base of those who currently use those authentication services for their user base.

If we are using a third party to distribute these items; then the trust in the operator is out of our responsibility, limits control of where customers data is stored and how that data is used or sold even? How is an identity server going to be brought into the community to implement SIWE if we are concerned about the data received with a simple shirt order that would be in the hands.

What is the concern of privacy in the hands of a trusted operator?
Just thoughts, not trying to shoot down concerns of things. If privacy is a concern then I think that is on the customer or user. I. believe that there is limitation to certain privacy and anyone that orders an item to be delivered to their desired destination understands that there is a degree of expectation vs. privacy vs. a what information is appropriate to to relinquish.

If we are in complete control then we can guarantee a certain level of trust in privacy.

I don’t think we will ever live in world where there is complete privacy. Although it is a valid concern I don’t think that privacy is a number one concern in this evolution, not to be mistaken with not important.

I think there should be a vote on how we should encompass this into our operations.

1.) Built site, order / stock management // keeps data under ENS DAO/member control, uses a license for lead operator.

2.) Use a third party where they have control of stock, orders, data, hosted site systems.

I think it’s worthy of a vote @accessor.eth but I would also include (or start with) whether there is support for a merch shop at all. The signs look good from this thread but it’s only a few users out of the entire DAO.

It would also be helpful to set out what each of those options entails. Definitely, taking it all on yourself is not something to be underestimated. I’m not convinced there’s any benefit especially if we use a print on demand service - the risk (financial or otherwise) is very, very low. The main reason people move away from print on demand is if they have sufficient scale to form a full business out of it and keep all the profit but if that’s does happen, we can always move to that stage later.

To add, print on demand is more like drop shipping so there is never any material amount of inventory anywhere.

This is what I have done for my wife and daughters (also created crypto wallets for their NFTs and $ENS) [Funny thing, they delegated their votes to me :partying_face:]:

Thanks to @Coltron.eth for his assistance.


Those are so cool! Makes me want to get some shirts too. I definitely will if I go to any conferences in the future.

Those are nice, but i’m not sure many people have the ability to fund a $10,000 nft for embroidery. Unless we had someone in-house that could do work like that, it might be kind of a learning curve for a vendor. Because like pfps, people don’t want their nfts copied by others.etc