[EP3.1.3] [Social] Q1/Q2 2023 Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group

Status Passed
Votes Snapshot
Author coltron.eth

Q1/Q2 2023 Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group


The Public Goods Working Group requests funding of 250,000 USDC and 50 ETH from the ENS DAO for Q1/Q2 2023.

This funding will be used to support projects and builders as provisioned by Article III of the ENS DAO Constitution, which provides for the funding of public goods in web3.

This social proposal is submitted to satisfy the requirements set out in Rule 10.1.1 of the Working Group Rules (EP 1.8). If this proposal is passed the funding request will be included in a collective executable proposal put forward by all three Working Groups.


Public Goods Multisig 250,000 50 -


Public Goods Multisig Balance

The Public Goods Working Group is requesting 250,000 USDC, 50 ETH, and 0 $ENS.

The Public Goods Working Group currently has 146,548 USDC, 75 ETH, and 200 $ENS in its multisigs.

If this funding request is approved, the Public Goods Working Group multisigs will have a total of 396,548 USDC, 125 ETH, and 200 $ENS.

Carried Forward (from Q3/Q4 2022) 146,548 75 200
Requested (for Q1/Q2 2023) 250,000 50 0
Total Balance 396,548 125 200

Public Goods Multisig Allocations for Q1/Q2 2023 (with funding request approved)

The table below shows the total allocations for the Public Goods Working Group multisig, and related pods, with funds carried forward from last term (Q3/Q4 2022) along with funds requested in this proposal for this term (Q1/Q2 2023).

Small Grants - 50 -
Gitcoin Grants 100,000 - -
Rapid Grants 50,000 10 -
Large Grants 200,000 50 -
Discretionary 46,548 15 200
Total Balance 396,548 125 200

Allocation of Requested Funds

The 250,000 USDC and 50 ETH will be allocated to the following initiatives/outcomes.

Small Grants - 40 -
Gitcoin Grants 50,000 - -
Rapid Grants 50,000 10 -
Large Grants 150,000 - -
Discretionary - - -
Total Requested Funds 250,000 50 -

Description of Initiatives/Pods

Initiative/Pod Description Multisig Signer
Small Grants ETH for the top Public Goods proposals submitted to ensgrants.xyz Public Goods stewards
Gitcoin Grants Support for Open Source and Ethereum Infrastructure rounds by Gitcoin through their grants protocol Public Goods stewards
Rapid Grants Grants up to $10k each for web3 public goods Public Goods stewards
Large Grants Grants up to $100k each for web3 public goods Public Goods stewards
Discretionary Funds distributed at the discretion of stewards towards new initiatives + public goods experiments Public Goods stewards

This proposal was prepared by Coltron.eth, lead steward of the Public Goods Working Group.



Hey thanks for the post!

I just have two questions.

  1. Are you somehow measuring the effectiveness of the gitcoin platform, especially with the changes it is undergoing lately? Perhaps more ENS specific focused grants would make more sense for ENS.
  2. (This comes from lefteris, rotki dev, not ENS steward so is a bit offtopic): Is there a place a project like rotki can apply for any of those?
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I imagine a review of the Gitcoin donation will be completed by Stewards in February, with consultation from the community in the weekly calls. ENS has historically participated in Gitcoin Grants with a specific ENS Ecosystem round, funded by the ENS Ecosystem working group.

If you’re looking for a grant for Rotki for being a web3 public good, I would encourage you to reach out to @Coltron.eth about a Rapid Grant, or Large Grant.

If you’re looking for a grant for Rotki based on the positive impact on the ENS ecosystem, it’s best to reach out to @slobo.eth, lead steward of the ENS Ecosystem working group.

This term, both the Public Goods working group and the ENS Ecosystem working group will formalise their grant application process. In the mean time, messaging lead stewards and/or attending the weekly calls is the best starting point.

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Yes, with Gitcoin transitioning this term, measuring the effectiveness is something I want to evaluate. There is data from GR15 projects, for example, that we can compare to the new alpha round.

The PG working group, by design, is meant to fund the broader Web3 and Ethereum ecosystem.

Rotki being open-sourced, I imagine it would be currently eligible for the Open Source or Infra rounds within Gitcoin which we have contributed to (from last term’s funding, I believe).

@alisha.eth pointed out the Rapid and Large Grants. This is definitely something to keep an eye on, and should provide much more focused funding for specific tooling.

1 Like

Thank you for the clarifications. Voting for.


EP 3.1.3 has passed. An executable proposal to fund Working Groups will go live on Tally in the next 24 hours.