Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 4th, 2023
Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link –
Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile
Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.
1. Townhall Q2 2023 recap! Twitter recap | Recording on Youtube
**2. New Steward: @5pence.eth - quick introduction **
3. Endowment updates + Presentations
@santinomics.eth | @karpatkey sharing the latest Endowment Weekly Report
Starting this month, reports will be monthly in this new thread:
4. Reserved for Open Discussion
Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 4th, 2023
Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link –
Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile
Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.
minutes by @184.eth
- Townhall Q2 2023 recap! Twitter recap | Recording on Youtube
- New Steward: 5pence.eth
- Endowment Updates + Presentation
- Reserved for Open Discussion
katherine, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, 184.eth, 5pence, cap.eth, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, katherine wu, limes.eth, maintainer.eth, marcus (estmcmxci), santinomics, tomas, tomas, vincent (zadok7.eth)
1. Townhall Q2 2023
- ENS Town Hall Q2 2023 was held last week - it was the longest Town Hall yet, and clocked in at just over 2 hours.
Watch the stream on Youtube HERE (MetaGov from 30:44).
Catch up on all the highlights with THIS tweet thread.
2. New Steward: 5pence.eth
- Get connected with @5pence.eth
3. Endowment updates + Presentations
- @santinomics.eth | @karpatkey shared the latest Endowment Weekly Report
- Starting this month, reports will be monthly in this new thread
- tomas & santinomics shared about transitioning to monthly reports.
- Where e.g. July results are presented in August.
- Reports will bring more information,
- Karpatkey remains accessible via forum
- Read the [Draft Executable] Approve further actions and strategies for the Endowment HERE
- This is in final stages, and will be synced up for voting alongside other proposals (including [TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal), additionally reducing unnecessary load on delegates.
4. Open Discussion
[TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal
- Aiming to get social vote completed early, to sync up onchain vote with with that of Endowment (above)
Bounty: Gitcoin Passport plug-in for Discourse
- This joint project between ENS and Gitcoin, funded by the DAO Tooling pod, which is funded by the Meta-Governance Working Group.
- It is intended that this could be something other Governance Forums can implement and become a Public Good to experiment with.
- The intention is to deliver this term.
Delegate Feed
- There’s’s ongoing work to implement a delegate feed (e.g. announcements of proposals to a telegram channel). This tooling comes from a recent winner of the Aragon DAO hackathon, which ENS sponsored.
- Working groups are exploring other tools to change up eligibility & voting for various grants.
From Paris with Limes.eth
- Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris
- Go to
Happening Now - ETH Barcelona
- GM from ETH Barcelona - @gregskril, @limes.eth & @alisha.eth are currently at ETH BCN. Reach out if you’d like to meet up & chat about ENS.