☎️ Public Goods Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Tuesdays

June 1st, 2023


A) General DAO News (Election Process, Large Grants)
B) PG Project Presentations (MetricsDAO , AestusRelay)
C) Public Goods Steward Nominee Presentations
D) Open space for additional topics



coltron.eth, vegayp.eth, 5pence.eth, accessor, alisha.eth, alexandro netto, christian n, daniel hannum, hellensstans, limes.eth, maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci.eth), marcus AM, marina, max birge, megan fabry, tamara helenius, yungsb, 184.eth

A) General DAO News

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

Public Goods nominees should reach out to coltron.eth if they wish to share themselves on next weeks call: Use this opportunity for visability, introductions, etc

@coltron.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • ENS Small Grants are still open for voting - 1 day left
  • Large Grants submissions have ended - midnight June 1st 2023 (PST)
    • Public Goods WG may award up to 2 grants, with up to 50k each.
    • There are ~35 applications

B) Presentations (MetricsDAO, AestusRelay)

Marina | twitter & Alex Bell | twitter | telegram from MetricsDAO | website | twitter

  • MetricsDAO
    • MetricsDAO, an applicant in the Large Grants Round, presented and demonstrated their platform.
    • MetricsDAO focuses on web3 data insights, connecting projects and users with top analysts in Web3 for their data needs. They aim to be the central hub for open blockchain data and provide free and open courses to help users find the tools they need. The community has over 5k participants, with over 1k active members earning a living from it. Inclusivity is a core value.
    • Marina is core team, community, and analyst relations, and Alex is core team, leads marketing, and dao leadership
    • Discover more by reaching out and at the links below:
    • @Tamarandom asked about MetricDAO’s reputation
      • It included having a non-monetary, non-transferable token, slashing conditions, as well as exploring badge networks for more qualitative approaches. Team members had also built a tool ‘badger’ allowing for minting of badges which may form part of reputation systems

Max Birge from AestusRelay | twitter | website

  • AestusRelay
    • An applicant in the Large Grants Round, AestusRelay shared a presentation.
    • Aestus MEV-Boost Relay is a neutral, non-censoring block relay for Ethereum proof-of-stake validators and block builders.
      • MEV (Miner Extractable Value) extracts money from the blockchain by organizing transactions and is considered a tax on ordinary users.
      • AestusRelay’s MEV-Boost aims to mitigate the negative aspects of MEV and democratize it.
      • MEVBoost is seen as a necessary evil but also a public good. The ETH Foundation is actively working on solving the future of MEV.
      • AestusRelay has been self-funded and is exploring additional funding options.
    • @limes, @5pence, and @estmcmxci inquired about various topics, including benefits, attack vectors, issues, integrations, and features.

C) Public Goods Steward Nominee Presentations

@estmcmxci ENS Profile | twitter

  • Marcus has nominated for Steward of Public Goods WG

@Tamarandom | twitter

  • Tamara helenius is considering nominating for Steward of Public Goods WG and shared a bit about herself
    • Came into crypto for philisaphy; where the concept of disintermediation struck like lighting
    • Working with commonstack (incl augmented bonding curve, cultural frameworks) for 2.5years. Also launching scrum methodology and more
    • In crypto since 2016 (formerly at google, sony music, and others), the building journey began in 2020 with a dedication into publics goods
    • Why choosing to run? ENS is a crucial public good. And one piece of many other pieces we need to support to build this disintermediated future.

D) Open space for additional topics

@vegayp | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • The Public Goods working group is sponsoring Web3Privacy during ETHPrague’s blockchain week.
    • @vegayp has tickets - please reach out if you would like to attend


Call for Nominations for the Term 2 Steward Elections (Q3/Q4, 2023)
Small Grants
Large Grants Info