☎️ Public Goods Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Tuesdays

June 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 1pm ET, every Thursday
Google Meet Linkmeet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc


  1. General DAO News and Election Updates
  2. Steward Nomination Presentations Q&A
    • Simona Pop
    • Marcus AM
    • Magnum.eth
    • Marcus (estmcmxci.eth)
  3. Large Grants Updates
  4. Open space for additional topics


Current election nominees are invited to attend the call and present their nominations, or receive questions from the call attendees.


Minutes by @184.eth


coltron.eth, vegayp.eth, accessor, alisha.eth, alexandro netto, daniel hannum, daniel hannum, evan, gregskril.eth, hellenstans.eth, limes.eth, limes.eth, lightwalker, maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci.eth), marcus am, saurabh dhekale, simona pop, tamara helenius, uu u (magnum.eth), vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO News and Election Updates

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

Working Group Steward Elections

  • Nominations close 9am Friday, June 9th (UTC), with the election period opening 9am June 10-15th (UTC)
  • Alisha.eth is holding a twitter spaces on Monday to discuss opportunities in the working groups and give all nominees an opportunity to share themselves

:information_source: Follow ENS_DAO on Twitter and join the spaces on Monday, June 12th, at 4pm UTC

2. Steward Nomination Presentations Q&A (Video Recording)

3. Large Grants Updates

4. Open space for additional topics

  • @Coltron.eth was asked about his outlook for future Terms of the Public Goods Working Group:

    • Historically, Public Goods WG didn’t have as diverse opportunities for funding, and the use of Gitcoin as a measure of impact proved challenging. It was not as impactful as a standalone offering.
    • The focus turned to building platforms like small grants. And then introducing different grant models such as growth grants and large grants. These initiatives did not require additional development tools or funding and were humble in their design. Stewards and the community played a key role in reaching out and encouraging others to explore opportunities.
    • The current phase will soon be closed out, allowing for an evaluation of successes, identifying what worked and what didn’t. This evaluation will enable Public Goods to embark on its next evolution by trying new approaches. This was Step 1 and the team will utilize insights to inform next steps.
    • Step 2 involves expanding beyond the existing social circles and exploring untapped groups where possibilities and outcomes are uncertain. This represents the next phase of exploration & impact.
    • And this evolution is about making people aware that we - ENS & ENS DAO Public Goods WG - have opportunities for people, That ‘We Are Here’. And this is possible due to step 1.
  • Community was asked about onboarding materials to Public Goods & PG Steward roles. Materials & discussion included:

    • basics.ensdao.org & ENS DAO Constitution
    • greenpill.Network
    • Optimism RetroPGF
      • Explore their blog posts for building context on how others are thinking about public goods and fundind them. Explore projects & the use of categories e.g. education space, tooling space, etc
    • Thinking about how PG might come up with its own novel funding mechanism suited to the community we have, and how it might be distributed
    • Thinking about whether something is novel enough to be written about, or is it just more grants
    • @Tamarandom shared about a role of stewards in reaching out; as PG builders often remain focused on that effort and may not be aware of opportunities for greater impact

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Q2-2023 Town Hall - Scheduled for midday Thursday, 29th June (ET)
    • This will be streamed to youtube & there will be no WG call that week
    • If you’re interested in presenting, or think someone should, please reach out to Alisha.eth on twitter


Recently Completed Small Grants
Growth Grant Award
Large Grants Info