☎️ Public Goods Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Tuesdays

July 25th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET, Tuesdays.
Google Meet Linkhttps://meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc


  1. General DAO News (Scheduled Proposals)
  2. Public Goods Budget (@coltron)
  3. Open space for additional topics



coltron.eth, simona.eth, alisha.eth, dilji senad, gregskriloff, limes.eth, marcus am, marcus estmcmxci, 184.eth

1. General DAO News

Scheduled Proposals

Proposals are being scheduled for the last week of every month as mentioned in the July DAO Voting Window [Q3/Q4 2023].

2. Public Goods Budget

@coltron.eth (ENS | Twitter)

  • Budget for Term 2 (Q3/Q4 2023) will be posted this week.
    • Updated: Q3/Q4 2023 Budget: ENS Public Goods Working Group
    • There will be no Public Goods WG funding request for this term. The remaining balance of funds from Term 1 (Q1/Q2) will roll over.
      • Large grants will continue to be supported, along with Growth grants.
      • Small grants will have one grant round quarterly, potentially totaling 10 ETH awarded each quarter.
        • This new schedule addresses some voter fatigue concerns.
      • Gitcoin grants will not be funded this term.
      • A focus for this budget will be more on collaboration bounties, hackathons and awarding directly to builders.
        • many people have approached at irl events about collaborations
      • A portion of ETH has already been converted to stablecoins for budgeting purposes.

Discussion continued

  • Using large grants to fund Open Source code
  • Wrap up ETHcc
    • Coltron & Eduardo went to several events (including SAFE Grants) and spoke with various grants leads about working together on projects which also benefit ENS; several account Abstraction related items came up.
    • Stay tuned for an ETHcc writeup from Eduardo.
  • Collaborative DAO initiatives
    • Gitcoin Passport plug-in for Discourse is an example where both ENS and Gitcoin saw value and would have sponsored the full amount individually, however opted to collaborate.
    • Opportunities to explore more collaborative sponsorships & generating goodwill, e.g., at ETHNewYork, ETHIstanbul will be focal points.
  • Funding, Goodwill & Public Goods efforts.
    • ENS may be willing to put more money to things if people knew these events were ENS.
    • Important to capture the information of who is sponsoring and build social capital of those donors.
    • Consider a collaborative effort towards public goods funding, kickstarted by ENS Public Goods.
    • Utilizing github.com/ensdao and working on a ‘call to Public Goods’

3. Open space for additional topics

  • Senad Dilji introduced themselves:
    • Senad is from ThriveCoin (and previously from BanklessDAO)
      • "ThriveCoin: scalable, equitable rewards for web3 communities: We make it easier and faster for web3 communities to reward contributors - and it’s all on-chain."
    • Following the ENSParis event where senad met coltron, alisha, limes, vegayp, etc, they learned a lot in their discussions, and have joined the call to understand the dynamics of ENS and learn more about its initiatives.

Gregskril asked when the Small Grants will begin

  • Dates will be synchronized with Ecosystem grants and announced in advance.
  • A benefit from quarterly grants:
    • Supports more concentrated efforts in sharing/exposure.
    • Enabling projects and delegates to mark their calendar, thus reducing confusion over when to submit & vote.
    • Addresses elements of voter fatigue (when compared to monthly rounds, and in having unified cadence with Ecosystem WG grants).
    • Enables more indepth look at submissions, and during the selection process.
    • Supports the goal of viewing progress, transparency from updated submissions, which present voters with more information on whether to decide to fund in subsequent ronds again.

Exploring the change to Quarterly Small Grants Rounds

  • Past builders have been encourged to resubmit each round if there was ongoing work, or costs to running a service. Reducing the frequency of grants may have a different impact on those who won in multiple rounds
  • During Term 1 2023 PG WG introduced different graduating tiers of funding; including growth grants and large grants, and these freed up small grants for new submissions.
  • In the coming weeks Stewards will look at past small grants winners, explore patterns and the intentions behind these graduating tiers.
    • This may include reaching out to past winners, as well as examining individual developments.
    • It was noted that ETHUSD has almost doubled since the rounds began and variations to awards amounts may be advantageous.

senad dilji asked about the governance process for funding

  • Public Goods WG has process for requesting funding and these are generally decided each term.
    • It’s encouraged to post to Forum about your project/inititiative, attend calls & share with the community.
    • More information about the ENS DAO & working groups can be found at basics.ensdao.org