Steward nomination: ENS Ecosystem working group

This post relates to steward nominations for the ENS Ecosystem working group of the ENS DAO, for the first term of 2022.

Please see this post for context on how steward nominations and steward elections will work.

The steward nomination window for the first term of 2022 will be open from 9am UTC on January 5, 2022 to 9am UTC on January 9, 2022.

For an individual to be elected as a working group steward, they must:

  1. Nominate yourself as a steward during the nomination window; and
  2. Receive 10k votes in support of your nomination to be included on the ballot for the steward election; and
  3. Be one of the top three ranked nominees in the steward election for a particular working group.

Stewards will carry out responsibilities related to the administration and operation of working groups, as set out in EP4, under Rule 4.5.

Any person is eligible to nominate themselves to be a steward of a working group during the nomination window.

In order to nominate yourself as a steward, you must have write-access to all of the categories in the governance forum. Please submit the Participant Request form if you require write-access. If you have submitted the form and have not received a response it is because there is an invalid entry in your form. Please resubmit the Participant Request form.


To nominate yourself as a steward, follow these three steps:

  1. Reply to this post with the following information:
  • Link to Snapshot: (fill this in after Step 2)
  • Preferred Name:
  • ENS name:
  • Forum username:
  • Twitter (optional):
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?
  1. Create a Snapshot vote in the ENS WG Steward Nomination space here. Select “New Proposal” and use the following template:
  • Title: [[Name of working group]] Nominate [your preferred name or ENS name]
    example: [ENS Ecosystem] Nominate alisha.eth
  • Body: copy and past your forum reply from above which includes your preferred name, ENS name, forum username, Twitter profile link (optional), and why you want to be a steward of this working group.
  • Select the start date and time as your current local date and time.
  • Select the end date as the equivalent of 9am UTC Jan 9 in your local time.
  • For help converting timezones, you can consult this website.
  1. Once you have replied with your nomination post and created a Snapshot vote, you can edit your forum post and include a link to your Snapshot vote.

After successfully nominating yourself to be a steward, you are able to campaign for 10k votes in support of your nomination on Snapshot. Any nominee with 10k votes supporting their steward nomination will be included in the ballot for the steward election.

The steward election will start at 9am UTC on January 10, 2022 and remain open for 120 hours. The role of steward in the relevant working group will be offered to nominees based on the order in which they are ranked within the working group election.

Please post any questions in this thread and reserve replies to this post for nominations only. If you would prefer to chat in Discord, please comment in the Steward Nomination thread under the #DAO-chat channel, and tag alisha.eth.


[ENS Ecosystem] InterplanetaryCompany.eth

Link to [ENS Ecosystem] Snapshot: [ENS Ecosystem] Nominate InterplanetaryCompany.eth
Preferred Name: INPLCO
ENS name: InterplanetaryCompany.eth
Forum username: inplco
Twitter: @inplco
GitHub: inplco

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

Future is codified, efficient, equitable and censorship-resistant. ENS is simply the first step toward that future. I am here to play a concrete part in it after spending a long time on the sidelines honing my skills. Find more about me at

Technical Skills: Python, Unix/Linux Shell, JavaScript, C/C#, Rust, XML, CSS, HTML, R, Solidity, MatLab, Latex, Git, Node.js, React.js, InkScape, GIMP, Mathematica, HTCondor, BOINC

Experience: Doctorate in Astrophysics & Applied Mathematics, currently a Scientist at Max Planck Society, formerly at LIGO.

Projects: LIGO, Einstein@Home

TL;DR I code a lot and I am good at it


Link to Snapshot: Snapshot

Preferred Name: mehmetdogan.eth
ENS name: mehmetdogan.eth
Forum username: mehmetdogan
Twitter (optional): mehmetdoganeth

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

I beleive that ENS is future of naming service for web3 platform with power of most common blockchain platform, ETH. I want to be a part of web3 platform via ENS DAO ecosystem and wish to contribute the all community.

ENS ecosystem - bobjiang.eth

Bob Jiang applies for ENS Steward for ENS ecosystem

  • Link to Snapshot: ENS ecosystem - bobjiang.eth
  • Preferred Name: Bob Jiang
  • ENS name: bobjiang.eth
  • Forum username: bobjiang
  • Twitter (optional): bobjiang123
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

ENS is not only domain service on Ethereum, but an identity for web3 users. I believe that ENS would definitely be the infrastructure in web3. So as an active developer community organizer (in China), I am excited to join ENS DAO to help grow the ecosystem. I will promote ENS and bring more developers into the whole ecosystem.

I start my crypto life since 2018, and founded community. Later I co-founded rebase network tech community and dapp learning group. (both of them are blockchain tech communities). Now I am in GitcoinDAO and focus on user support, so I could leverage the energy and activity and bring more developers into ENS DAO.

Last but not least, I am in China so I could bridge the ENS (also crypto projects) for eastern and western.

Please vote me :wink:


Hey @darrow.eth I just updated your role back to Agoraphile from Delegate. Let me know if you still can’t post. A few people in the last 24 hours have found that closing all of the open tabs with the forum, and starting a new window, can help with write-access if you are meant to have it.

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Link to Snapshot: Snapshot

Preferred Name: darrow.eth
ENS name: darrow.eth
Forum username: darrow.eth
Twitter (optional): darrow.eth (@TheFarrow)
Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?
I beleive that ENS is future of naming service for web3 platform with power of most common blockchain platform, ETH. I want to be a part of web3 platform via ENS DAO ecosystem and wish to contribute the all community.I would like to be part of and help shape the future of web3, ENS, and more immediately answer some of the following questions:

One primary question I have is what is the status and update on the negotiations with Etheopia on the .eth TLD. Another one of the most powerful but under-used features of @ensdomains so far is reverse resolution which enables a key component of web3: portable usernames, and more. I also believe this may actually be ENS’s most used feature long-term and provides a security benefit never seen before on the internet.

I am also eager to learn more about what ENS has in store for DNS integrations. I see a future where most/all companies utilize ENS domains so we can elimate logins, automatically link wallets and payment methods, and provide authentication with ease. Eliminating issues like people re-using weak passwords, sign-up fatigue, hacks, and data dumps I see a much cleaner version in the future with web3. Personally I use a password manager but it is time consuming to set this up correctly and many won’t spend that time and thus limits broader exposure to the internet for so many.

I am also personally interested in the plans for ENS to handle squatting or over pricing domains that will most likely be desired by a specific company. How will this be effected by copyright and trademark rights given a name like one I own, walmart.eth. I have opted to not put a price tag on the name to date so that when Walmart decides they would like to own it they can provide what they feel is a fair offer. That said, using a domain name like walmart.eth without causing an infringement issue would be difficult so how is this viewed in the eyes of squatting? Who will ultimately decide the fate of the infringement and will this possibly lead to capped sell prices or perhaps leases between an owner and the company? So many questions to be answered here. Overall I have many questions and ideas long term this is just a few more present considerations that I see becoming hot topics in the near future.

Lastly, I am eager to learn more about the plans for the DAO and if they plan to on-board investors at some point in time? I know thus far the only “investor” may be considered more of a donor from the ETH Chain itself, however I don’t believe they have any ownership as a result so it’s really more of a donation. Does ENS see itself as capable of bootstrapping longer term or are there plans for revenue via investors outside of the $ENS token?

Obviously my primary motivation is to be part of something I see as the future and to be involved on the ground level would be an honor. However, I also would like to be involved so I can assist in shaping how this future will be formed. I find it truly fascinating what ENS has accomplished thus far and am more than excited to be an active member of the community. Thanks for considering my application and I appreciate being part of the ENS community and all the hard work your team does on a regular basis!


Link to Snapshot: Snapshot

  • Preferred Name: Oliver Cowley
  • ENS name: Chai.eth
  • Forum username: Crypty
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?
    ENS is clearly a power house naming service for the web3 platform. My ambition is to work vis a vis with the development of a search engine for .eth and initially contribute specifically towards the manifestation of a world renowned, recognised and broader accepted brand name that will position ENS.Domains competing with the likes of the greatest search engines in the world Google and Yahoo.

By developing ENS.Domains search engine and creating a global brand name, this task is inline with Article III of the constitution contributing to the long-term viability of ENS.

Graduation: BA Business finance University of Durham 2009

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Link to Snapshot: [ENS Ecosystem] Nominate slobo.eth

Preferred Name: slobo
ENS name: slobo.eth
Forum username: slobo.eth

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

I am a web3 builder that’s creating a better communication platform for crypto communities. The platform is built and relies deeply on ENS staying an open and accessible to all.

I believe that ENS is the cornerstone of web3 and I can’t wait to be empowered to help more!

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Steward Nomination for GaryPalmerJr.eth,
for the ENS Ecosystem working group.

I am seeking to become a steward of this working group to help ENS and its users around the world, to build protocol network effects, tangible community benefits, and significant cultural meaning. If you know me, then you know I am passionate people, and I fight for user and market freedom.
I care deeply for decentralization, Web3 is lost if we lose “RIPCORD” principles; and there are many ways to pierce the many principles of this ethos.

I hold empathy for others, I know everyone is fighting a battle; and we need each other to survive. I am willing to do the work, to speak my truth, and to call-out nonsense; I am an outsider without commitment to a tribe or investors, I am not seeking approval or a job from anyone in Crypto or Web3, and so, I have zero hesitancy to share my opinions, work with others, and fight for our freedoms and decentralization.

As a Marketing-technology professional, I have 20+ years experience working in Web2. I have experience helping startups and Fortune 500 companies, from New York and Atlanta to San Francisco and around the world. I first learned about Bitcoin/Blockchain in ~2014; and I have been active in Crypto/Web3 helping users publicly since 2016; I have been creating crypto content (including YouTube), holding in-person meetups (in New York State), private consulting and working with people across the Open Blockchain industry.

Also, I have been part of the ENS protocol since the auction launch in 2017 (pre-punk ENS). I care deeply about the ENS protocol and community. ENS is an area of Web3 that is important for everyone, and more so into the future. Now, I am seeking to help further in the ENS DAO ecosystem, as part of this working group for ENS Ecosystem.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name: Ginge
  • ENS name: Ginge.eth
  • Forum username: Ginge
  • Twitter: Ginge_eth
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?
  • *Developers building are a powerful force for the ENS future. The more diverse our group of developers comfortable with the ENS framework, the greater our reach is into all future platforms. I am passionate about onboarding Web2 Devs and bringing them into Web3 as an evangelists for ENS. I love the builders of our infrastructures, and love building myself. As a frequent hackathon participant, and avid learner and builder myself, I want to nourish and grow our network of talented developers in the ENS ecosystem with incentives to build.
  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name: Yambo
  • ENS name: yambo.eth
  • Forum username: Yambo
  • Twitter: @yambo_eth
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

I want to be an ENS steward because I believe ENS has the opportunity to be the world’s first true global identification system paired with tools for producing financial freedom. This kind of revolution is one of both culture and technology, and it needs stewards that understand how these two aspects feed into each other. In my technology career (software development & product management), I have seen and worked on many Web2, and several Web3, products. I believe ENS needs contributors that understand it in all aspects: technological, anthropological, and communal, and I believe I am someone who has those attributes.

I come from the startup and video game development world, having developed, produced and launched multiple games, apps, augmented and virtual reality, and Web3 products over more than a decade. My background includes formal education in both human evolution and culture as well as software development and management. In addition, I have founded, advised and worked with several startup companies. My day job is as a Senior Software Developer for a Y Combinator, venture-backed company.