☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  1. DAO Tooling
  2. Reserved for Open Discussion
  • Refund Proposal Update

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

minutes by @184.eth

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Refund Proposal Update


katherine wu, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, cap, coltron, evan moyar, greg skriloff, limes.eth, lyt.eth, makoto inoue, marcus estmcmxi, sebastien derivaux, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

Submit ENS Feedback — ens.canny.io

  • ens.canny.io is a feedback platform for feature requests, integrations, and bug reports.
  • This tool allows for upvoting, and, when adopted, can be powerful for community involvement and building.
    • An example of a successful execution is clickup.canny.io which has thousands of upvotes in their feature request section.

Security Advisory Discussion

  • Read the forum post by @Nick.ethSecurity advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  • Nick.eth discussed the technical issue in the ethregistrar controller [& affecting namewrapper] and its two main risks:
    • Accidental release of an update that might make the bug exploitable.
    • Deliberate release of an update that could potentially lead to misuse.
  • Two solutions presented: do nothing or deploy a preventive patch.
    • Taking no action assumes trusting that the DAO wouldn’t maliciously exploit the bug.
    • Nick has written a patch to deploy a new admin contract as a way to prevent any potential exploitation.
  • Nick has suggested the matter be opened for further discussion of pros & cons, and asking the question: are the trade-offs worth it?
    • The aim would be to gather opinions and then eventually proceed through an offchain temp check on the best course of action.
  • ENS Community with relevant experience are encouraged to comment on posts, have conversations, think it through, and bring up discussion points early - rather than at time of a vote.

2. Endowment Update

Financial Reporting

Discussion: Diversification

  • @5pence.eth raised discussion of diversification into Liquid Staking Tokens (LST’s) outside of Lido, and what are the goals (following the newly approved endowment strategies)? Discussion followed:
    • Present action is to progressively diversify stakeETH position into Rocketpool.
    • For the moment, the goal is a 20% stake in Rocketpool and 80% in Lido (principally due to liquidity).
    • Conversation continued into broader conversation about the market share Lido has in relation to network risk.
    • Nick.eth emphasised being in favour of validator diversity, not putting all assets in one place, and moving the balance towards other reliable staking providers.
    • Alexandro Netto highlighted that diversifying across LSTs may reduce slippage.
    • Discussion ended with setting a 50% target percentage to LSTs, to avoid concentration of assets.
    • Karpatkey will review impacts of possible cap to Lido’s percentage at 50%, and report back on feasibility and safety.

Passed - [EP 4.1] [Executable] Approve further actions and strategies for the Endowment

Karpatkey Monthly Reports

3. DAO Tooling

Agora Proposal Interface

  • @Alisha.eth and @gregskril are syncing with Agora (agora.ensdao.org)
  • The new interface is 80-90% complete, pending a list of updates which is expected to be finalised in the coming weeks.
  • It will be possible to create both social & executable proposals through the new interface, as well as vote, or link to vote, enabled.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Social Proposals vs Offchain Temp Checks
Discussion is related to the Governance Process an posting offchain Temp Checks to the ENS Snapshot Space where the purpose of the vote is to aide an Executable Proposal.

  • The current governance process has evolved since the DAO was launched.
    • Today, there is a distinction between Social Proposals (offchain) and Executable Proposals (onchain) – [Executable proposals are anything impacting the ENS protocol or DAO treasury.]
    • Alisha.eth suggested using the ENS Snapshot space to run Temp Checks.
      • The purpose of temp checks are to gauge how delegates might vote in relation to an Executable Proposal.
      • This enables delegates to indicate their position, plant seeds and start discussion.
      • Social Proposals are distinct proposals that are passed to legitimize certain positions taken by the DAO.
      • Temp Checks are used as part of the process related to an Executable Proposal. They are not binding, nor do they need to reach quorum to be useful to the proposer.
    • Alisha.eth is open to feedback.
      • Nick.eth considered it a reasonable approach…

Executable Proposal for Invalid Name Refund

  • Read the original forum thread by Makoto: ENS invalid name refund proposal
  • @Alisha.eth has created a draft Executable Proposal for the refund proposal and will post it to the forum in the coming week.
    • The proposal presents the two primary options for refund: Option A and Option B.
    • The distribution method will be confirmed after the refund components are confirmed.
      • Makoto remarked that an airdrop method (as opposed to a claim method) may be simpler and easier.
    • Timeline and Execution:
      • Potential timeline for Executable Proposal is EOM or the late September voting window.
    • A temp check may be used. Alternatively, Alisha will poll large Delegates directly.
  • A visual diagram of options was included in the draft to help explain the Option differences.

Karpatkey’s Dune Governance Dashboard

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 15th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates

  2. Endowment Updates ( @karpatkey )

  1. DAO Tooling
  2. Reserved for Open Discussion
  • Refund Proposal Update (if any)
  • Rethinking Small Grants Discussion

UPDATE: due to Google Meet technical difficulties, this week’s meeting will be CANCELLED. If there is anything urgent to discuss with any of the stewards, please ping my via forum DMs. I apologize for the confusion and will work to make sure this does not happen again next week.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 22nd, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey )
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
  • Refund Proposal Update (if any)
  • Rethinking Small Grants Discussion


Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 22nd, 2023


Time/Day: 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.

minutes by @184.eth


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates (@karpatkey )
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Refund Proposal Update (if any)
    • Rethinking Small Grants Discussion


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, elbagococina, eskender abebe, evan, greg skriloff, limes, maintainer.eth, marcus estmcmxci, senad dilji (senad.eth), tomas, vincent (zadok7), 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

:scroll: Forum thread: Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
  • Small Grants redesign is still underway.
  • The round is anticipated to begin in the first week of September.
  • Submission period will be ~10 days, followed by a 4-5 day voting window.
  • ERC1155 token will be used instead of POAP.

2. Endowment Update

Tomas | @karpatkey gave the weekly update.

  • Since the last call EP4.1 was executed and the extended strategy has been deployed.
  • Karpetkey will post to the forum a review of Endowment – See it here.
    • This review paves the way for a request for the second tranche in the September voting window.
    • If approved, there will be a disbursement of 16,000 ETH.
    • The community is encouraged to engage and reach out on the forum.

Discussion continued into diversification.

  • Strategic plan is to diversify the staked ETH, and other strategies and collaborate with new protocols.
  • The approach remains to focus on low-risk, long-term oriented strategies.
  • There’s active monitoring and research into alternative options, and proposals will be presented once they align with the risk appetite and overall objectives.
Also see :scroll: Forum Threads: Endowment Monthly Reports & ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse

3. DAO Tooling

No items this week.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

MetaGov Grants/sponsorships

  • MetaGov sponsors DAO-specific events and DAO hackathons. Those interested are encouraged to reach out.

Revisited discussion on Scopelift – improving Governor Contracts

Discussion into Vulnerability

:scroll: Forum Thread: Security advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  • This is recommended as a standalone change with its own vote and deployment.
  • An audit is seen as beneficial however doesn’t address whether the change is worthwhile.
  • An appeal was made for more nuanced discussions around the topic…
  • The idea was proposed to initiate a Snapshot Vote (i.e. Offchain Temp Check) to gather more feedback.

Multi-Delegate Token Contract

  • This topic was presented during the ENS Town Hall for Q2 2023. You can find the video here (timestamp: 15:15)
  • The code is currently under review. A merged version might be available this week.
    • Any official deployment of the wrapped token would likely necessitate an audit.
  • Read the PRD: ENS Multi-Delegate Manager

End Notes

Stay up-to-date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the notification only Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 29th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    • Eth NYC Happy Hour
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey )
    • Discussion: staked ETH diversification
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, coltron.eth, cory freeman, david phelps, evan moyer, jeff lau, limes.eth, makoto inoue, mailchain “verycozy.eth”, marcus estmcmxci, santinomics, tomas, vegayp, yungsb, 184.eth

minutes by @184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

Eth NYC Happy Hour

  • @limes shared about ENS event at Eth New York happening on September 23rd.
  • This event will trial an NFT ticket that is ‘Built on Base[.eth]’.
  • Many people from the Working Groups, ENS Labs and community will be attending.
  • The forum post ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY 2023 will be updated next week with more details.

2. Endowment Update

:scroll: Forum: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

Tomas | @karpatkey gave the weekly update.

  • Discussed a balancer exploit, which turned out to be a vulnerability that was not exploited.
    • Furthermore this vulnerability did not affect endowment holdings.
  • Proposal for second tranche of endowment funds is expected in the coming weeks.
    • A vote is expected at the end of September during Monthly DAO Voting Window. Execution is then expected in the beginning of October.
  • A separate proposal will be made for new strategies, with a primary goal to diversify after the second tranche.

Discussion into staked ETH diversification

  • An allocation of 50% Lido, 30% Rocket Pool, 20% others is being considered.
  • There are practical considerations to diversified allocations, including:
    • Changes to current DeFi strategies with staked tokens.
    • possibilities of quick liquidation in the case of an emergency.
    • Expanding to different smart contracts increases the surface area for potential risks.
    • Diversification decreases the impact of a single point of failure.

3. DAO Tooling

No items this week.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Discussion on Working Group signing processes

  • Vegayp seeks to clarify who may sign documents when Working Groups are sponsoring hackathons, etc., and a signature may be required.
  • It was discussed that the Foundation directors are the more appropriate entity for signing documents.

Discussion on ENS Labs 2022 Financials

:scroll: Forum: ENS Labs 2022 Financials
  • vegayp asked about a breakdown of sections and Labs presenting during a MetaGov WG call - (khori.eth has added detail here). We will discuss the financials at length in next week’s MG call, with Khori joining the call for any questions.

Invalid Name Refund Proposal

:scroll: Forum: [Draft] [Executable] Refund .eth names affected by normalization updates & [TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal
  • Refund options have been discussed on the forum and in Metagov, Ecosystem & Public Goods WG calls.
  • Option A was selected from the two options.
  • Makoto will move forward with making an onchain governance proposal.
  • This will be aimed for end of September as part of the monthly DAO Voting Window.

David Phelps from JokeRace.xyz Twitter

JokeRace is the contest platform for communities to make, execute, and reward decisions. Contests enable communities to submit responses to a prompt and voters to vote on their favorites—and for anyone to win rewards if they win. Use cases include bounties, hackathons, grants, DAO governance, elections, etc. Our completely redesigned v3 replaces token-voting with on-chain allowlists to let communities of any size customize who can submit, who can vote, and how much voting power they have.

  • David is the founder of JokeRace, which focuses on onchain tools for governance and grants.
  • JokeRace offers tokenless ways of voting, and can help design or brainstorm for purpose.
  • David will be speaking with Katherine in the coming weeks following discussion around Rethinking ENS Small Grants.

Cory Freeman from Maple Finance

:scroll: Forum: Introducing Maple Cash Management
  • Cory introduced himself from Maple Finance, a defi lending protocol offering a range of real-world asset lending solutions.
  • Cory welcomes further engagement and comments on their forum post.

End Notes

Stay up-to-date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 5th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey)
  3. @khori.eth from Labs re Labs Financials 2022
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Ben from Scopelift


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, coltron.eth, dr3a.eth, elbagococina, estmcmxci, evan moyer, greg skirloff, khori whittaker, lightwalker, limes.eth, santinomics, tomas, tyler caldonia, 184.eth

Notes by @184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

ENS NYC Happy Hour

2. Endowment Update

:scroll: Forum: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

Tomas | @karpatkey gave the weekly update.

  • The endowment is currently valued at 28 million with a capital utilisation of almost 100%.
  • August Monthly report was delayed due to a minor bug related to the balancer pools, however is expected before the next call.

Discussion into Second Tranche of Endowment & strategies.

  • Proposal for the second tranche of Endowment is expected in the coming week.
    • A vote is being timed to coincide with the September DAO Voting Window, along with another proposal.
  • The proposal for diversification strategies would then follow in October.

Discussion into staked ETH diversification.

  • Originally 100% in Lido, there are plans to diversify.
    • The short-term goal to achieve a 70:30 composition.
    • The long-term strategy to reach a 50/30/20 distribution across different pools.

3. Labs Financials 2022 w/ @khori.eth

Added: Discussion of Core Team Transitions

:scroll: Forum: Core Team Transitions
  • Khori gave shared about core team member updates, including:
    • Leadership Changes:
      • Leon overseeing development as head of engineering.
      • Sadaf leading inhouse marketing, overseeing support, and events.
      • Marta taking charge of business development.
      • Eskender leading product and strategy.
    • Recent Additions:
      • Evan as community manager.
      • Avery as full time as operations associate.
    • And the departures of Alisha.eth and Vincent (Zadok7.eth).

:scroll: Forum: ENS Labs 2022 Financials

Discussion on ENS Labs 2022 Financials

  • ENS Labs receives an annualised stream from the DAO of approximately 4.1 million, with around 65% going to dev compensation.
  • A major expense has been legal fees which were higher than anticipated.
    • An example is ongoing work to secure eth.link, accounting for some of those legal fees.
    • The nature of legal matters also necessitates that there is only so much that can be shared when matters are still active.
    • Additionally, further restrictions may be placed on sharing by legal firms.
    • Katherine.eth gave some insight into sensitive legal situations.
  • ENS Labs are looking into director insurance and other insurance products that may assist in handling legal needs.
  • Bookkeeping is on track for the 2023 Reporting which is due in June 2024.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Agora Demo next week

  • The Agora team has been building out DAO tooling, which will be demoed in next week’s call.
  • agora.ensdao.org already exists as a way to view delegates, voting power, and who delegates.
  • Improvement to existing platform will include a proposals page.
  • The goal is to have this web update in time for the September DAO Voting Window and expected proposals:
    • Karpatkey - Endowment Second Tranche
    • Normalisation - Invalid Name Refunds

Ben from scopelift
This was pushed to next week.

End Notes

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 12th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. DAO Tooling (Agora Updates)
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • ENS Small Grants Round - Update

Notes by @184.eth


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, charlie feng, coltron, elbagococina, gregskril, jeff lau, kent fenwick, limes.eth, maintainer, marcus estmcmxci, santinomics, sebastien derivaux, senad dilji, talya erdfarb, tomas, tyler caldonia, yitong zhang, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

ENS NYC Happy Hour

  • ENS Happy Hour event during ETHNewYork is happening on September 23rd from 6-9pm (ET).
  • Location is secured. NFT art is continuing to be refined.
  • The forum post: ENS Happy Hour @ ETH NY 2023 will be updated when all is confirmed.

2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

:scroll: Forum: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

Tomas | @karpatkey gave the weekly update.

  • Finished withdrawing the staked portion and reallocated to 70/30 stETH/rETH exposure.
  • Allocation of 50/30/20 into stETH/rETH/Others remains the goal.
    • karpatkey continues the research and do due diligence phase.
    • Information will be shared in the coming months following second tranche.

Santinomics gave an update on the Proposal for Endowment (Second Tranche)

:scroll: [EP 4.x] [Executable] Fund the Endowment (second tranche)

  • Main focus has been the new proposal
  • Plan is to give two weeks for community feedback.

Sebastien presented the financial report for August 2023.

:scroll: ENS Financial Reporting - August 2023

3. DAO Tooling (Agora Updates)

Yitong Zhang (Twitter), Kent Fenwick & Charlie Feng from agora.ensdao.org

  • Agora are building tools for DAOs
  • Yitong shares about previous build of a delegate dashboard and recent work with ENS on a new tool for proposals: agora.ensdao.org/proposals
    • With existing proposal process in DAOs often being complex and having high operational demands, agora’s tool aims to streamline DAO operations and make it more accessible for the community.
    • The goal is to make it as difficult as possible to make a mistake in the process of creating proposals.
  • Kent demoed the new tool, including creating executable and social proposals.
    • The tool integrates with Snapshot for voting and Github for documentation.
  • Kent shared that the team is working on notification features.

Further Discussion

  • Voting experience of the tool encourage ‘vote with reasons’.
  • Questions and feedback are welcomed. Nick.eth has already provided useful input and changes are still to roll out.
  • It’s intended to utilise this tool for the upcoming onchain proposals.
    • Stewards will sync on the two onchain proposals and a possible social proposal.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

ENS Small Grants Round - Update

  • Submissions will open for Ecosystem & Public Goods Small grants on ensgrants.xyz shortly.
  • Forum post here, and upcoming tweet from ENS DAO twitter account.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 19th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    • Happy ETH NYC Week! Sign up for ENS DAO Happy Hour on September 23rd: Register here
    • ENS Small Grants - Submissions Open: info here
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. Reserved for Open Discussion

Notes by @184.eth


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, eskender abebe, cap.eth, elbagococina, evan moyer, gregskriloff, limes.eth, marcus estmcmxci, santinomics, slobo.eth, 184.eth,

1. General DAO Updates

ENS NYC Happy Hour

  • Sign up for ENS DAO Happy Hour on September 23rd: Register here

ENS Small Grants

2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

:scroll: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

3. Reserved for Open Discussion

September Voting Window.

Utilising Agora

MetaGov WG submitting proposals

  • MetaGov WG pod is unable to put forward proposals. An ongoing practice has been to rely on nick.eth to submit proposals. It was raised that an allocation of tokens for the strict purpose of raising proposals may be beneficial.
  • Discussion included:
    • MetaGov pod receiving 100k $ENS Governance tokens to dedicated multisig.
    • Utilising a governor module upgrade, which would allow for staking.
    • Risks associated with the Working Group becoming a ‘delegate’.
    • Utilising the upcoming multidelegate Contract.

The Multidelegate contract

  • Multidelegate contract is largely code complete.
  • Whilst straightforward and thoroughly tested, it may benefit from an audit.
  • There is budget remaining in current term allocated to audits.
  • Nick.eth will request a quote for audit.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 26th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • DAO Tooling

Notes by @184.eth


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, limes.eth, charlie feng, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, marcus estmcmxci, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp, yitong zhang, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

September Voting Window

:scroll: September DAO Voting Window

ENS Small Grants

:scroll: ENS September 2023 Small Grants Update
  • Small Grants are still being worked on. While the submission window is technically closed, backfilling continues for those who had issues.
    • The Forum thread above will be updated when progress is made and voting is live. This could go live Thursday.
    • This round’s voting cardholders are made up of past grants round submissions, past voters with more than 1 $ENS Governance Token, and those who have filled out a form mentioned here.

2. Endowment Update (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

:scroll: 1) Endowment Monthly Reports & 2) ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse & 3) Karpatkey H1 2023 Review for the ENS Endowment.

3. Reserved for Open Discussion

DAO Tooling

  • Charlie Feng and Zitong Zhang from agora.ensdao.org joined the call to discuss different ways to put forward proposals.
  • Discussion & ideas included:
    • Working Groups benefiting from alternative designs that do not require Nick.eth to submit proposals.
    • Barriers to entry include a 100k $ENS Governance token requirement and delegation being limited to a single delegate.
    • Possibility of MG WG funding DAO Tooling with Agora.
    • ENS Labs has developed a Multidelegate Contract which is ready for Audit.
    • Agora has split delegations in their Roadmap
    • The option to post a bond instead of meeting the 100,000-token requirement.
    • ENS decision to utilise openZeppelin
    • Modular governor that could enable new voting methods - e.g. ‘yes, no, abstain, spam’

Auditing the Multidelegate Contract

  • Nick.eth has a quote from CodeArena - 35K for an open competition with mitigation review.
  • Vote on the call unanimously supported the audit.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 3rd, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    • September DAO Voting
  2. Endowment Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. DAO Tooling
    • Pairwise

Notes by @limes


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, limes.eth, charlie feng, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, marcus estmcmxci, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp, 184.eth, elbagococina, Eskender, ETH Daily, Griff Green, James Waugh, Jordan Sutcliffe, Lightwalker.eth, Pablo Villaba, Santinomics, Sebastien Derivaux, Zeptimus, Dave Montali, Jeff Lau, Lata Persson

1. General DAO Updates

September Voting Window

:scroll: September DAO Voting Window

ENS Small Grants

:scroll: ENS September 2023 Small Grants Update

  • ENS Voting cards have been distributed on Optimism
  • ENS Small Grants voting will be announced when the site is live

2. Endowment Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

A conversation regarding [EP4.2][Executable] Fund the Endowment (second tranche) commenced as several members of the ENS community have voiced concerns around Karpatkey’s investing stratagies that use LIDO’s stETH token. Their concerns are that LIDO has too much ether compared to the percentage of the total staking network. As of today, October 4, 2023, LIDO is staking 32.26% of all staked ETH.

  • Karpatkey’s current liquid staking strategy employs a 70%/30% stETH/rETH split and a goal of 20%/50%/30% stETH/rETH/Other LSTs was established by Karpatkey
  • Santi noted that the difference between liquid staking tokens in yield is nominal, but the issue is that you’re leaving the most battle tested LST with the highest liquidity for smaller less tested tokens
  • Karpatkey is commited to divesting from LIDO to the greatest extent possible in a safe manor. To do this, Karpatkey is closely monitoring new liquid staking alternatives that expect to launch later in 2023
  • Discussions occured to potentially make a governance vote to cap the percentage exposure to stETH but majority were not in favor
  • A discussion about asking Karpatkey to completely divest from stETH ocurred but majority was also not in favor. Attendees were generally not in favor of 0% and wanted a middleground of 20%
  • It was discussed to put up a social proposal to decrease the exposure to stETH to 20% of the liquid staking positions but it was determined a social proposal is not within scope
  • Karpatkey has indicated that they have plans to reduce LIDO exposure to 20% by the end of October
  • Karpatkey is making a post detailing their plan and opening up the post to comments and feedback

Note: Karpatkey’s detailed next steps and presentation can be found here.

3. DAO Tooling

Pairwise | @Griff

Pairwise is a voting tool that takes the complex task of weighing decisions with many variables (Such as choosing between small grants projects) by simplifying the decision to many “This-or-That” decisions between two projects. After answering these series of these decisions, you receive a proposed ranked list that you can then submit!

  • Pairwise is currently in a prototype stage
  • ENS is exploring using Pairwise for the next small grants round to simplify the process for voters
  • Consider supporting their small grants post

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 11th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | X), @nick.eth (ENS | X), @5pence.eth (ENS | X)


  1. General DAO Updates
    • frENS day- November 13th @ DevConnect
    • Link to Get Tickets
    • Speaker Nominations
    • Invalid Refund name proposal
  2. Endowment Updates + Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. DAO Tooling
    • Scopelift

Notes by @limes


katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, limes.eth, Cap, charlie feng, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, marcus estmcmxci, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp, 184.eth, ETH Daily, Pablo Villaba, Santinomics, Sebastien Derivaux, Jeff Lau, Ben DiFrancesco, David garcia

1. General DAO Updates

frENS Day

frENS Day is the premiere event on the first day of DevConnect: Istanbul. The goal is to create a platform for collaboration amongst technology leaders, open-source enthusiasts, governance experts and forward-thinking organizations as we bridge Web2, Web3 and beyond.

Buy a ticket here

ENS Small Grants

Voting on small grants is expected to commence next week

2. Endowment Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

@Stakehouse | Sebastien Derivaux (X)

Stakehouse made their September 2023 Update and presented on the call.

  • Key Points
    • ENS revenue for Septemer was at $1.9M
    • Cash inflow was at $1M
    • Runway is at 139 months

@Karpatkey | Tomas (X)
The ENS endowment sits at $53M with the recent funding of the second tranche

The next steps for karpatkey are deploying the funds received from the second tranche with the following priorities:

  1. Increase rETH exposure
  2. Reduce stETH exposure to 20%
  3. Introduce stratagies via Stakewise and DIVA

3. DAO Tooling

Scopelift (X) | @Ben DiFrancesco (X)

Scopelift is a software engineering consultancy business focused on crypto that wants decentralized governance to thrive. Ben brought a potential attack vector with the OpenZepplin Governor Contracts, which ENS uses for their governance contracts, to the attention of the Metagov call, specifically citing multi-block MEV (not live yet, just hypothetical) as a case study.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 17th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | X), @nick.eth (ENS | X), @5pence.eth (ENS | X)


  1. General DAO Updates
    • Invalid Refund name proposal
  2. Budget Requests
  3. Weekly Endowment Updates

Notes by @limes


nick.eth, 5pence.eth, limes.eth, charlie feng, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, marcus estmcmxci, slobo.eth, tomas, Dan, 184.eth, Santinomics, Jeff Lau, Senad

1. General DAO Updates

Invalid Names Refund

The movement of funds in regards to [EP4.3]“Refund Invalid .eth Names” has been executed and is in process. The secretary and metagov team expect that invalid name refunds will occur this week.

2. Budget Requests

Budget requests between the three working groups are expected to be posted inside the October funding window. These requests are being drafted for the purpose of 6 months of runway so that stewards are not immediatley prompted to request funds in the first days of their term.

3. Endowment Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

@Karpatkey | Tomas (X)
Karpatkey has been executing upon their goals of increasing the rETH position and reducing the stETH position within the ENS Endowment

The expected release of the monthly report is today, October 17, 2023.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 24th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Budget Voting Window Open
    b. Small Grants is LIVE
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates
  3. DAO Tooling
    a. Presentation from Agora - roadmap/ feature wishlist

Notes by @limes

1. General DAO Updates

ENS Working Group Funding Proposal

Voting for Working Group funding proposals is live on Snapshot.

ENS Small Grants

Small grants voting is live! Anyone who has participated in small grants voting in the past has an ENS voting card NFT. Accounts with an ENS voting card NFT can allocate a total of 100 points across their favorite projects.

Invalid Name Proposal Refund

The invalid name refund proposal payment is expected to go out at the end of this week. It is currently undergoing a review and validation process.

2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

Karpatkey is in the process of adding rETH strategies to the treasury as seen the Aura category denoted in teal below

Executable votes to update the strategies will be going live later this month.

3. DAO Tooling

Agora | @Charlie Feng

Agora builds end-to-end governance software for some of the biggest DAOs (They built an ENS onchain voting and proposal platform).

Agora wants to help build the next 100 years of ENS and have identified four main goals to help make this viable.

  1. Make the proposal process fool proof
  2. Lower the barrier to propose (without introducing spam)
  3. Maintain an engaged delegate and contributor base
  4. Making delegation more fluid (redelegate, split delegation)

Agora plans to add structure to all parts of the governance structure:

The Agora <> ENS partnership looks to provide the best example of all DAO operations. Look for future releases in the coming months.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

1 Like

Meta-Governance Meeting, October 31st, 2023




  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Small Grants - thank you to those who voted!
    b. Voting Windows
    c. Name Normalization Update
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates
  3. DAO Tooling
    • Agora
  4. Open Discussion
    • Social proposal to ask the keyholders to transfer the root to the DAO

Notes by @estmcmxci



184.eth, 5pence.eth, coltron.eth, estmcmxci.eth, ethdaily, gregskril.eth, jefflau.eth, katherine.eth, nick.eth, santinomics, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp.eth, yitong zhang


1. General DAO Updates

  • Small Grants:

    • Voting for Small Grants round has concluded; community was highly engaged in the grants voting process.
    • Stewards and community expressed gratitude for @gregskril’s contribution.
    • @vegayp recommends retrospection on the process, winners and greater publicity for grant rounds; a discussion on reflecting and iterating on the ensgrants round is floated for next week
    • Small Grants rounds were acknowledged as a way to increase community engagement outside of domain purchases and forum activity.
    • Consider feedback mechanisms for small grants
  • Executive Proposals:

  • Name Normalization Refunds:

    • 116ETH is set to be refunded to about 2800 addresses who had invalid names. Final verification is still in progress.
  • Budget Transparency:

    • Forum post regarding budget transparency is upcoming.
    • More detailed breakdown of compensation for stewards and other roles will be available by week’s end.
    • The community emphasizes fairness and transparency in compensation.
    • General consensus on standardizing steward compensation was addressed .

2. Weekly Endowment Updates

Karpatkey Updates:

3. DAO Tooling: Agora

  • Stewards have tentatively approved funding to improve the proposal process.
  • The main focus is on engaging delegates and contributors. Another aim is to simplify the proposal process while preventing spam.
  • Yitong addresses difficulties faced by first-time delegates in accessing their delegated votes.
  • Suggestions made for potential solutions, including re-delegating tokens.
  • Agora will present an improvement proposal in the coming weeks that can enable past delegates to re-delegate tokens; essentially acting as a registry which the governor contract will listen to as a second source of votes.

4. Proposal for Root-Key Transfer to ENS DAO:*

  • Nick.eth proposes a transfer of the root-key to the ENS DAO, in line with the DAO’s anniversary (November 10th).
  • This move aims for further decentralization.
  • Discussion about the specific controls and functions of the root.

Note on the root-key:
The ENS DAO currently holds ownership of the .eth registrar and has the ability to update the control of the “namewrapper” among other functionalities. However, the core ENS root name remains under the control of the original multi-signature system. This system can create new Top Level Domains (TLDs) and adjust controls for existing TLDs. The notable exception is .eth, which is permanently set and cannot be altered. A function exists that allows locking of any TLD permanently, but it has only been applied to .eth. The primary reason to make any changes to this system is to update reverse resolutions. Moreover, the Labs team is prepared to support primary domain names on Layer 2 solutions (L2s).


Meta-Governance Meeting, Nov 7, 2023




  1. General DAO Updates


Social Proposals

  1. Weekly Endowment Updates

  2. Open Discussion

  • Role + Scope for: DAO Engineer
  • DAO Bylaws?

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, November 7th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. EPs (Executable Proposals)

    1. Karpatkey #3
    2. WG Funding

    b. Social Proposals

    1. Expand Terms for Stewards
    2. Stream for Service Providers
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates

  3. Open Discussion
    a. Role + Scope for: DAO Engineer
    b. DAO Bylaws?

Notes by @don.nie (New note-taker, please reach out if you have feedback on the notes)

1. General DAO Updates

Two Executable Proposals (EPs): Onchain voting which cause on action to occur voted on in Agora! Spread the word for participation please! If you know delegates, please make sure they know.

Endowment permissions to karpatkey

Voting for Endowment permissions to karpatkey is live.

Working Group Funding

October 2023 Working Group Funding is live!

Will payout grant recipients and ensure that discretionary funding exists to support working groups.

Two Social proposals: Social proposals are a temp check!

Expand Terms for Stewards

The Expand Terms for Stewards is here. Biggest change is expanding steward terms to 1 year.


A discussion occured on the pros and cons of the length being moved to 1 year. Was acknowledged that it takes time to step into a role and understand the workings of the DAO. 1 Year both ensures continuity and ensures stewards have enough time to fully get into their role. Also noted that if someone steps down as a steward it will trigger an immediate election.

Also discussed was the possibility of staggering elections in the future so the overhead for steward voting occurs every six months.

Stream for Service Providers

The Stream for Service Providers closes tomorrow!


Broad discussion around needing to think through who has responsibility for the $3.6m allocated for service providers as well as the governance of allocating the funds.

Nick recommends allocation fall under ecosystem, but changes to the rules fall under Meta-gov. This also gets into having a proper state of bylaws. Nick also recommends, if this passes, the DAO should create a meta-set of rules for governing this allocation of capital. And this could be second set of bylaws after DAO Bylaws. (See notes on bylaws below)

Broadly acknowledged that there should be/ should have been more thinking aroud dates, espcially deadlines given to service providers for submissions.

2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

Waiting for stakewise to be on mainnet.
Good news: Published in detail payload decoder script here: GitHub - karpatkey/payload_decoder_v1 can chat through telegram. Idea is to input json and receive human-readable, auditable, description of transaction.

Still increasing rETH exposure. Capital Utilization up from last week. Working to get to 100% capital utlization. Any questions feel free to ask

3. Open Discussion

Role + Scope for: DAO Engineer

Team wanted someone to help out Greg as felt was asking him to do too much.
Update: Testing out-sourced dev resources to support Greg 1x Day/week for 3 months as part of a trial.

DAO Bylaws

Discussion centered around the need to create Bylaws to help the DAO govern itself. This so everyone in the DAO knows the current state of rules, potential changes to rules, and has a broad set of rules to follow in the responsibilities of their job.

This GovNerd from Optimism was given as an example: RFP: GovNERD(s) · Issue #109 · ethereum-optimism/ecosystem-contributions · GitHub

Nick both recommended creating an RFP to have a service provider (legal) create a set of bylaws for the DAO to vote on. Nick agreed to create a simple RFP as an action item following the call.

A discussion also centered around the need for a role (part-time) to handle the governance of the bylaws.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Meta-Governance Meeting, Nov 14, 2023

  • Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).

Hi all- due to steward conflicts today, this week’s call will be CANCELLED.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, November 21st, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates @karpatkey + Monthly @Steakhouse
  3. DAO Tooling
    a. Sablier
    b. Superfluid
    c. LlamaPay
  4. Open Discussion

Notes by @don.nie

1. General DAO Updates

2. Updates

Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

  • Capital Utilization now over 80% due to increased ETH exposure strategies.
  • Made commitment to divest no more than 20% of staked ETH to Lido. As a result rETH exposure increased

Monthly (@steakhouse)

  • Reserves up and runway up as ETH price increases
  • Biggest concern is that revenues are trending lower, might just be due to bear market ending in Septmeber
  • 151 months of runway ~10 Years & Cash flow positive
  • Copy of slide deck can be found in the forums!
  • Haven’t added forecast scenario for revenue streams yet

3. DAO Tooling

Presentations for payments tooling

1. Sablier

Paul Berg: https://app.sablier.com

  • Two ways to create streams
    • Time or Fixed States
    • Deposit funds upfront but then run as scheduled
  • Users can track payments over time through dashboard
    • Can estimate earnings in the future
  • Can create all streams in one proposal through batch contract
  • Stream history gives etherscan links + integration with TokOS for accounting/tax purposes

2. Superfluid

Mike D’Aliessi: https://app.superfluid.finance

  • Open streaming protocol; Tokens stay in wallet and wrapped into protocol so can do open ended streaming
  • Transparent streaming dashboard so anybody can see fund movement
  • Can also do bulk streaming
  • Can re-direct streams; seamless automation of payments
  • Can export stream data for accounting/tax purposes into a csv and has TokOS integration
  • Docs: https://docs.superfluid.finance/superfluid/

3. LlamaPay

Omar A: https://llamapay.io

  • Used by numerous DeFi protocols; example: https://llamapay.io/yearn
  • Lower gas fees
  • TVL: $2.4m, double alternatives
  • Can schedule streams without making full deposit
  • csv export function for reporting
  • Github repo: GitHub - LlamaPay/llamapay
  • Can batch multiple streams in one transaction

4. Open Discussion


Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, November 28th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Name Normalization- update and new ETA
    b. RFP for Bylaw Creation: pls send to qualified candidates!
  2. Endowment Updates from @karpatkey
  3. Demo from Hedgey Finance (Continuation of Payments Tooling)
  4. Open Discussion

1. General DAO Updates

Name Normalization- update and new ETA

RFP for Bylaw Creation: pls send to qualified candidates!

2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

Reports can be found here: https://reports.karpatkey.com/?dao=3&month=10&year=2023

  • Capital utilization almost at 100%
  • Top left shows entire endownment
  • Bottom left shows ETH in the endownment ~80% of endownment value

3. Demo from Hedgey Finance (Continuation of Payments Tooling)

Lindsey Winder from https://hedgey.finance/

  • Focus on token vests, lock-ups, and streams
  • Recipients can view stream and claim as desired
  • Creating a stream creates a public dashboard for building transparency
  • If have a stream, can transfer entire stream unless revocable stream
  • Smart contracts have no admins and are non-upgradeable; smart contracts audited by ConsenSys Diligence
  • Integrations with tax/accounting tools. Can reach out to have downloadable reports

3. Open Discussion

Stream for Providers- standards + metrics Q&A with @avsa.eth

  • Recommend meta-gov oversees process and individual streams overseen by ecosystem, but can wait until next year to create a new working group to manage the Streams Initiative
  • Service providers should provide regular updates, but if updates stop stewards should intervene and stop stream payments.
  • Currently don’t know who stewards will be for next year, but want to let them develop own processes
  • Interval of updates could be minimum of 1 month to show proof of life, but stewards should dig in for more updates as needed
  • Goal is for projects to improve stability and grow ENS, but want to be lenient and allow all projects to be on the ballot


  • Google doc drafted for temp check on ENS affiliate/referral program: [Temp Check] ENS Referral Program - Google Docs
  • Please read and provide feedback!
  • Key challenge: Self-refund program where people exploit system for personal gain
  • Want ENS to grow, but registrations are trending down
  • Asking wallet teams how to get ENS featured, receptive but have busy roadmap. BUT having a revenue share program could move ahead in roadmap

Reminder that Steward nominations open 6 December and run until 9 December

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, December 5, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Steward Nominations
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  3. DAO Tooling (@zcf @yitong from Agora)
  4. Open Discussion

1. General DAO Updates

Steward Nominations!

  • Consider applying or refer great candidates!
  • Nominate self in thread
  • Will provide time next week for nominees to speak at this call
  • Focus for next year: Formalize rules of the DAO. How we do governance core responsibility of Metagov
  • Project management / coordinating among many stakeholders/ comunication core competencies for the role

ENS DAO Newsletter Out

Town Hall Next Week

  • 13 December, 2pm EST

2. Endownment Updates

Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

  • Endownment up due to ETH price appreciation

  • 20% of treasury in recently approved, new strategies

Question: What goal/strategy when ETH appreciating in value?
Answer: 7k ETH in stables to maintain runway. Want to discuss next steps during bull market. Endownment doesn’t trade/speculate on price. Goals: 1. Runway properly covered in stables. Will change based on new stream for service providers. (4 Years worth of runway) 2. Match liabilities with holdings in ETH.

Monthly Endowment Updates (@steakhouse)

  • Runway bit shorter due to increased costs last month

Please look at Dune dashboard to dig in!: https://dune.com/steakhouse/ens-steakhouse

Slides and PDF here: ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse - #17 by Steakhouse

3. DAO Tooling (@yitong from Agora)

Yitong Zhang from https://agora.space

1. Presenting new governance workflow ideas from Figma mockups:

Goal: Transparency for all DAO members and agency for individuals to take idea from proposal to execution

  • Proposal Creation from scratch.

  • Suggest do temp check first on Discourse

  • Draft a new concept, integrates with Snapshot

  • Checklist so not lost in process and can request sponsorship

2. Presenting service provider stream oversight ideas from Figma mockups:

Goal: Transparent oversight and project tracking for service providers

  • Aggregate Discourse threads in one location

  • Post updates as proposer and interested party including ability to propose cancellation

Please reach out with any comments/ feedback!

4. Open Discussion

Please review EP4.9 for service provider stream applicants!

Update on timeline for multi-delegation strategy?

  • Mostly ready to go, minor changes to contract being made due to audit. Ready January at the latest

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.