ENS DAO Newsletter #25 - 12/27/2022

ENS DAO Newsletter #25 - 12/27/2022

:wave: Hello!

Hello and welcome to the final Ethereum Name Service DAO Newsletter of 2022, what a year it has been! This edition will review highlights of this year’s past.

New editions will continue to be published weekly in 2023.

This newsletter is available on the ENS DAO Governance Forum, Substack, and Twitter.

Please note: Twitter’s newsletter platform, Revue, is shutting down on January 18, 2023.

We encourage any feedback, questions, or comments!

:ballot_box: Recent Proposals

There are separate authors for either Treasury Management proposal. ¹ ²

Status Proposal Vote Discussion
Draft Endowment: Initial Conditions & Required Steps N/A Discussion
Draft [Social] Routine DAO treasury management ¹ N/A Discussion
Draft [Executable] DAO Treasury Management ² N/A Discussion
Passed [Social] [EP2.2.5] Selection of an ENS Endowment Fund Manager Snapshot Discussion

For details on the ENS DAO proposal process see our Governance Docs.

:spiral_calendar: ENS Calendar

Keep up with important dates by subscribing to the ENS DAO’s calendar.

Special Note: Working Group calls will resume in the new year, please stay tuned to our communication channels for further notice.

:red_gift_envelope: Year in Review

:purple_heart: February

The ENS DAO Newsletter began coverage of Working Groups in the month of February.

@daylon.eth, founder of the newsletter, offered the first edition in full which includes up-to-date coverage of the ENS DAO Working Groups, activity from within the governance forum, important tweets, working group calls, and more. The goal is to provide readers with the absolute best source of ENS news and information, as it happens.

We continue to provide a carefully curated summary of the latest governance proposals, working group discussions, protocol developments, calls to action, market news, and other developments within the wider ENS ecosystem.

Thanks for sticking around!

:rainbow: March

ENS participated in Gitcoin Grants Round 13, offering a matching pool of $69,420 from the ENS Ecosystem Working Group. Proposals passed that enabled the DAO to fund separate working groups.

:cloud_with_rain: April

The $ENS airdrop claim came to a close on May 4th (ENS Anniversary). April also saw the rise of ENS NFT holders clubs like The 10k Club raise the trading volume to unprecedented heights. ENS DAO Newsletter editor @estmcmxci offered a retrospective on the cultural phenomenon, 10k Club, which catalyzed the sales of ENS Domain Names in April 2022. Translation initiatives for relevant learning documentation began, too.

:cherry_blossom: May

Amendments to Working Group Rules were proposed, which included the dissolution of the Community Working Group. Rationale can be found below.

:sun_with_face: June

ENS DAO Steward Elections implemented changes to Working Group Rules, which saw the number of Stewards reduced from 5 to 3 per group. ENS participated in Gitcoin Grants Round 14, offering $42,000 in matching funds. ENS DAO also participated in ETH New York, which saw its first IRL mixer in the city that never sleeps.

:dark_sunglasses: July

New Stewards began their term. Each Working Group nominated lead stewards whose responsibilities are listed below. The ENS DAO also appointed a DAO secretary.

:ocean: August

ENS DAO announced the first recipient of the ENS Ecosystem Fellowship. The Meta-Governance Working Group finalized the Endowment proposal which was set to a DAO vote that month.

:notebook: September

Ethereum completed its merge. Global initiatives within DAO working groups began, initially with translation and localization of relevant learning documentation. The newsletter offered its first editorial in Spanish. The ENS Endowment fund proposal Snapshot vote passed. @nick.eth published a response to Vitalik.eth’s demand-based recurring fees on ENS domains. @Elle97 (hellenstans.eth) hosted a Public Goods Highlights space via the ENS DAO twitter account which featured various women-led projects, including ENS DAO Delegate @she256.

:jack_o_lantern: October

ENS DAO participated in Devcon 6 featuring a collaboration with IYK and POAP. The DAO participated in Gitcoin Grants Round 15, offering $50,000 in matching. ENS announced its formal partnership with DAO Delegate, @Coinbase. ENS Small Grants continued offering support to the most popular projects within the ENS Ecosystem. An ENSIP was proposed, featuring contribution from ENS DAO Ecosystem Stewards.

:maple_leaf: November

ENS DAO celebrated its one year anniversary on November 8th with a live streamed paint party. The DAO Endowment proposal voted in Karpatkey to manage the DAO’s Endowment fund. A new ENSIP was proposed by ENS Builders within the DAO’s ecosystem.

:snowman_with_snow: December

The newly upgraded ENS Documentation site went live. The final Town Hall of the year took place. Notes from the Town Hall can be found below. The ENS Public Goods Working Group announced recipients of 2023 Scholarships. Metropolis (formally known as Orca) offered a review on Pod-style governance organization.

Overall, 2022 was an excellent, productive year for ENS DAO.

Happy New Year, and here’s to a great 2023! :tada:

:handshake: Get Involved

Thank you very much for reading! See you next year!! Take care. :wave: