Proposed ENS Constitution

The ENS Constitution proposed below is a set of rules and guidelines for the ENS community on how ENS should be governed. For an article to pass, it’ll need 67% approval of all votes cast in the first week of the token launch by users when they claim their tokens.

I. Name ownership shall not be infringed

ENS governance will not enact any change that infringes on the rights of ENS users to retain names they own, or unfairly discriminate against name owners’ ability to extend, transfer, or otherwise use their names.


Permissible: ENS governance may enact a change affecting the registration or extension costs of all names based on transparent criteria such as length, as long as it pursues a goal outlined in this constitution.

Not Permissible: ENS governance must not enact a change increasing or reducing the extension costs of a list of existing ENS names, as this would unfairly benefit or penalise a handpicked group.

II. Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism

The primary purpose of registration fees is as an incentive mechanism to prevent the namespace becoming overwhelmed with speculatively registered names. A secondary purpose is to provide enough revenue to the DAO to fund ongoing development and improvement of ENS. ENS governance will not enact any fee other than for these purposes.


Permissible: ENS governance may increase the price of name registrations in order to address excessive speculative registrations induced by a price that is set too low, or because the current price is insufficient to fund ongoing ENS operations at a reasonable level.

Not Permissible: ENS governance must not enact a change imposing a fee for claiming DNS domains inside ENS, because such a fee would be purely an income generating measure and not an incentive mechanism.

III. Income funds ENS and other public goods

Any income generated to the ENS treasury is to be used first of all to ensure the long-term viability of ENS, and to fund continuing development and improvement of the ENS system. Funds that are not reasonably required to achieve this goal may be used to fund other public goods within web3 as ENS governance sees fit.

ENS governance will not allocate funds to a team or individual who does not commit to uphold the same principles outlined in this constitution in their use of the allocated funds.


Permissible: ENS governance may offer grant funding for a public good unrelated to ENS or Ethereum, so long as doing so does not affect the long-term viability of ENS.

Not Permissible: ENS governance must not use the funds to support projects that conflict with the goals of ENS.

IV. ENS Integrates with the global namespace

In order to facilitate making the most widely usable naming system, ENS aims to integrate with the legacy DNS naming system to the greatest extent possible without sacrificing decentralization of ENS. ENS governance will not enact changes that compromise ENS’s ability to do this.


Permissible: ENS governance should grant control of a top-level domain to its owner in the DNS system on request.

Not permissible: ENS governance must not create new top-level domains unless those domains have been granted to ENS by a DNS authority.

V. Amendments to this constitution by majority vote

Any change may be made to this constitution only by two-thirds majority and at least 1% of all tokens participating.


My controversial opinion is the DAO should ratify some kind of system where a user is able to either obtain a domain they previously owned (In the case they are hacked) or obtain a domain from either an abandoned/Squatted wallet where the holding wallet will not respond, where the user has shown they have made good faith efforts to obtain the name (through bidding on opensea or whatever system is used later). The system to vote if its valid could be based on either Kleros or Aragon’s Court.


language in Article 1 seems a bit vague regarding enjoyment of the rights laid out without being “unfairly” discriminated against doing so. could be interpreted pretty broadly, but if any infringement is implemented by an agreed upon proposal then i suppose that could be fair enough.

totally agree with the importance given to content in Article 2. to underline that, my first registration had a tx fee of $0.62 (




The ENS domain is similar to the domain name in the Internet. I think this is already a universal consensus. There are many reasons why it is not popular, but the main reason I think is that the acceptance is still in doubt. The establishment of this DAO is indeed necessary, although some details There is still room for improvement, and I still think these aspects are already very good. I agree.




Name ownership is an absolute right
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism
ENS Integrates with the global namespace
Amendments to this constitution by majority vote

[disagree(need to do more discussing)]
Income funds ENS and other public goods


Agree, income is important to incentive the developer and make the community longer.


支持发币,什么时候发啊strong text

  • We will support community governance and expand the ENS ecosystem

I believe that both ENS and the DAO space have matured enough that now is the time to pass ENS governance over to the community via the creation of a DAO and the $ENS governance token.


I agree with these four rules.

I thought all of them are very important to run DAO and should be followed.


I feel like there is some misunderstanding over article II. The point is not to try and lock in ENS’s rent-based model; it would be totally legitimate for the DAO to decide to change how ENS charges for domains. The point, rather, is to emphasise that the reason to charge for domains is first and foremost to preserve the namespace for future users - that is, to prevent all the desirable names being registered by speculators immediately - and not primarily as a source of income. That’s why the negative example is charging for registration of a DNS name; there’s no legitimate reason for the DAO to charge for this, even though DNS names nominally compete with .eth names.


totally agree, owners should be able to obtain hacked or missed domain previously they have had


It is undeniable that ENS is currently on the rise. DAO governance seems to be a good way out. After all, unlike traditional web domain projects, openness is the advantage of the blockchain world.


Totally agree
In addition to the amendment, I think at least 20% of the participating tokens can be amended, as this proposal is a constitutional level proposal for ENS.



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I. The name absolute should be the main right. Holder have rights to do with their EN, but do not do any KYC in the future, this is blockchain world. and Maybe one day we will enter the metaverse, and ENS is the passport.

II. People who hold ENS token can be discount to register the name, but should not free for it, or it will become so massvie. And ENS DAO should be developed in the future, this needs money.

III. the funds and income can be given to your ENS team, because you guys work for it. Although you have token, but that is 2 things. I hope you can do more to ENS and make it better. I think you are the future of web3.

IV. yes, ENS needs to integrate with other namesapce. and I hope you can do some thing for other chains.

V. I think we can have a page like Terrastation, voters can easily vote for that. and we just do the majortiy.


I. Name ownership is an absolute right(Permissible)
II. Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism(Permissible)
III. Income funds ENS and other public goods(Permissible)
IV. ENS Integrates with the global namespace(Permissible)
V. Amendments to this constitution by majority vote(Permissible)

I support the joining conditions of all DAO members that I have seen so far, because the prerequisite for choosing ENS and blockchain is to have absolute consensus and trust.
I applied to become a member of the DAO because of unconditional trust and consensus in the blockchain. At the same time, our community also has to learn and make more interesting blockchain links to support liquidity and more charity and feedback in real life!